
CRank: 5Score: 66170

Its a shame as Underworld was probably the best TR game in 10 years. Sure it had some problems like a dodgy first hour, utterly appalling attempt at a story (but it didn't really detract from the game) and it being quite easy but those were really minor issues.

The biggest problem with Underworld was the moronic idea to release it at Xmas, it got swallowed up in the Xmas rush with games like Call of Duty being too successful to compete with. Eidos should have either got a move on...

5644d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Making the game about 10 hours long is a balancing act. They have to balance the skills of a gamer who is very experienced and will beat the game in a few hours but with re-playability versus the occasional gamer who needs to get value from the game ie; complete it.

As for your other ideas; Both R1 and Ratchet were criticised by many hacks for having far to many weapons which felt superfluous as the game could be done using only a few weapons on offer. Offering less weapons I ass...

5645d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Mirrors Edge and Dead Space were ace but got swallowed up by the other xmas games and had much lower sales; why put a seemingly low quality game in direct competition with something very very high quality and high publicity like KZ2; its not like there are many other AAA games due in March or April that also need to be avoided.

Maybe FNR4 will go head to head with Resi 5!

5646d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

What the hell is wrong with the vision of these people who continue to peddle the idea that upscaled DVD looks almost as good as BluRay. It just doesn't, its not a horrid picture but there is a very easy to see difference and anyone who has seen a BluRay and is not either a moron or blind can tell from a mile off.

5646d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

What a mature and eloquent individual you are. When there are such expert theologians as you in the gaming community it is little wonder that the rest of the world considers gamers to be a bunch of childish plebeians.

And given you have only 4 bubbles, I think more people don't care about what you think!

EDIT; and I tend to have my milk in a glass rather than my cookies, milk can become very messy if you try to consume it from a plate.

5646d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

3D, eugh!

It is the great white hope of the movie and apparently now gaming industry. Guess that is my 2 favourite hobbies gone to the dogs because 3D gives me a migrain which could bring down an elephant (IMAX is the worst); can't like films and games if I have to nearly OD on Ibuprofen every time I wanna enjoy them.

Seriously though, is there an appetite for 3D? Everything I have ever known in 3D has really been corny where characters have inexplicably spent half t...

5646d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Tis true that everyone has some bias of some sort and it is impossible to ignore your own opinions and feelings completely. However it is a big leap to go from personal opinions to saying the entire worlds press is taking part in an organised campaign of bias/discrimination against Sony products.

5648d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

As I said in the original story, my wallet stays closed until I get a demo! It is the way that I have done it for the past 3 years and I aint changing a system that works for me.

5649d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I guess that means n UK demo either = I aint buying until I play a demo! The game looks good but I have spent too much money and time on FPS games which have looked amazing but turned out to be really awful.

I can't help it but I have developed a kind of resistance to gaming hype until I see a demo and decide from my own experience, without a demo I can't help but think the worst.

5649d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

I am sure the ability to pirate games is a factor (when I sold my PS2 and Xbox 1 was asked by the buyer if I knew of a good place to get them chipped) I don't think it would be a major sales driver of a £200 console (you'd buy 2nd hand IMO).

If you wanna look at something which has inflated sales, look at replacement consoles. In my old gaming clan over half the members have 2 360s due to buying a core/arcade while their Elite/Premium was being repaired by Microsoft, I can...

5650d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

How was Patapon OVER rated? It was a really fun and terribly overlooked game by most PSP users. It should be one of the most under-rated games. Seriously, how can a game which is on absolutely nobody's top xx games of 08 and barely sold any copies be overrated?

IMO Far Cry 2 should be on that list, open world is great but you pretty much do the same approach and attack 100 times, the missions are more repetitive than GTA4 which really says something.

5653d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

Interesting but value is subjective, saying something takes a long time to complete (like Fallout 3, Oblivion or GTA4) does not necessarily make good value.

Th best value games I have bought in the past 2 years have been COD4 and Uncharted, very short single player modes but I have played them much much more than GTA4 which I have not touched since I completed the last mission.

And for what it is worth, Far Cry 2 is the most frustrating game I ever played, it is bi...

5656d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I would assume that WiiPlay being a WiiMote with a game for a fiver more than a controller on its own has contributed to most of those sales. Makes you think though, are the 'hardcore' gamers really worth the hassle?

5656d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I am sure some plebeian from (a bastion of high quality journalism which has earned a reputation over several years of excellent work) knows considerably more about the economics of manufacturing a console than the 50+ year old Sony Corporation whom are one of the worlds largest and most successful manufacturing firms.

Oh thats right, it is not true, some back alley new startup blog looking for hits in fact does not know about economics and is seeking hits by attrac...

5656d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

UMD and BluRay are entirely different propositions. UMD movies were overpriced proprietary media which could be rendered needless by a free piece of software from the net, a memory card and your DVD copy of the movie ripped onto your PC. BluRay is an industry wide standard format used in many types of device from hundreds of manufacturers, there really is no comparison.

5657d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I don't think BD is that expensive, Amazon were doing 3 for 2 before xmas including Walle, Indy4, Ironman and Narnia 2. I don't think you could get 3 of them for much less than just over £32 on SD DVD like I did on BD.

Amazon UK - Hellboy 2 BD £13.99, 2 disk DVD £12.98

BD is certainly more expensive but it is more like 2 or 3 pounds max now compared to 5 or 10 pounds this time last year. If you have a HDTV (stats say as a gamer you will be more likely)...

5657d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

"But... the fact will "always" remain that video game consoles are purchased by people who play "games", not HD movies."

I would assume that also counts downloadable HD movies?

I bought my PS3 for games but the added value of surfing the net and playing BluRays helped me when I put down my £400 18 months ago.

5661d ago 11 agree0 disagreeView comment

I don't really care about sales figures but I expect LBP to be a game that will be selling well for a long time, the more content people create the better it will be and the more people will look at the game as being worth buying. Out the box it was always gonna be a slow starter but those who did buy it can now say that they are helping spread the game with their creations.

Think of it like this, Half Life still sells well today 9 years after launch, its not the game itself that...

5664d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

I didn't really know anything about the game beyond its insane graphics but the idea of a really visceral shooter intrigues me. I like COD and stuff when on the high difficulties but it is ruined IMO when you have to make a mad run and gun charge to progress in the level so something which sticks to the principle of it being suicide to come out of cover could well be a must buy.

Doesn't hurt that it is pretty as a peach either!

5681d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm still just glad that this game will see release. I liked it on the Xbox but never got to finish it for various reasons but I really enjoyed what I played and I will chalk this game up to a should buy (providing it is about £30).

5683d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment