
CRank: 5Score: 5800

You don't even need to play Mass Effect 2 to know that using radars to ensure noone sneaks up on you is a tool for n00bs. Nuff said.

5001d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Maybe this guy just sucks at games? lol I mean c'mon, a radar so people don't sneak up on you? Isn't that what n00bs use in Metal Gear Solid because they never have the where-with-all to do something like look behind them and check to see if they're being followed? You know, like in every other shooter you're supposed to be mindful of ALL sides, not just front left and right.

5001d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Pssst, Big Daddy is neither an exclusive 360 character nor would it work in the Mortal Kombat universe.

5003d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

These stupid developers didn't include the Mclaren F1 but they put in every stupid identical obsolete version of the Pagani Zonda every stupid year it came out? Are you kidding???????? The Zonda's a piece of garbage compared to the Mclaren F1, this couldn't be a bigger dealbreaker, definitely NOT buying this crap then.

5004d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The entire reason Microsoft dropped a truckload of cash off at Square Enix's door was simply to hurt Sony from selling more consoles from FF13. Microsoft didn't make anywhere near the return on investment required to break even given what it sold on the 360. It was a crap game for FF fanboys anyways.
Gamers all act like spoiled brats anyways so really, who cares what they think? They never ever act with their wallets as much as they claim, they're like drug addicts who wi...

5008d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yeah that's because he's an arcade racing fan. He'd rather be playing Outrun or Burnout for all the racing tards out there with no driving skill.

5008d ago 9 agree2 disagreeView comment

Its not a hype term, if you know anything about computer programming or game engines, or processes in coding, then you'd know that if you do things a certain "way" which is inefficient, then you're going to max out the console based upon your current processing of code. Whereas if you process the code different next time, or you have a more efficiently run game engine (as you all know game engines keep getting updated to newer more efficient versions ie. Unreal Engine 3) the...

5018d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

WOW, gamers seem to treat games the same way drug addicts treat drugs - they feel as if this is something they absolutely cannot live without, and they never get it that they can always just not buy something if they don't want it.
If you're a sap who gives into every stupid marketing campaign out there then of course you're going to end up with things you don't want or need.
The point is there is a market place and there are things you will or won't want...

5042d ago 8 agree0 disagreeView comment

This article isn't exactly true, it was the director Kazunora or whatever his name is that said the game looked better in real life. But you know why people went crazy over hyping this game? The game, as it turns out, looked crazy good, and the prologue version looked AND played crazy good, so the hype was justified. Fanboys, of which the internet is full of, are the most douchebag bitter pieces of shit on the planet, and bashed this game in reviews (for the most insignificant complaining...

5049d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well to be fair, they did come up with Guitar Hero which to my knowledge made them truckloads of money, but their CEO is the biggest asshole on the planet with an ego bigger than the goodyear blimp. The bad mouthing that Kotick has done towards other developers is staggering, he obviously rests on the laurels of GH and COD to get his company by, which is why he has no problem burning bridges by completely destroying any relationship Activision had with developers and other publishers (like EA...

5063d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Funny, I never remember anything about an itunes like store for downloading stuff, that was just an idea not an actual hard promise from the developers, so the glorified unemployed bitter blogger who wrote this shit article is clearly not getting his facts right, nor does anyone give a shit about compatibility with gran turismo HD, which was just a demo, which again was never promised because noone needed it to be, shithead.

5067d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Firstly, the 360 was a broken console right up until this year when they re-released it. Microsoft had no idea how to fix its overheating problem, it wasn't just the first year of consoles that had this problem it was practically every single year thereafter which was costing M$oft a billion dollars a year in replacing consoles that were in warranty.
But really, its amazing how immature the games industry is - everything from gamers to the gaming press, it really shows how childi...

5075d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

bejeweled was not a game changer, it was just some game people played all day while bored at work, thus the huge number of hours and downloads. It was something you could play at work in between errands, nothing more. Same as farmville.

Thing is, the only 2 actual good games on that list are GTA3 and half life 2, halo was adequate at enough things and had the super mario style cartoony graphics to entice enough twitching, drooling, mouth breathing xbox tards to buy it in dro...

5084d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

it's true, they are a ridiculous group of people. They make up 2 percent of the population but think characters should all be like them. Think of what it does to a character when you change their sexual orientation - imagine kratos with an option to jump in a pool with either 2 girls, or in one next to it with 2 guys - it changes his character drastically. Plus it's perverted and unnatural and is completely a choice, but that's another discussion for another day.

5084d ago 6 agree5 disagreeView comment

so sex is a childish thing? what are you a pedophile? lol I love hoe people like to try and distance themselves from things by calling it childish when clearly it's adult oriented. If you had an ounce of testosterone in your system you'd understand what the sex minigames do in GOW - it serves to create character for Kratos, he likes sex just as much as every other man. And yes I mean every other man, as every man, admit it or not, has fantasized about having 2 girls in bed. Stop playi...

5084d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

And really there's nothing dumber than rushing through a game to get it back to gamestop unless there's a guarantee of your full money back in credit if you return it within a week.

5089d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

People will definitely go through speed runs, others will die constantly and it will take longer, but overall I'd say this game will have huge length differences between different players. Same with Metal Gear Solid 4, If you take your time and get to know everything, experiment with stuff, watch all the cut scenes, it takes 15 hours for some people, but you can speed run it in less than 2 hours if you're good enough.

5089d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I have 10 platinum trophies, just got assasins creed 2, the easiest was the God of War collection, you can get platinum on 1 playthrough on GOW 2, and 2 playthroughs on GOW 2.
Terminator salvation is so shitty it isn't even worth the trophies.
Uncharted is really hard on the hardest difficulty, same with Uncharted 2.
Heavy Rain would take forever because you have to get all 21 different endings.
God of War 3 was also easy as pie.
Need for S...

5124d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

You know why RE4 wasn't a genuine RE game? Because it was actually GOOD and had AWESOME controls and level design, and it ditched thos ridiculously retarded puzzles and whint emo bitch characters from past games. Period. RE5 was too short and relied too heavily on co-op, but it had some good weapons, better controls, no crappy puzzles that make no sense which was a plus, but was just too short.
I love the over the shoulder camera, its the best thing that stupid RE franchise ever...

5127d ago 2 agree4 disagreeView comment

How exactly does the word Solid have anything to do with it being in 3D? That sounds like internet garbage heaved up by speculating gaming sites. Even if it was from Kojima it doesn't mean the word Solid in MGS had NOTHING to do with Solid Snake.

5127d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment