
CRank: 5Score: 5120

Thats why.

They havent seen the last of this, I tell you. Because the community has had it with their xbot favors. This isnt about GRID. This is about the shiat thats happening on their site (for far too long if you ask me).

This isnt the first time this crap has been done, this vid however was the final drop that made the bucket spill.

And they can make some shiat as excuse again, although the next time, it will explode again and again and again untill...

5979d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Sure the single player in the demo is a little sloppy. Very little gets explained and very little story spoiled. Although, thats why its called a demo. They aint gonna spoil every bit of story, cmon. How else will they sell the game?

But the real highlight is the multi player. Each side has its pros and cons and Im expecting the multi player to be a blast. No loading, lagfree multi matches. Bring it on, I say.

And lets be honest here. Who plays FPS for its storyline...

5979d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

PSP sold little early days is because the handheld had few games. Then came MGPO, MGPO+, FF7, FF tactics, GTA, J&D, Ratchet, GOW, MH2, and more. expected, the sales begin to rise.

Do you see a pattern here? PS3 anyone?

Like I said, once the games come out on the PS3, you will see a similar reaction.

EDIT: lol disagree for stating that PSP sales picked up because of games. Haha fanboys are so hilarious.

5979d ago 11 agree1 disagreeView comment

is going to be a 360 game, maybe even a 360 exclusive. My bet is on Bioshock.

The other game that will blow you away, is a mystery. They flew to soo many cities. Notice how there werent any Japanese cities listed. So it cant be a Japanese made game (so its not FF7). So Shadow 2 is out of the question.

No, this game is made in the west. And it is a game that hasnt been announced yet (God of war 3 falls off since this game has been announced already). We will just have...

5979d ago 7 agree1 disagreeView comment

Its only what MS and some fanboys wanted you to believe that it was. If you knew how many PS2s sold in America, then you will understand that America is PS3 land just like Japan.

The problem is just like with Japan, they have yet to upgrade to PS3.

5979d ago 7 agree0 disagreeView comment

I said they stole from matrix trilogy. In case you didnt know, the Matrix came out long before Gears of war and also used killer squid machines.

5979d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Gametrailers shiat has been going on for quite a long time now. This is like the drop of water that spilled the bucket. I dont give a damn about GRID if you want to know.

But its just the way things are run on that site. They are just like Kotaku. They act like as if they are professional but in the mean time...oh boy. They look more like biased bloggers to me.

First the RGB and super white thing, the subtle bias towards 360 platform, calling the 360 "best cons...

5979d ago 6 agree3 disagreeView comment

I got banned this morning (5 hours ago) when I stated the truth about GOW 1.5:

that the fighting was on rails and not really open free roaming;
that its still 2-3 locusts at a time you are fighting and not the robotic 30 crazy locust running forward that you cant interact with;
and that cliffy B stole from The Matrix Trilogy and that he should have at least made it less obvious (Killer SQUIDS, Locust underground, Locust weapon to devour whole city etc).


5979d ago 17 agree2 disagreeView comment

"An interesting development for this month is the PS3. PS3 outsold Xbox 360 each week of this month – by increasingly large totals. What started as a statistical tie between Xbox 360 and PS3 on week one (<1000 units) ended up at over a 33,000 unit lead for PS3 on May 3."

>> Its called the "Grand theft auto effect".

No surprises here. Its also the period where the triple A's of the PS3 start to roll in. Haze in May, MGS4 in June, R2 in Nov...

5979d ago 6 agree2 disagreeView comment

Well I can answer that, its pretty simple actually.

More of the stuff they been doing lately: TRASH TALK.

Thats their move.

5979d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

But big surprise for bots everywhere.

They actually thought their console is the better one out of the three.
Not very informed, they are. But whatever. They will see how the PS3 crushes the 360 in the US because guess what bots, US is not 360 land either.

Know how many PS2s sold in the US? Lmao.

5979d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

It is long known throughout the internet community that xbots are amongst the dumbest people on the planet. Being highly uninformed, inexperienced, poor and stupid does not help your status at all.

But today, xbots reach a new long. Xbot here proved once again that the xbot stereotype is true, alive and kicking.

LOL no big jump from God of war 1 to God of war 2 he says. LOL.

And lol at the post below mine. Instant classic. Too bad xbots rated your bubbl...

5979d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

Being outsold by a gimmicky device in less than a year.

Being outsold by a next gen system thats 100 bucks more expensive.

Being outsold when they supposedly had their best line up ever, which they also happen to claim to be the best line up ever seen (which is not true of course).

Having an unacceptable high percentage of hardware failure.

Having a console that is branded as last gen and non futureproof.

Having a console with b...

5979d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

I have long stopped going to that site for reliable news or reviews. I only go there to troll xbots nowadays.

A guess what, it doesnt take long before biased mods ban you either. Where as xbots troll are roaming freely everyday on that site.

It doesnt matter anyway, gametrailers are tiny and pathetic. And barely anyone listen to them anyway.

PS3 will prevail in the end, let these xbots enjoy their RROD while we play beyond.

5979d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

Microsoft also said that they outsold the PS3 2:1 in november. At the end of 2007, it turned out that the PS3 outsold the 360 in the whole year. And PS3 then went on and outsold the 360 every month after that.

So who are you going to believe?
A company known for its lies or a company known for its reputation for reliable yet luxurious and stylish electronics.

5979d ago 6 agree3 disagreeView comment

you will forever fail at life, my stupid xbot friend.

Hahaha. And comparing CGI like KZ2 with Gears of Wars 1.5, I lolled there for a little.

Killzone 2 is not even possible to do on the 360. GoW1.5 will turn into GOW 2.5 on the PS3.

5979d ago 6 agree4 disagreeView comment

Banjo NINTENDO 64.

Banjo 360 is not the same as it is not made by the same people and does not have nintendos magic wand touch.

Banjo 360 is an average platformer for kiddies. Think Blue Dragon, cept with viva pinata characters.

Youre deluded if you think this game will somehow be the 360s savior. Times running out for you bots. Gears of war 1.5 failed big time. Banjo 360 is gonna turn out to be one average platformer. All those noobs at Rare dont even k...

5979d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

to save your crapfixme?

Its over and done.

5979d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

Thats why. And dont kid yourself. If GOW2 vid was anything to go by for the final product, then it doesnt even touch 10% of what Killzone 2 is doing. Killzone 2 is miles and miles and lightyears ahead. GOW2, or should I say, GOW 1.5 is fastly turning into a Halo 2.5

This vid was supposed to shook our tree? Thats funny, Im in a state of "we pwned you xbots" state right now. How come lmao.

Cos the vid was utterly and massively disappointing.

5979d ago 7 agree6 disagreeView comment

I, too, laughed when they showed 30 locusts behaving idiotically. And you cant even interact with them lol.

Was that supposed to be the epic large scale battles they were talking about? lol 30 crazy locusts all running straight forward? LOL

It looked like the same footage during GDC08 when they showed a bunch of locust all running in the same direction. Except minus 20 locusts.

Lmao in the end its still 2-3 locust at a time. And these xbots thought GOW2 ...

5979d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment