
CRank: 5Score: 5120

Worse! haha OWNED

Haze was labelled by many as a past time shooter between GTA4 and MGS4 and although it would have been nice if it was a triple A, it is not earth shattering if its not...

because *gasp* The rest of OUR LINE UP IS JUST TOO FKING GOOD! Haha OWNED!

What do you get anyway. BABY fking Kazooie. Go play with that pink car, dumbasses.

Our 2008 line up is VASTLY superior to those C rated games of yours and our 2009 line up i...

5970d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

because lets face it, thats what the author is thinking.

Every FF game from the main series is different and not linked to the other FFs in terms of character, story, plot, gameplay and action.

In short, they are all new games. So why does it need to die, when they are all new games?

Because it kills anything and everything on the 360. Thats why.

Fking sad xbots.

And SE pumps out plenty of different IPs. You just dont...

5970d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I love how in the article they tried to reference Killer Instinct...AGAIN.

How fking stupid are PEOPLE.

There WONT ever be a new Killer Instinct! Get that through your skull. Things wont change just because its a year later. 10 years from now, the contract signed with Nintendo would still APPLY: NO K...

5970d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Xbot, the 360 has a fking pathetic line up. It doesnt even match the wii line up which only has Smash brawl this year. What does that say about your own line up.

Gears of war 1.5
Baby kazooie
Ninja Failden?

Fk thats a line up? Its pathetic.
And now Splinter Cell, supposedly one of the bigger 360 titles, xbots hyped so much about, is gone.


5970d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

Such is the power of the PS brand. Be scared shiatty xbots. Lmao, Splinter Cell has always been a crappy game. And you xbots know it. Splinter Cell has always copied MGS and was always labelled as an inferior substitute by the market.

And xbots called it “it will compete with MGS” lol. After witnessing MGS4, they realised how fking utterly destroyed they were and that’s why they had to scratch EVERYTHING they had and start from NOTHING. Yes, some journalist who played MGS4, lea...

5970d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

PS3 outsells 360 worldwide in April again;
360s graphics reached a limit;
Tales of is not a 360 exclusve;
Baby kazooie is 80% cars;
Bioshock heading for PS3. 360 loses another "exclusive" title.

5973d ago 15 agree2 disagreeView comment
5974d ago

everytime we say 360 is dying, xbots will just say that the new xbox is coming next year lol.

Remember this one?

We: "HD DVD is dead. Blu Ray has won like we have predicted. Now stfu"

Xbots: "but, but, but...stfu droid. HD DVD should have should have won if MS did this and that back then...and, and, and, and...Blu Ray will lose because digital downloads will take over next year!"

See a pattern here? There is some...

5974d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Not just last week, but for the last several months they have been talking shiat.

Sony: "Hi folks, just wanted to let you know that we sold 5 million units in Europe and passed the 360 there, even though we came a year late!"

MS: "WTF biatch!"

1 day later.

MS: "We are the first console that sold TEN (thats 10) MILLION units in the USA! So fk off SonY!"


I can hardly believe any com...

5974d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

This only proves the power of the Playstation brand but fanboys probably wanted to spin this around again.

PS2 selling 4 times as many as PS3? Guess what, its also almost 4 times CHEAPER than the PS3 aswell!

Imagine if the PS3 was that cheap. Hell imagine PS3 being 250 bucks. It will sell like fking hotcakes!

5974d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Their last argument "360 software sales are better"
is fastly becoming empty and dust as PS3 software sales are tremendous and dwarves 360s software sales (which were never a lot to begin with but you know xbots! Always twisting and spinning facts in their favor).

PS3 software sales MURDERS 360s software sales.

Xbots cry us a river. Haha and the bartender! Fk you xbot bartender! It was hilarious!

5975d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

What were you expecting?

Did you honestly believed MS (and their fanboys's) lies?
If you had done your math, you would have known that PS3 attach rate was HIGHER than 360 attach rate, which could only mean that PS3 sells more software.

There is no other conclusion. The PS3 attach rate HAS ALWAYS been higher than 360 and this would have meant that it was only a matter of time before the absolute sales would surpass the 360s software sales aswell.


5975d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

1) claim that Baby kazooie is somehow going to rule because RARE made it
even though all the banjo kazooie 64 developers no longer works for RARE.


2) claim that HAZE sucks while its made by Free Radicals, former Goldeneye 64, Perfect Dark, Banjo Kazooie, Killer instinct developers.

5975d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

The developers? The developers?

Do you think before you post or what.

THE DEVELOPERS (NAMCO) JUST stated that this game is MULTI platform.

And yet you go here and claim that its exclusive. Are you just stupid or what.

On contrary to what you claimed, the developers stated that this game is multi platform. Let this sentence sink through your dumb skull, xbot.

5975d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

They estimated 13 million initially for the first year but ended up with "only" 9.5 million (still more than 360s 1st or second year).

Now this year, they are being carefull. I think they will sell 12-14 million this year.

They definitely going to be equal to 360s number at the end of this year if not surpass 360s install base.

5976d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

and the never ending negative news and ownages continue this week with 360 losing Tales of Vesperia as exclusive!


5976d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Now you get bubbles lol.

5976d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

In this life, if you dont have a receipt, you dont have a warranty.

How old are you?
Is this the first time you experienced this or something?

Lmao, you think you can return products that you could have bought on the black market?

5976d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

Just like Gears of Wars 1.5, it had non interactible enemies in the background made to look like a "massive army".

Which is not the same as the ten thousand enemies army that Heavenly sword had, all which are going to fight you.

5976d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Another one of the xtrolls "triple C" line up down in flames.

Framerate was horrible at the beginning,
Animation comes straight from the SEGA GENESIS generation,
Combat is weaksauce, slow, sloppy and ugly to watch,
Environmental arts looks good,
Graphics are ok I suppose,
Sound is stupid and not epic like RPGs soundtracks are supposed to be.

This game is a failure. This is a 7.5 out of 10 at BEST. Anything higher = MS dollars a...

5976d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment