Together we will shine a light like stars, burning through the dark!


CRank: 5Score: 54050

It's such a joke, I don't know why they don't just put in the exchange rate prices on the store in comparison to the US which would make them like $70, even though it's actually $60 in the states for hard copies. Smh, bastards, they'd still profit the same. Because the majority are so daft they just let companies get away with keeping this trend and placing such high prices despite that it was always a result of conversion rates and import tax years ago. But today in this ...

3954d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Hopefully it's not developed on current gen as well, don't want to limit the potential of this game. Environmental decay and destruction and no load times into cities or areas would be soooooo good.

3954d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Makes perfect sense, they know the game will feel meaningless if it's set before/during the Mass Effect trilogy because we all know the outcome. With space games like this, mystery is captured by the unknown, I don't think seeing anything except after the events of MET will do that. Introducing two new races is a start!

It will be awesome if the two races have been around all along, laying dormant in the cores of planets and that's how they managed to survive the ...

3954d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This might sound strange but how do I purchase this? There isn't a buy button or anything haha.

I live in Australia so unfortunately we won't get awesome black friday deals like the states so this is probably the best PS+ deal to get get unless someone here is kind enough to grab one for me if I pay them first.

3956d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I just get above 30fps with dips every 10-20 seconds on max settings with AA off and God Rays low at 1440p. I think it's a bit ridiculous because I have a 3770k, GTX 690 and 16GB Ram, I also updated my Nvidia drivers, and I'm pretty sure it made it run slightly worse. Something that really got under my skin as well is the rope that wraps around the deck of the Jackdaw, on the PS4, they're individual 3D mesh models. On the PC, it's one block with a rope texture on it. What give...

3958d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Man, this is the game I've dreamed of for so long. I know it already has a limited first person system but if it had a Mass Effect Action/RPG element to it, it would make it just that much more awesome. Imagine seamlessly docking onto a planet, and roaming on a shuttle type craft across large lands, getting out, fighting alien monsters, harvesting minerals, discovering ancient artefacts that could give your ship advanced alien weaponry and such. Or a giant citadel where thousands of playe...

3962d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

It's disgusting that people have to pay through the roof for medical bills for someone elses stupidity or even an accident in America. Does the government f*****g realise the size of these bills, they do realise that people on small earnings can't afford or do anything if they're in an accident this severe without financial aid from dozens of family or someone rich. On top of that, it's permanently disabling someone for life and then you're throwing a huge debt on their he...

3962d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Is Microsoft joking with that thing? Wtf. I've said it before and I'll say it again, it's 100% intentionally made that big so that they can milk the consumer for their supposed "slimmer" version in the future.

3966d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yessss, VGAs pleeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaase hurry up. F4, Rocksteady's next Batman title and the new Mass Effect are what I'm most excited to see :D

3966d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

That looks awesome. Those large surface environments remind me of Mass Effect 1, ah the good old days. I hope the new one has large sandbox environments to explore and do more things than ME1, I miss that open world atmosphere and feel.

3970d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Who didn't see this from the first gameplay? Looks like its met my expectations.

3973d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I always thought Ground Zeroes was a prequel mission in MGS 5 that takes place in a mini open world area outside of the main open world area and sets up the story for it. The title of the mission is called Ground Zeroes.

BUT NOW, I think the announcement might be that they're doing something similar to Dead Rising 2: Case Zero, which is its own game digitally released, with watered down gameplay of the full game, its own unique world and a story that sets up the premise f...

3976d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Is this even an argument? It's so stupid, you might as well buy the DVD version of a film instead of the Bluray for a 1080p screen, because the clarity and sharpness is negligible. /s

It's actually embarrassing that Microsoft's console can't make their games look pretty without sacrificing 1080p on a 2013 console. Do any of their games at all run at 1080p?


3977d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

Cant Microsoft just say one real, honest thing regarding their console? It's like they're allergic to being truthful. Nothing has changed about their attitude at the top of its running corporate structure. Their bloatware OS that you have to pay for to fully use on X1 doesn't support their case either. Saying 'oh sorry, we didn't realise people didn't want to be monetised for every gaming feature so we'll remove them. For now.' does not mean they're doing t...

3985d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Thanks for the enlightenment! :)

3987d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

It's honestly on par with the previous Arkham games. They've improved on everything and the world is fantastic and the Arkham City area doesn't feel rehashed. Plus the story is well written and the music is brilliant. I can't see it getting anything less than an 8, but it's a 10 in my books because I'm a huge Batman fan :D

3987d ago 8 agree1 disagreeView comment

With high dpi displays a little under half of 4K on tablets and 1440p monitors costing less than $500, why is 4K still priced so unbelievably high? Have I missed something? Or are companies just trying to milk the main consumer for its release?

3987d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Pfft, facial tech peaked with Halo Combat Evolved on Xbox, see:

Jokes aside, all three titles look amazing and it can only get better from here. PC/PS4/X1 era is dawning, can't be more excited than I already am!

3988d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

1. Are people that thick headed they can't understand that Arkham Origins is metaphorical and associated with the first incarceration of super criminals and being locked away there. It does show the origin of Batman's relationships with his villains but the story is actually something worth playing and seeing considering the rich universe the game is set in.

2. "What amazes me is the beauty and small details this trailer has leading up to how badass Batman becom...

3989d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Ahhhh, thanks for clearing that up! Well I'd imagine that the USB 3 ports will at least offer external HDD support and allow content and games to run off them yes?

Btw your name is fitting for the topic haha!

3992d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment