
CRank: 5Score: 5800

@Nitrowolf It was a joke you idiot, its called a hyperbole, when you exaggerate for comic effect.... ugh can someone else explain to this guy what a joke is? I've lost interest.

4913d ago 21 agree36 disagreeView comment

And again, another moron who knows nothing about business writing an article about business, and in the process clearly displaying his juvenile ignorance, and pointless hatred towards a game noone ever forced him to buy, idiot lol

4913d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

how is the Datsun glitched? I was wondering why such a shitty car made number 2 lol seriously THIS many xbox owners would drive that crappy car just for a glitch?

4913d ago 4 agree4 disagreeView comment

The reason people think "rape" is because they have a sick mind and that's the first thing that comes into their head, probably because its what they would've done in that same situation.

Its kindof like those people who accuse everyone for being gay - everyone from cartoon characters, to Teletubbies, to William Shakespeare, they accuse them of being gay because that's what's on their mind all the time, so that's what comes up when noone else wo...

4916d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Shorter life cycles? Shorter than 5 years which is what we've had every generation until this one? Do you realize how bankrupt Console makers would be if they had to come out with a console every 3 years? There's a massive amount of marketing and technology that goes into them, Sony spent billions coming up with the PS3 with its Cell architecture, they needed a 10 year life cycle just for some of that to pay off. Noone wants to spend billions on something that they're going to rep...

4917d ago 11 agree1 disagreeView comment

Of course this is just a lame attempt at fishing for hits, 15 hours is a long time for a first person shooter campaign, but of course the title aims to discredit the game as if people sit down and play videogames 15 hours a day - completely ridiculous. Even the fat stereotypical gamer drinking mountain dew, living off cheetos and ring dings doesn't play that long.

4919d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Of course, the reason this comment was even thought of is because the poster is guilty of it himself lol

4923d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

All this reviewer whines and cries about is the storyline, must be one of those overly pretentious British reviewers who thinks they're way smarter and cleverer than they actually are.

4924d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

Hasn't anyone heard of doing business? The new versions have upgraded HD graphics, they run much smoother with less screen tearing and they include trophies, so there's obviously some additional value being sold.
Plus its a good chance for people who are just entering the gaming world to catch up on old games that they never would have otherwise played, catching the previously told stories, a lot of which are very worthy with the likes of God of War 1 and 2, and now the ICO a...

4930d ago 6 agree1 disagreeView comment

This comparison is fixed, what kind of 1984 television was the original being played on? lol
I NEVER remember RE4 being THAT fuzzy, and I was playing it on PS2.

4932d ago 9 agree2 disagreeView comment

Hasn't this crap been posted over and over and over, one article after another, with no real content, no news, nothing we haven't read before or seen before 100 times? There's literally nothing new in this article that we haven't known before.

4938d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

This is a recycled list from years ago, notice how old all these games are?

4938d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

The guy with the heavy machine gun was Ricco

4955d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

@tunaks1 Yeah I mean, who wants commercials that are funny, that get reported about constantly (thus increasing exposure which is the ultimate goal) and are ones people actually love to watch?
LOL you must live in Germany where humour is against the law - or you're just retarded, one of the reasons no company will ever be putting you on their marketing team.

4967d ago 10 agree4 disagreeView comment

Call of Duty isn't really boring if you play single player, its only boring on your 10th time playing single player - multiplayer is always boring to me, but nonetheless, there's wayyyyyy too many bitter, sarcastic, and hit-fishing 'nobody' sites that will want to get noticed by giving good games bad ratings. It happens more and more, with internet trolls fishing for hits by saying "this game that just about everyone thinks is great - well guess what, I'm more sophist...

4969d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

That's because it was actually a legitimately good game, and the reason it was so similar to the first was for the same reason - it was good too.

And you really have to be a giant nerd to look in the vents and wonder why they didn't include a whole realized drawn out vent system that noone would ever, ever look at or bother with - waste of time and polygons.

4973d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

The problem is these sites have found out that they can make way more money fishing for hits in advertising by being internet trolls who bash every game that they personally dislike, or just wasn't "for them" (if the game isn't for you you shouldn't be reviewing it as you aren't the target audience for the game and won't be able to give an opinion that is representative of the target audience, you shouldn't see FPS fans reviewing real time strategy games)

4975d ago 43 agree3 disagreeView comment

Yeah there were both xbox and ps3 people voting for red dead seeing as how its multi-plat, whereas only PS3 gamers were voting for God of War, if this were just PS3 gamers voting the results would be a LOT different, seeing as how Red Dead was the only game worth playing on the 360 in 2010, aside from Mass Effect 2.

4993d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

Then you go on to say that games should be eradicated, but then you say they should be kept in society but thought of as a privilege all in the same sentence - so which is it, eradication or not? Also, games are products that we buy and we have the right as consumers to do with them what we wish and make free choices, to buy or not to buy, to use or not to use. There is no issue with rights or privileges here.

4993d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

There are too many ignorant statements in this post - for one, I have no clue why someone who seemingly hates games (even though they're better now than they've ever been, EVER) why would this guy take the time to not only search around on a GAMING website which he claims to have no interest in, but also read the articles and take the time to write in the comments section? Makes no sense but ok, perhaps he has more free time on his hands than he's letting on.
In terms of ...

4993d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment