
CRank: 5Score: 5120

Hey what?

Your precious triple A is failing. And that moron itagaki needs to shut the hell up once and for all.


No, its not "bad". Its just not triple A. NG2 was labelled as one of the 3 titles left in 2008, to fend off against PS3s massive triple As this year. Oh how that is turning out to be eh?

Face it, even an 8 is overrating this game. And its like I said before, only gears of war 1.5 is really the o...

5963d ago 10 agree0 disagreeView comment

You know, its statistically impossible for all hyped 360 games, which every gamer can see how cheasy, chidlish or unrevolutionary, to score higher than most PS3 exclusives.

Especially when the latter has better developers working on them, higher budgets and established nameholds.

Why is it that cheasy dialogs in Haze were punished severely but cheasy dialogs in NG are hailed. A game that features a ninja, the CIA and some chick with big chest, a shallow non exist...

5963d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Blah another overrated 360 game. Lets face it, it has a cheap as story about CIA and ninjas and chicks with huge chests. And thats about it.

Fking pathetic.

And this idiot wonders why nobody in gaming world takes his games serious. Take two guesses dumb as.

5963d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The 3 NG games (NG, NG Black and NG Sigma) combined sold like crap. So who is this "millions of NG fans" you are talking about?

They have to resort into releasing NG on the DS to make some money out of it. How sad is that.

As for this topic, another overrated 360 game revealed.

This score is spot on. Ever since I saw the footage and pictures, I realised this game is nothing but a 7.

5963d ago 11 agree1 disagreeView comment

Make no mistake about it, this game is overrated even at 8.7.
Its not even worth a 7.

5963d ago 16 agree7 disagreeView comment

in June 2008.

I think people need to be reminded who this "Rob" fellow is.

He played both MGS4 and GTA4 before their releases. He was asked before which was the better game, GTA4 or MGS4. He didnt answer then and only said that both games were awesome and great.

Now he answered the question and confirmed what everyone knew already: Next gen starts with MGS4.


5964d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

And how many thousands of Tekken VS fight vids do you see on Youtube?

Enough said?

Dude, while Soul caliber is a fun game, which we also get to enjoy with Vader no less, Tekken is on a whole different level of competitiveness.

There is no fighting game that is as fun and challenging when it comes to multiplayer as Tekken is.

Always a blast and a test of skills and nerves when fighting in Tekken.

5964d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

PS3 is leading in Europe. Sony wouldnt be gloating about it if they werent.

MS is on the defensive here. Its pretty clear that Sony is not the one lying here. Just use common sense. The PS3 has outsold 360 since last year October worldwide. For Sony to surpass 360 in Europe, is not a improbable thing.

Considering that PS3 outsold 360 worldwide, the fact that MS said they still lead in Europe, raises eyebrows if not doubt.

But then again, xbots are delusi...

5964d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

DS base is large. But mostly of casuals.

If it doesnt work out, I bet he will port it to PSP.


How hard and how much do you think will cost them to replace such features so that the game works on the PSP?

Hardly a penny. Like I said before, the game will do well on DS, but should it not, dont be surprised when it comes to PSP especially considering PSP revival in Japan.

This isnt a mega budget game we are talking about.

5964d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

5v5 matches. You gotta hand it to them. Give props where props is deserved.

Every juice of the 360 is squeezed and used. Nothing goes to waste.

Props EPIC.

5964d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

- Graphics.
Which in turn can be distinguished into different subfactors like textures, resolutions, HDR, animations, FPS, resolution, "pushing the console", sharpness, details, bumps, etc.

- Soundtrack;
Which in turn can be distinguished into different subfactors like quality of soundtracks, moodsetters, crispness, clearness, dolby surround etc.

- Gameplay;
Which in turn can be distinguished into different subfactors like funfactor, contr...

5964d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

I borrowed it from friend and finished it long ago, I now have it on ROM and have fond memories over it. I will definitely purchase a more stable version if this would hit PSN store.

The story of this game is the rock.

I think what I have said long time ago about BC being irrelevant is becoming a reality. See, PS brands have always be known about BC. But the truth is, BC is a goldmine.

Sony started realizing this when the virtual console proved such a h...

5964d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Its a pretty good game, but hardly GOTY.

Like most 360 titles last year, this game is highly overrated. The first 9 months of 2007 was so fking boring with nothing to play that when this game came out, all the fking xbots rated it a 10.


Ill be enjoying this franchise on the PS3 and laughing at xbots losing all their games. But 360 has a lot of overrated games to be honest. Reviewers just want people to go out and buy a 360. The point is howev...

5964d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

Agreed, FF cannot be worn out.
Every main FF series is about different characters, different era, different world, different story. So FF being "worn out" is xbot BS once again. How can a game be worn out when every new chapter is fresh.

Its about the only game that changes after every game. In fact, FF is a different game each and every time. Unlike Mario or gaylo, it is the only franchise that is far from worn out.

But I get it, its worn out becaus...

5964d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

So outdated, horrible framerate, graphics that make 1999 PC games look like Crysis, stale combat system, worthless animations, crappy music, ugly voice overs.

5965d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

Different country, different laws.

When in Rome, do as the Romans. When in China, do as the Chinese.

Its a simply case of rational thinking. If you know cops will arrest you for saying stuff like that, and yet you take your chances, dont cry.

I bet she is safer in jail then she was on the streets after her ranting.

5965d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

So you can stop pretending that this is somehow an innocent statement by MS.

You can continue to act dumb but you will never...oh wait. My bad. Youre not acting. You bots ARE dumb lol. My bad. My bad.


Listen xbots. Your year of misery has just begun. We will not stop smashing your face against the fact that your line up stinks and our line up rules 2008/09/10/11 and beyond.

Did you bots stop the attacks every time a PS3 title gets r...

5965d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

whats the point in getting excited. Some college dudes who just graduated are told to make this game. The only thing this game has in common with the old KI and KI2 is the name.

Also this rumor is false and proven false by RARE itself:

"Are Rare hard at work on a third combo-filled fighting game? Not according to them, at least, as of this summer, when Rare responded via its Scribes letters page "Purely out of contractual obligation, no, we're not working o...

5965d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Is this even newsworthy?

Some dumbwit posting a ranting video? Have you people never been to YouTube before or what?

5965d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Haze has two things going against it.

- Its a PS3 exclusive and people go berserk over this (fking xbot sites);
- It suffers from the KZ2 syndrome. After seeing KZ2 and R2, people are severely suffering from a syndrome that supposedly all FPS should look like that or else it stinks. In a way, they (xbot sites) just dont want to admit how REVOLUTIONARY KZ2 is on the technical front.

KZ2 absolutely belongs to the most beautifull game catgeory in every genre. And ...

5965d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment