
CRank: 5Score: 5800

Exactly, non-gamers and casual gamers will never get it. They don't understand competition. Its why people who don't care about golf couldn't care less about your golfing trophies lol.

4756d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment
4756d ago Show

LOL I love how this unemployed female blogger has all the time in the world to rant on and on (which could fill a novel) about how an attractive girl with her own viewpoint has a different life and therefore experiences than her, and then proceed to badmouth her and call her a sexist. She's committing the same old crime of thinking her life is a representation of the majority of people, or gamers, or those living in "Indie land" as she puts it.

She then goes ...

4756d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Every Resident evil other than RE4 and 5 were complete garbage. Horrible controls, horrible camera angles, horrible inventory system, the dumbest game design with the worst puzzles. Mentally ill masochist gamers who enjoy torturing themselves enjoyed early RE games for the same reason people love the game Demon's Souls - they're socially retarded masochists who enjoy things being needlessly difficult.

4756d ago 0 agree7 disagreeView comment

Beyond Good an Evil? Really? Good reviews and a tiny fanbase can have an impact on marketability? How many well received games with extremely high critic scores went absolutely notwhere because they were just too different? Okami didn't even sell on the Wii despite high review scores. Even now the HD remake isn't selling for 10 bucks. The sequel probably won't happen given several problems with development, publishing etc., some games just don't make it out the door because of...

4761d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

It's all in the eye of the beholder. She's only a pair of walking tits if that's what YOU see. That is, YOU'RE the one objectifying her, and staring at her tits like she's just an object. There's nothing wrong with a girl with big boobs, the problem is YOU if that's all you see.

4762d ago 4 agree4 disagreeView comment

Insomniac had a ton to learn from the last 2 games, they really found a sweet spot that people will really enjoy I think. They took criticisms from the second game and finally applied parts of the first game that actually worked. RE2 had awful pacing in single player but brilliant multiplayer, they really did some fixes this time around on single player thankfully.

4765d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

It's more than obvious that the entirety of the nay-sayers and whiny complainers of this innocuous statue are all fat ugly girls with inferiority complexes.

4767d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

Turns out the real thing gamers have t obe mad about is the crappy framerate, according to Eurogamer its worse than the original which is bafelling - a real n00b development team must have handled this one lol.

4770d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment
4784d ago Show

@ A Ti_lite: I wouldn't call developers lazy, just untalented, they work 90 hours a week and sleep underneath their desks just to make deadlines. Computer Programming is the biggest pain in the ass, and multiple console programming is an even bigger pain in the ass, its a mirical when a game comes out decent, it takes years of hard work from huge teams of people, trust me.

@kaveti6616: Are you high? clearly you can't possibly consider yourself intelligent about any...

4790d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

lol Yakuza 4? Really? You didn't play Duke Nukem?

4790d ago 0 agree13 disagreeView comment

Right, because movie-based videogames always turn out fantastic.... oh wait

4790d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Of course its not going to hurt the game - what's going to hurt is if they keep that absolutely attrocious gameplay that has plagued the series since the very first installment (last top down shooter Tomb Raider excepted)

4792d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

But really, I love how the author thinks he can speak for the majority of gamers. Noone can speak for the majority of gamers, its just HIS opinion, and while people think the highest of their own opinions, it isn't necessarily what the majority of people think - something you learn if you're mature enough to wrap your head around it.

4793d ago 7 agree0 disagreeView comment

Really? PR? With his foul mouth and constant apologizing for offending people after saying incredibly rude things a lot of the time? Noone's looking for Jaffe to do Public Relations, trust me lol

4796d ago 9 agree0 disagreeView comment

I know, when will idiots ever realize that art isn't about taking things "seriously", or being "mature". Art and free speech are to be protected only on principle, whether you agree with it or not. Just because that speech is "immature" or "not artsy" or "in bad taste", its still speech and is still protected regardless.

4797d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

Jaffe and his team are more artistic than anything else, they're like the Polyphony Digital folks, always taking a very long time to make sure everything is exactly right, however their organizational skills don't exactly lend to getting this accomplished as quickly as they should.

Its the gameplay they're focusing on, everything else comes secondary. Gameplay is the most difficult art to create, you can make something look pretty, but if isn't fun you end ...

4797d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

Ahhh the ignorance displayed from virgins on this site is nothing short of hilarious... BAHAHAHAAHAAAAA

4797d ago 2 agree6 disagreeView comment

I always trade games, when you finally get a life, a job, and have responsibilities, time for gaming goes out the window, you'll be lucky if you get an hour to play the newest game.
Since most people reading this are likely living in their parentss basement with little to no responsibilities, they're more than likely to have an enormous library of games that they have all the time in the world to go back and visit.
In that case, its only good to keep games that have...

4797d ago 4 agree5 disagreeView comment