CRank: 5Score: 24070

@from the beach

You've got two choices, not be happy but pay to play online anyway or refuse to buy plus on principle. You miss out on multiplayer gaming but you take a stand for what you believe in.

Theres not many of us in that second group...

4017d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Its was announced as Driveclub plus edition at their conference and specified that it would be a stripped back version.

Still not bad for a launch title though.

4017d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Im glad cross game chat is outside the paywall. Still not renewing my subscription though. I dont believe its right to charge for something that has been free since the PS2 days. I think plus is great value and worth it in itself, hence why Ive been a plus subscriber from day one, but if I dont take a stand for what I believe in I'll be being untrue to myself.

Im not knocking anyone who buys plus, it is great value, but the principle is wrong to me and Im strong enough to...

4017d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

@mike myers about reading the quote properly. It shouldnt be difficult to copied it into your comment.

It didnt say most terrible line up ever, it said worst line up available. And it didnt say it was expensive compared to other consoles, it said too expensive for their liking.

Big differences.

4020d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

Whilst Im dead against it I do applaud Sony for their openess. Theres no secrecy, no hiding information, no confused messaging. Whatever your thoughts on the matter you have to say Sonys being very transparent about everything.

And allowing a range of features to be used outside of plus, even games like Planetside 2, is at least some silver lining.

4022d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I think you'll find the views are split between:

1 Those who have plus anyway so mp being behind the paywall makes no difference

2 Those who dont like it but will buy it because they want to game online

3 Those who dont like it and wont support it

How many people here who arent plus members are saying its ok? Im guessing not many. If they thought it was ok they would have bought plus already.

4022d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I agree. I can see why people like plus, Ive been a happy plus member from day one, but it should have stayed as it was and I cant support the practice of paying for online. Im not knocking those who will buy plus, if anything Im envious of them, but Im willing to make the online sacrifice for my beliefs.

4022d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Im currently a plus member and have been from the start, however I dont agree with being charged for multiplayer. The console I buy is capable of online out of the box, the game I buy has multiplayer access on the disc, I pay for my internet service to my provider, where is the cost to Sony?

Plus is great value and I think if it had stayed the same more people would have bought it for the value it offers. Charging for multiplayer wasnt necessary, they saw that Microsoft got ...

4022d ago 1 agree5 disagreeView comment

Are we really that lazy that instead of people getting off the sofa and changing the lead in the back of the tv we'd rather run a second console at the same time?

Im guessing the people who think this is a good think are either still living with their parents and dont pay the electricity bill or have too much money to throw away to care about the environmental impact of needlessly running two consoles.

4022d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Plus is great value and well worth the investment which is why I dont feel they needed to charge for online, enough people will buy it to give Sony a nice little income. If you make it worth it people will buy it. Putting multiplayer behind a paywall isnt necessary and it doesnt sit well with me. Even though its great value I wont support the practice of charging for something that has always been free on Playstation until this point.

4023d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Difference will be minimal on multiplats, once Naughty Dog enter the fray though...

4023d ago 28 agree1 disagreeView comment

Im a plus subscriber currently, but I wont be renewing because I dont believe in paying for multiplayer. So no, for some of us its not okay and some of us will be making a stance against it.

4023d ago 0 agree7 disagreeView comment

Can anyone confirm, is cross game chat part of plus or is it free? Do we know yet?

4023d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I have a coiple of questions:

How "lite" will the plus edition be? Its been stated it will have reduced features, possibly less cars/tracks.

Will the missing features be made available as DLC for those who wish to upgrade their plus edition to the full one?

People who buy the full game but dont have plus, what features can they still use? Leaderboards? Forming clubs etc?

Hopefully get some answers over the coming we...

4024d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

If XB1 sales come in under expectation and MS is made aware its because of theur restrictiins it will put others, namely Sony and Nintendo off doing similar in the future.

Let them stick to their policies. I know there are people who want to buy an XB1 but I would urge you all...wait. Delay a year or so, you dont have to buy a PS4 as an alternative if you dont want, but by sacrificing your time to make a stance you can be sure MS gets the message that their consumers are mor...

4024d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment


If you test drove a Ford Focus which had a supercharged engine in and bought one only to find the model you bought had a standard engine in wouldnt you be disappointed that what was portrayed to you wasnt representative of the product you were going to buy?

More relevant example - Aliens Colonial Marines E3 demo compared to final product. It might not be an illegal practice (just about) but it sure is unethical.

4025d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

Best comment of the day. They have won my money too.

4029d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

The ones they cancelled you mean?

4030d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Sorry but Geoffs cannot now be seen as an impartial journalist. Time to get another job mate.

4030d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

How did green "One bubble" powerz get all those bubbles? The mans been downgraded more times than anyone on this site.

On topic what MS is doing is simply called business. Might sound underhand or shady but dont blame them, it clearly works.

Now planting people in the audience to cheer your press conference, thats worse in my opinion.

4030d ago 4 agree3 disagreeView comment