
CRank: 5Score: 33490

I think this mostly just proves how stupid and pointless Guinness records have become. Although LBP2 will kick ass.

5005d ago 3 agree4 disagreeView comment

Yes EA will certainly lose out. They're profits are based entirely on idiots going into a store and buying a game with a familiar title. If there's downloadable demos for everything people won't get suckered into buying mediocre junk anymore.

5005d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yeah OoT is about the only game that's not debatable as a top 10 of all time. Everything else is subjective.

5007d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

I refuse to accept casual gaming. Everything is being dumbed down to the lowest common denominator so any dumb ass could play it. I've been a gamer most of my life and have evolved a taste for depth and complexity to games. Even the RPGs and shooters of today have LOST features and design elements that should have been expanded upon. The casual gaming push is just an affront to everything that game design has worked towards and a slap in the face to real gamers.

5007d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

As long as they cost less I'm all for it. Most games these days drag on with tons of filler. Instead of tons of 10hr games we need more 5 hour compact ones along with 25+hr epics. So many generic action games these days that I'd love to rent and beat in a day. I just don't have the time to be slogging through some mediocre drawn out game.

5008d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Yeah they better put some of that overpriced crap on sale. XBL is just a joke compared to steam. Steam has amazingly good deals all the time while XBL has at best a weekly %50 off some stupid DLC that could have cost no more than the discounted price to begin with.

The thing is with DLC that distribution cost is next to nothing. After an initial release there is no valid reason to keep prices so high. I would end up spending a ton more money overall on XBL if they offered re...

5009d ago 2 agree5 disagreeView comment

We would have just been better off if Intel and AMD demanded all prebuilt PCs to contain at least a low end dedicated graphics chip. You can still buy freaking $1000 PCs with crappy integrated graphics. I'm sure tons of people go out to buy a new computer and are completely baffled why it doesn't run games.

5012d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I could tell just by the title that this would result in a huge fanboy argument with long posts that no one will read.

5021d ago 7 agree0 disagreeView comment

That's very disappointing. Bad sign that the PC version will be another shoddy console port without any enhancements for more powerful PCs. Modern PC graphics cards are so damned under-utilized.

Although I seriously doubt a PC with those specs could run it in any playable form. On par with something from freaking 2004. Recommended specs are usually what you need to run something above 10fps anyways.

5022d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

It's really just a battle of Microsoft PR vs the Kinects crappiness.

5042d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Damn.... I figured this would primarily be a discussion about how much the show sucks and not you nerds debating which token hot chick would be best to salivate over.

5042d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

If it's an exact remake I'm all there. Change anything aside from better graphics and XBL multiplayer and I'll have to pass.

5044d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Haha I just can't wait until there's a WW2 shooter from the Nazi perspective.

5097d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

It should have never been over $199. No one is going to pay significantly more money for a new version of an old system with almost no functional benefits. Not to mention not being able to play any of the games you already bought for PSP.

5097d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Good for people with only a PS3 I guess. But really there's no point in playing ME2 without playing the first one. Just such a good epic series. Everyone should play it on a PC. $50 graphics card could run ME1 well these days.

5099d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

It's funny how sales this generation are the exact opposite of quality. Wii is utter garbage in every respect, and 360/PS3 are about equal aside from PS3's superior exclusives.

5099d ago 3 agree4 disagreeView comment

Well Golden Eye definitely doesn't hold up to modern visuals, controls, or presentation. But even today the level design is pretty damned good. I miss the good old days where each level was unique and self contained, even if it didn't make sense. Modern games try so hard to make this continual story that it ends up being just a boring blur after awhile. That's why I loved Halo 1's campaign so much. Really the last game to have that structured campaign which made each mission m...

5105d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well if its the same American team that did Homecoming I wouldn't hold out much hope. You need Japanese minds to come up with truly disturbing stuff.

5105d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

haha good one. that whiny emo trailer screams fail.

5105d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well as long as they continue to work on it who cares? Gears 2 was probably rushed for the holiday and that's why the multiplayer was so messed up. I'd rather have anything be delayed and made better even if for business purposes. Of course the other reason for delays is the game being an broken piece of garbage that they need a few extra months to sew together into something passable.

5105d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment