
CRank: 5Score: 6210

Price dictates EVERYTHING in this industry.

IMO it's the sole reason the 360 has been as successful as it's been, it is the cheapest way into HD gaming.
Most 360 only fanboys defend MS because they are defending their cheap purchase, plain and simple.

Funny thing is if you bought a 360/live at launch and it's been your main gaming console you surpassed that $600 price tag long ago with all the add ons (wifi,hdmi,etc) and each year the pr...

4115d ago 8 agree3 disagreeView comment

you're kidding right? You think MP only players are hardcore? You guys are the casuals! All you do is play one genre and ignore anything that doesn't have guns and explosions. You spend 60% of your time pointing and clicking and you think you're hardcore!? lol

I really hope they do a better job next gen with keeping SP and MP players seperate or at least optional. There are those of us that actually get enjoyment out of gaming without having to "...

4115d ago 10 agree2 disagreeView comment

I too was one of those that paid for live, starting back with the original xbox. Hell I didn't even pick up a sony product until GoW came out and even then I still did most of my gaming with MS.

It wasn't until KZ that I started to play the ps more. It was then that I discovered free online MP as I've spent most of my gaming life enjoying SP and splitscreen. I was livid to say the least. It was then that I became a more informed gamer but more importantly an infor...

4118d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I sure hope so or this will be the first gen in 30 years I'll only own one console. Not going to fall for any of the crap from this gen as fool me once shame on you, fool me twice...

4118d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

"I doubt the people disagreeing with you are all PS3 fanboys, I bet many are xbox gamers too because that concept you bringing is suicide. "

that's the problem here, they think anyone who attacks MS or dislikes MS business model doesn't own a 360.

Why in the hell would I waste my time whining about something that doesn't affect me?

Some of us 360 owners would like more from MS or at least stay on par with the competeti...

4118d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

or gamers are disagreeing because they are just enjoying a great game without comparing it to another great game, kinda thought that was what gaming was about.

It has nothing to do with new fans, some of us orginal fans can enjoy the improvements more than others is all.

4118d ago 8 agree5 disagreeView comment

Software sells hardware. If there are great NEW games to be played then tons of gamers will jump on board. If all they have to offer is the same titles we have now but with more pixels then only fans of those games will adopt early.

4118d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

"I don't see a lot of hardcore PC gamers picking this up especially if they are fine with their PC."

It's not for hardcore PC users, it's for console gamers like me who want to move on to PC gaming with the same ease of console gaming. It will be huge for millions of us that like to play games, not systems.

4118d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

dude, ms has no problem finding a few million flukers to pay for online now so it's probable these same loopers will be fine with paying again. I hope they do as their supporters deserve to be fleeced. Facts won't will make little difference, just look at this gen.

4118d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

I can't wait for another gaming collapse as only then will some of these idiots see that their actions have a widespread affect on all of us. They might not care now, but soon...

4118d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Of course it won't work. There SOME gamers who will take ANYTHING a company gives them with a smile. Even worse there are some who think they are better off by taking it up the arse. Even worse when gaming goes down they will look around like it's not THEIR fault. These are strange time to be a gamer.

4118d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


you're guilty of the same crime!

4118d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

"The original Xbox didn't have Windows running it. They tried to get Xbox Live on the PC and charge but failed. That was about the extent of tying Windows with the game console on the original Xbox."

I'm guessing you have zero knowledge that most devs are hostage to a system that's dominated by MS.

"Sony's 1st party games have online passes, do Microsoft's? It was EA I believe who started it."

4118d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

"please realize that the actions of many customers accepting every crap out there does affect even those boycotting them .

At some point it decides what is included in games , what's the standard , and what's going to be sold as micro transactions and dlc , for EVERYONE."

What part of this guys statement don't you understand? How can we move on when the actions of a few million CAN, DOES and WILL affect the rest of us, presently and in ...

4119d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

from your link
"Microsoft games division executive Shane Kim said the company believes that the Xbox 360 will enjoy a 10-year lifespan"

That's all the link says. Where is he stating that MS will support the 360 for 10 years? All I see is a statement from an exec who believes his company will profit from 360 gold for 10 years.

Sooner or later even those blinded shall be granted sight. MS only jumped into the gaming biz to pus...

4119d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

"The only people really complaining are people without Xbox 360's"

That's right, because it's impossible for someone to own a 360 and not be pleased.

4120d ago 1 agree6 disagreeView comment

Hopefully not. This gen has shown that some gamers can't let go of the past and anytime a dev wants to expand or evolve their series they are met with vile responses for even thinking about trying something new.

Nevermind they might want to try something they didn't have time to explore initally or implement a new feature they think adds to the series because the tech has changed, these people will cry and moan with their predetermined notion of what should have been ...

4121d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I love cole but I'm so glad that it's not about cole so we don't have to hear the whines about how it doesn't play like the other games or doesn't do this the same as the others, but I know someone will find a reason to bash it and say they should have done another cole story instead. All so they can bash that game for whatever reason.

Great choice SP!

4121d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


"I also feel, too many games too short of timeframe and too little time, im a core gamer, but as i get older i have less and less time to game with sooo many games out these days, i tend to play less of them, sequels really lose my purchase."
Sorry to copy your entire post but it begs to be repeated.

Games that i havnt played but played the first couple in the series.
-Dead Space 3

4124d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

"The way the game looks, is not the only thing that matters. The game can look great, but the gameplay and story can suck and bring the whole game down."

Wish more devs realized this.

4124d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment