
CRank: 5Score: 6210

"the AI was MUCH more advanced this time around, which always calls for a more challenging time."

Can't say I agree with this. You can still kill most A.I. just by arrowing them to death without them every even moving.

Example is you can clear out all 8 Capra Demons in the first section of the fire world(forget the name) just by standing on the ledge and picking them off.
One dies and his buddy who's standing right next to him n...

4155d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment

Not everyone finds immature mindless silliness "fun" at least not for very long.

This should be big with all tweens though, who can be entertained by bright colors and big booms for a while...

4155d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I've always wanted R* to put all their best elements into one game so one would never have to change the disk.

Feel like racing? add the driving from Midnight club with some tweaks. They could make a whole side mission out of underground races. Same for planes and boats.

Murder by the numbers? plenty of guns and targets to choose from. Not to mention 3 player co-op heists(I'm hoping).

Hopefully the melee is tweaked enough to mak...

4158d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Gotta admit my interest in V was lukewarm after 4, but this info has got me dreaming of what I've longed for a while now, a next gen SA to dump 100's of hours into.

This year is going to be one to remembered in gaming, I believe!

4159d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Didn't see the value in ps+ since I buy so many games and owned most of the games I wanted to play until I realized how much I could save by just trading/selling off the physical disk for another new title while still having access to the same game anytime I wanted.

That $50 bucks has turned around and saved me hundreds, literally. The best part for me is I get to loan a copy to a buddy (don't gamers do that anymore?) and expose them to games they otherwise would ha...

4159d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Sadly it looks like they nerfed autonomy/bloodlust/clout/vehem ence by a good deal.

This is what happens when whiners complain.

4162d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

As much as I hated the inability to buy this alone, the improvements to the gameplay are quite impressive in this expansion. Not liking all the nerfs but I'd rather enjoy the challenge adapting to them then complain.

Nothing like having a huge world with great combat to hunt monsters down in. The new gorecyclops is so huge you'll take fall damage when jumping from his face, but it's so worth it to climb up and knock that helmet off and stab that red eye.

4163d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

"They NEED to keep fanbase happy. Its one of the true games left for us."

Except that fanbase is split up with different fans that like a bunch of different things and hate a bunch of different things about the same game.

Every fanbase has several internal groups-

A. those that like everything about the game and don't want ANYTHING changed.

B. those that like parts a and b about the game but hate parts ...

4168d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

"I have no idea why you'd want to do that, being invaded is really the only way you'll get better at PVP."

It doesn't occur to you that there are many souls fans that don't want to partake in PvP or even like it? Or that many are not interested in any competitive mode period?

Why does someone have to get better at a mode they don't even like? PvP is NOT fun for everyone and shouldn't be forced on everyone. There are many...

4168d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment


4169d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

4.7 review. Every horde mode should not play the same, otherwise why not just play an easier one like ME3?

4169d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

They showed it 3 times back to back to back, sucks you couldn't catch it.

4176d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment


"Old King Allant on the other hand...nowhere to run, nowhere to hide."

You can beat OKA without ever laying a hand on him or taking any damage if you use the poison cloud spell and the thief ring.


Flamelurker is a puppy if you use sticky white stuff and attack him from behind(like many of DS's A.I.) after avoiding his 1-2 combo.

What swiggins described isn't cheat...

4176d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

"Instead they spread quite a few between that area, not to mention the ability to increase your flasks"

So you are complaining about a feature(s) you NEVER, I repeat NEVER have to use?

What's stopping YOU from only lighting one bonfire per area?

What's stop YOU from NOT upgrading YOUR flasks?

Let me guess everyone else should play DS like you play right?

4178d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment


agreed. Some people have trouble thinking outside the box, seeing only what they want instead of the whole picture.

4179d ago 4 agree3 disagreeView comment

There are PLENTY of sequels that innovate and improve upon their quality from the their previous version and new titles that have ZERO innovation so there is a flaw in your logic.

4179d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Except it didn't fail as a reboot.

4179d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment


couldn't agree more. I bought DeS just to see what was so difficult about the game only to find out otherwise. It's hard, not difficult, there's a difference in my book.

People hyped up the game to hype up their own ego for whatever personal reasons. They changed many things and added numerous new options from Des to DS without changing the core gameplay and I hope they continue to do so in the future.


4179d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Even live gameplay can be misleading as depending on how skilled the player is what you see and what you experience can be two very different realities.

While playing DeS my friends watching thought the game was a cake walk and after starting them off in 1.1 they soon put the controller down after dying to sum hollows a few times, in disbelief that we were playing the same game.

I've watched tons of vids on youtube and some of these guys never even ge...

4180d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment


4181d ago 6 agree20 disagreeView comment