Together we will shine a light like stars, burning through the dark!


CRank: 5Score: 54050

I agree man, I hope this game doesn't 'Devastate'. Hopefully the delay is because they're just 'Shaping The Masterpiece'. ;)

3931d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Borderlands 2 will hopefully be awesome, but will it have all the same content plus all the released DLC to date?

Also, the PS Vita is quite capable of handling console titles with obviously not as great graphics but still exceptional (Although Killzone Mercenary looks stunning!). Yet when games like the Lego series come out, it gets the crappy 3DS port. Why? This isn't a low powered device like the 3DS. Open world New York, Middle Earth, Gotham City etc. is what the devi...

3932d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I hope its universe is enormous and explorable like ME1, but with more unique events occurring on planets. I loved getting out of the Mako on a barren planet and seeing the dust blaze across the screen while staring up into the sky and seeing close planets orbit with space rings superimposed. That sense of mystery and the unknown is what made me so captivated by the first game. I only stayed on board because I thought the RPG mechanics would get deeper, the worlds more explorable, it would in...

3932d ago 4 agree3 disagreeView comment

Sure they're in game screenshots, but the resolution of the image is most likely the resolution of the game running on the console.

Ba dum tsh!

3932d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yes because a game that deletes your campaign, boots you out of MP games, crashes randomly in matches, is filled with numerous bugs and glitches is totally just stability issues. What is with large companies having their heads so far up their arse they refuse to accept anything negative, hateful and most of all TRUE towards their product. Lucky it wasn't face to face, I'd hate to talk to someone who outright denies the game I purchased is broken especially when you've invested hou...

3933d ago 48 agree1 disagreeView comment

Omg, I just realised this entire time I was thinking of the X-Wing series haha! Maybe Disney is working on a proper sequel to that amazing franchise simultaneously!

3933d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I don't know why I got so many disagrees, I was genuinely questioning this because I wasn't sure. Thanks to those who answered!

EDIT: I am also sort of worried about the next Halo title, especially because of the 60fps label on it. I hope they don't restrict environment size to keep that steady. Large environments and exploration from the original Halo and 2 is what made CO-OP so damn fun! Well that and the gameplay seemed more enjoyable. It's kind of gotten m...

3933d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

I've heard about this analog problem from everyone, I seem to be really lucky or must have great fingers! I platinum'd Knack and I've already put 30 hours into Killzone and my controller doesn't have any signs of wear on it whatsoever! I wonder what's causing it? Greasy/dirty fingers? Long nails accidentally digging into it every now and then, so when you play with your thumbs, they tear off a bit each time. Hmmm I honestly don't know.

3933d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Yeah fair enough, F2P is pretty awesome on Warframe, so hopefully Disney makes a system similar to that!

And oh boy, those kiddy apps just haven't come yet! haha

3933d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I thought 343 had quite a few of the developers from Bungie and the original Halo working on it?

3933d ago 20 agree11 disagreeView comment

@zod18 I'm pretty pumped for Destiny already!

It was experimental and it wasn't THAT bad haha. I think if they outsourced the franchise to the right studio, they could make something special and different that people would like. Plus catering to a variety of genres would bring gamers who might not usually look twice at the franchise interested in it. They don't really need to, it's still a big franchise on its own but it'd be nice to do it I reckon.

3933d ago 1 agree5 disagreeView comment

Mmm, to be honest, this already feels like a step in the wrong direction for Star Wars games. I think everyone or maybe just me haha expected a next gen completely retail looking Star fighter game akin to Star Citizen. This sort of looks cheap, and it's got micro-transactions painted all over it. It's not like Disney would have risked money had they produced a Star Wars game like Star Citizen, look how much support it's gotten by the PC community! But we'll see, there's a ...

3933d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Agreed haha but I think they mean it's like the Star Wars brand, well they want it to be. It can have spin offs through films, games, comic books etc. which isn't a bad idea. A Halo RPG would be interesting to see.

3933d ago 14 agree4 disagreeView comment

Interesting, I do hope so! Or maybe a PS4 ultra with built in backwards compatibility. The PS Vita port is an accessory port for unknown future peripherals we are yet to see! Though I think if they did Gaikai, you'd only need to connect to wifi or use the 3G on the Vita (If that's fast enough). Video output is most likely the biggest feature the port will introduce I'm guessing. Though I'd like to be amazed by something totally different and wild!

3933d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Ah yes, I knew I had read this idea somewhere originally, was sitting subconsciously at the back of my head, thanks! Such a shame it didn't turn out to be true for Microsoft. I wonder, if they didn't make Kinect Mandatory (despite it apparently being the best feature) and kept the $499 price with backwards compatibility support instead, it would have turned out different for them. Perhaps drawing with Sony rather than being slightly behind.

3933d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

Haha well they probably already thought of this but something (I don't know what) must have turned them away from doing it. Would they not profit from it?

3933d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

N4G is a place of class.

-Stirs wine-

3933d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Sorry for the swearing whoever reported me! I thought this was like comicbookmovie where it would just get edited or people don't mind it as long as it's *

3933d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Might pick this up for Vita if I manage to scrape up some cash. Although, these games have gone so downhill since they hit 360/PS3. I'd love a Single player RPG fighting/adventure game with BT2/3 gameplay, sort of like Final Fantasy with an open world but characters running around that when you run into, a battle starts with BT style. You could also fly everywhere on earth and visit namek, have space battles etc.

EDIT: OR you could have a totally seamless world where battle...

3933d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm not sure how to feel about this game, on the one hand, I love TES series, but on the other, I hate MMOs. Gah, why Bethesda?!? WHY!?!?! Couldn't they have just made TES 6 for next gen instead :(

3933d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment