CRank: 5Score: 24070

Ha ha...historical accuracy and Cod...I can't believe yore actually surprised. It's never exactly aimed to be a simulation has it?

Of all the things that could annoy you women on the frontline is the biggest one? The only snowflake is you if you can't get over that small hurdle. Quite frankly if they gave me the option to play as a cow it wouldnt affect my enjoyment of the moment to moment gameplay so why should including female avatars make my difference?

2583d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Because I can walk I to a shop, put down a relatively small amount of money, walk away with a single box, plug it into my tv and I'm good to go.

PC gaming doesnt match that, for all the benefits it does have.

2633d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Skynets evolving...

2696d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

"Bold and exciting" ??

Er....Americans , saving the world, the Normandy D day landings? That's hardly bold. That's every WWII game or film ever it seems.

Bold would be if you made the campaign from Russia's perspective. Or the French. Or British. And dropped the "we're all that stands between the world and evil" rubbish.

But then again, it's an American developer and that would take a minor mira...

2706d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I haven't played a Fifa game in years, but cheers for lumping me in with "all Europeans". I suppose Americans only play Cod or Battlefield right?

2825d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

No it doesn't.

The base adds nothing to the power of the switch. So please do us a favour and stop making things up. The switch will be in par with this generation and that's good enough for what it needs.

2846d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Nope. Not getting screwed over. Want to know why? Because the Last Guardian and FFXV were in development before the pro was even conceived. Which means the issues with them running poorly are due to their messy and disjointed development. Not the pro.

Since the pro is more powerful it's bound to run games better. But as a standard ps4 owner I don't feel screwed over.

2846d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Is it just me or is the collision detection with the scenery dreadful? I seem to get caught on every bit of scenery going. My friend says he remembers it always being that way but I don't remember it being that bad.

Also whoever has the best Internet connection wins. This felt okay in my town apartment with a half decent connection but now I'm out in the sticks it's a noticeable issue.

2859d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Honest question, so don't burn me to the stake for it:

What impact does it being cartridge based make? Can the likes of Skyrim remastered legitimately fit on a cartridge? How much data is stored on a cartridge compared to a bluray?

2878d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Just Dance. Calling it now.

Or given that they showcased an old game like Skyrim maybe it'll be the original Assassins Creed. That would surprise gamers.

Seriously though, hope it's one of their AAA games. The Division or Far Cry Primal, while not hugely exciting at least shows the potential of Switch.

2881d ago 4 agree7 disagreeView comment

Got to love people like Napalmsanctuary and others who claim to know the launch line up. "They showed six seconds of Mario - Mario confirmed for launch!!"

Until it's confirmed we're all a bunch of John Snows- we know nothing. Stop spreading misinformation out of hope and fanboyism, you're not doing anyone any favours.

2892d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

It's okay, we dont need details. Its not like it's coming out anytime soon. Oh, wait...

Pull your finger out Nintendo.

2892d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Mario won't be a launch. They always tease a new Mario for new hardware but it's never a launch game. Just because they showed a total of about 6 seconds of game play doesn't make it a guaranteed launch.

Just saying, you know, to keep you crazy kids grounded. :)

2893d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

"A stellar couple of months"

Bit subjective really. Personally although Journey is awesome it was cross buy with the ps3 version when it came to ps4 so there's been loads of chances to buy it already and lots have. While resident evil remake is okay I have no interest in transformers so again an average month for me.

Still waiting for what I would call basic offerings like black flag, shadow fall and tomb raider definitive edition. Some AAA...

2914d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

People still give metacritic credibility?

3052d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

You're an idiot and a poor excuse for a human being.

Hope you're not going to be a hyper sensitive pushy choosing to get offered dedicated as a reaction for someone being honest.

3064d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Technomancer? Why should I care about the resolution of a game I've never heard of?

And I'm a PS4 gamer.

3090d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

If you've done it for three games straight would it kill you to make it four and finish off the series?

Or am I just being cynical in thinking it'll appear as multilayer dlc later?

3094d ago 8 agree1 disagreeView comment

QB is a relic from Microsofts failed "tv tv tv" mantra of the Xbox ones launch. It's taken so long to develop that it's now launched into a world where that vision has been dropped like a stone and the video game/tv blend doesn't sit right. Not their fault, they made a game expecting the market conditions to be different.

That doesn't mean other developers shouldn't take a risk. I still give kudos to Remedy for at least trying something new that ...

3096d ago 40 agree16 disagreeView comment

@ memots

Go transfer all of your money into my bank account now.

What? You're not going to do it? How dare you not do something you've been asked to do by a complete stranger!

We all have a choice in everything, and Blizzard could have chosen not to change the animation. They didn't, which suggests to me they had a meeting, looked at what their motive was for Tracer striking that pose and came up with the answer "because it&...

3100d ago 2 agree5 disagreeView comment