
CRank: 5Score: 6210

"MS didnt have an online pass for gears..halo or forza..but sony did for their you tell me"

An online pass has been required for ANY and ALL games on the 360 that have a MP portion since the original xbox.

You pay a fee for access to the MP portion of ALL games you already paid for, wtf are you talking about?

4025d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

These people should be tarred and feathered as they have zero respect for themselves and zero respect for the industry.

They have the same mindset as MS in regards that they don't give two damns about the damage they brought/bring to the industry, they just want to be overpaid for nothing.

4025d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Weird, I thought people played fps's to shoot guns at one another.

4029d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

And stretching out a 25 hour game to 40 hours can be just as unneeded and a waste. Not all SP games need to be 40 hours.

4029d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

oh it's coming, just expect to have to pay for it. How do we not see this coming? 2 game modes at launch with 7 maps?

Wake up people, just look at MP games from earlier in the gen, when games came with more maps/modes from the get go, now it's just barebones with the rest of the MP being split and sold separately.

I don't care who's your favorite dev/pub, this has got to stop!

4029d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

Can't wait to see the improvements!

4030d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


tons of em!

4030d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

DING!DING!DING! We have a winner! There is little doubt that if this was exclusive there would be a much different vibe on these forums for FUSE.
Overstrike looked foolish and they knew it. The new style is hella generic, but still lets stop the whole it bombed because it changed from what you saw from a teaser trailer...

4030d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

And that's why I joined Gamefly all those years ago, no demo is a non-release day buy for me, I don't care who made the game, I've lost hundred's on "can't miss" games, not anymore...

4030d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

This is a VERY good game that just falls short in a few areas that prevent it from being a great game, still doesn't change the fact that most will have a great time playing it.

It combines so many gameplay elements that should be in all action games/ TPS's, meaning it allows you to do the most basic movements that so many games in it's genre do not.

nothing worse while playing an "action" type game and you can't even jump/sprint...

4030d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

TDM? Really ND? wow, that was a huge disappointment, don't we have enough of the same ol same? very boorish looking and the whole bomb crafting while bullets are flying around I suppose adds SOME tension, but it just looks really out of place with the whole fast paced nature, ala UC.

Why bother shooting and crafting when melee seems to be the quicker easier option?

let me guess, TDM is one of the "free" game modes and the really "specia...

4030d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

EXACTLY! people who like the power weapon pick ups design just like it because it gives whomever gets the good weapons first a HUGE advantage over everyone else and the game goes from whatever the devs had in mind to everyone scrambling for better weapons.

The entire match becomes a struggle for the power weapon spawn points and the obj goes right out the window.

Just let everyone set and use their preferred weapons from the get go and let your shooting ...

4030d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

your killzone history is so wrong.

isa are the bad guys, period. anyone who played kz1 can confirmed, but most on here just started with kz2.

4033d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

"$5 less for a used copy (in gamestop's case). "

Why do people continue to use this example as if there isn't better cheaper options available?

You can get ANY game on RELEASE day from gamefly for 10-15 less. That's not weeks or even days later, that's release day.

wait a 3 or 4 weeks and amazon has even better deals.

Geez people, GS is not the end all to gaming nor even needed/wanted in this...

4033d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

"Yet they go to partner with EA. /s"

That's right forrest, they PARTNERED with EA, allowing them to OWN THEIR OWN WORK.

This part seems to escape your tiny brain. It also doesn't register in that waste of flesh you call a mind that whether or not FUSE is successful or a complete flop IT'S THEIRS.

I'm sure they enjoyed pumping out the same ol crap for sony so much that they just couldn't wait to become a p...

4033d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

just stop, as if selling their soul to sony and being forced to work on crap you didn't want to would ensure a future for them, maybe you'd like the number to Zipper?

your just a fanboy who doesn't give a damn what the people who bring you joy go through to get where they want to be, in control of their own destiny, win or lose.

who gives a damn if you can't play ratchet if it means they are killing themselves doing something THEY DON'...

4034d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

And you're just blind.

4036d ago 2 agree6 disagreeView comment

"I think Sony should buy Insomniac and MAKE them develop their platformers."

I'd rather them crash and burn pursuing their own visions than kill themselves doing something THEY don't want to do.

You sound like you'd make a GREAT boss...

4036d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

"The mentally challenged never get bored playing it. " FIXED

This game is going to sell substantially less than SR3, which sold as well as it did off the back of SR2. SR2 fans like myself didn't hesitate to pre-order SR3 with the thinking it was going to be something it was NOT.

New fans of SR3 will without a doubt buy SR3.5 in a heartbeat, but that number I'm guessing is going to significantly less than they expect, I promise you.

4036d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Stop supporting this practice you idiots! you are making it WORSE for EVERYONE, even if you don't think it affects you!!!

Are you fools really that naïve to think that just because it's ND they won't screw you!? They already have with UC3's season's pass!! how soon the sheeple forget!!

They have been testing the waters and will continue to push the limits to see how much they can squeeze out of you for little to no extra work!! ...

4036d ago 4 agree6 disagreeView comment