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Am I the only one more interested in what the gameplay is like than how pretty it is? Does it even matter if they improved the gameplay to others or do most of the new gen gamers just play graphics?

4254d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

No thanks. I'm not into looking back and I hate the weapons of the era. They wouldn't move more than a couple million copies imo with this new gen of gamers. They would find the weapons boring and the stories have been told and retold to death. Many are tired of seeing the nazi's and the russians ALL the time.
How about something we haven't seen tenfold?
alternate universe...etc there are tons of places to go other than back ...

4254d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

huh, last time I checked COD had a WW2 game, several I believe. They didn't just start with modern warfare.

4254d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Hard for me pass up such a bais comment to answer your query though I FULLY agree with you on speaking with your wallent. Everyone is entitled to his/hers opinion, HOWEVER, A PERSONS OPINION IS ONLY AS VALID AS HIS OR HER KNOWLEDGE OF THE SUBJECT.

If you have NOT played it your opinion of the game means shyt, plain and simple. You don't know if the gameplay is smooth or if jaggies are everywhere, there are tons of things you wouldn't know.

To sit h...

4255d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

"but was it fun?"

What you have to realise is that most of these people really don't play to have fun, but as a way to feel better about themselves. Which is fine except the only way they can feel better about themselves is to show others that they are better at something then others.

With the game "dumbed down" (hate that term) more people now can achieve what only a few were able to. This doesn't sit well with them, thusly a loud...

4255d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment


Always found it funny when one person thinks THEIR standards should be adhered to, like it's a given that everyone thinks steak is a great meal.

Ever occur that he steak tastes like poop to him and hamburger helper is to die for? Many people found the old games pooplike buddy and it has nothing to do with your standards.

Who the F are you to tell him he has low standards because they don't match yours?

4255d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment


"I'm now wondering what Capcom is gonna do. Will they understand the reason this is selling poorly and go back to the original Devil May Cry and make Devil May Cry 5? Or will they take this as no one wanting the franchise anymore and let it die(like they did with Breath of Fire) "

I'm guessing and hoping for the latter as well. If "core" fans can't let the real fans enjoy DMC then expect capcom to just scrap the entire...

4255d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment


What gamers need to realize is that devs used terrible and cheap A.I tactics back in the day when arcades ruled gaming. This wasn't done because they were trying to "challenge" a gamers skill. Are you people kidding me?!

This is a business, always has been. Devs used this design to FALSELY extend game time. What does extending the game do for them? It gets YOU, the consumer to spend more quarters at the arcade.

Enter t...

4255d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

You've already got your mind made up that it's crap so even when people tell you it's good you won't believe it because you want it to be crap.

You haven't even played the game yet here you are stating they messed it up.

I know, I know, you've seen plenty of footage on youtube and you don't need to play it first hand to make up your mind.

To that I say really? So by that logic I've nailed thousands of women bec...

4255d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

don't be fooled, any game THEY develope will be bug ridden, as been the case this ENTIRE gen. They just published dishonoured I believe, no coding.

Still don't know why they garner so much fanfare praise, all they do is make big empty worlds full of giltches with terrible combat...

4255d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

I'm inclined to think that's what Summons is trying to do, turn an rpg into a run and gun shooter. I've seen several people try and play FO3 like it was COD.

As it's been said, vats covers up the horrible shooting and removing it would only encourage fps heads to complain about the shooting and how you can't play it like COD even more.

4255d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I'm sorry, but can you really compare the 7yr life span of the ps3 to the 10+ yrs of the ps2?

The 3 xbox brands of more of the same won't be enough to sway consumers who are given a proper choice from the very start of the gen.

4255d ago 11 agree2 disagreeView comment

Sorry bud, you can axe that idea. They, like most other devs/pubs have found the golden goose this gen that is online MP.
(expect even worse treatment next gen)

They can spit out cookie cutter maps/skins/arena's for a smidgit of the cost/time of that of quality SP and are more than happy to do so it seems.

4260d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Agreed, I had to grit my teeth to finish his piece. While some of his complaints are valid, they are present in other RPG's as well yet he acts like DD stands alone.

In Dark Souls the enemies spawn in the EXACT same spot every time you spawn/respawn with the same 2 or 3 basic attacks that you either block and counter or parry and counter yet it's a flaw in Dragon's Dogma?

I believe DS,Skyrim and Fallout had a silent protag, but DD isn't a rea...

4260d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment


"Take BioWare and ME3...every gamer complained about the ending and what do they do they go back to the drawing board fix it and give it to us free. On top of that they gave us several free DLC expansions to the Co-Op modes."

This wasn't done because they "care" about us. It is smart business to "give" away small "gifts" to consumers for something new that you are trying to establish (MP). As soon as that...

4260d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

So....GTA4 was your first gta?

I think the biggest misconception from gta4 lovers is that it sold so well because so many enjoyed it when in fact it sold so well because MOST(not all) were expecting a next gen SA and bought the game BEFORE we had chance to see that they abandoned the old fun play design in favor of a "more real experience" that will not be welcomed by many many gamers if it's present in GTA5.

4261d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Releasing last was not what put them in the red, at least not the biggest reason. Releasing at such an insane price was. Only diehard sonyboys were spending $700 on a console.

The 360/wii hasn't sold as much as it has because it's the better console but because they have always been cheaper.

Most gamers are consumers first and people are ALWAYS going to buy the cheaper system when buying a console as a gift. (MS did a great job at fooling these peop...

4261d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

Maybe you should start by acting like a gamer.

If a 5 10 min tutorial is going to help another gamer understand and enjoy the game how is that insulting for you? Hopefully they make such things optional.

I just don't understand people who are impressed with themselves becuase they figure out something that should be explained to newcomers. If such small feats stroke your ego you people need to get more out of the real world, it's much more satisfying...

4261d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I think what amazes me more than anything is that these "real" fans would rather have the DMC series die than give a new gen a chance to enjoy a good game.

The old style is NOT, I repeat NOT coming back so why not just accept that the series is dead to you, move on and find a new fav.

To those that are so foolish as to respond with "it's not a dmc game so they should change the title" I'll say it again for you non-business folks,...

4261d ago 3 agree4 disagreeView comment

That's what I love about gaming, just how different every gamer is. Everything you listed as a plus for gta4 was seen as a downer for many many gamers and many would disagree with everything you put down in SD.

It seems the fanbase is highly split as those of us that love SA seem to highly dislike 4 and vice versa,( by no means is this absolute of course ).

I'm curious as to see who they aim 5 at because if it plays like 4 it's a no buy for me, ...

4262d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment