
CRank: 5Score: 5120

that RARE is a piece of shiat and the worst mistake Microsoft gaming division made.

That is, second worst mistake after the RROD.

5976d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

So why do you people even bother posting this. I dont want GOTY ruined!

5976d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

and the wii stabs 360 in the back. When 360 turns around to defend itself from the wii, PS3 decapitates 360 with one swift blow.

There is no escape and doom is inevitable. Your position is a arrogant one, but now, you are not the hunter. You are the hunted.

5976d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

They dont really have many options, now do they?

Look at their line up for crying out loud lol.

5976d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

As in December. Ho-li-days.
Since when is November a holiday season!

5976d ago 2 agree19 disagreeView comment

Only Gears of war 1.5 stands out.

Only one triple A lol. And its not even an exclusive. Hahaha, I laugh at this pathetic line up.

Ninja Failden 2
Failble 2
Baby Kazooie
Gears of war 1.5
Too - late, nothing can save this, - human

5976d ago 12 agree3 disagreeView comment

BABY Kazooie confirmed!

Animation is shiat.
Lighting is ok.
Gameplay is viva pinata meats baby mario.
Textures are bland and non existant.
Visuals are sharp and ok I guess.
Sound is baby.
Soundtrack non existant.

Have fun with BABY KAZOOIE, xbots.

5976d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

First Microsoft comes out with press release talking SHIAT again:

"GTA4 on 360 and 360 outsells PS3. GAMERS CLEARLY CHOSE 360" (mind you only the second day after GTA4s release, they brag like fking 15 year old immature waiting for an asskicking).

And then at the end of the month (in this case, just 2 weeks later):


"PS3 outsells 360" (again)

Rofl how frikkin hilarious is this!

5976d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Their line up is unmatched and therefore triple A.

That makes 2008 Sony's year. Cos it certainly isnt MSs year.

So far, the first 5 months, Sony has owned every competition MS and the xbots brought forth. Dont you have any shame or are you just stupid or what.

Blue Ray - HDDVD war
No Blu Ray for 360
Goldeneye 360 shiat
Outsells 360 without pricecut
PS3 outsells GTA4 DLC effect
DMC4 out...

5976d ago 9 agree3 disagreeView comment

The author said "triple A Alan Wake" as if it is already somehow confirmed that a game of which we have only seen a few pics of, is somehow triple A.

Not even confirmed to be Single A. Not even confirmed B. Not even confirmed C. Its trash until proven otherwise. And Alan Wake is not an exception. Trash until proven otherwise.

5976d ago 11 agree1 disagreeView comment

Also, you can interpret that statement in different ways:

- its bigger than anything they created before in terms of size (gigs and bytes) or
- its bigger than any world they created before. And this last one doesnt really say much at all.

5976d ago 2 agree5 disagreeView comment

And they are comparing the footage of both games that are NOW. Not the versions when they are released. Obviously KZ2 will jump ahead even more when its 720P and KZ2 in feb 2009 will be unmatched by 20 gears of wars.

And also KZ2 can be shipped this year if Sony wanted too. But Sonys line up is too full so they pushed it back. Yea, they are in a position to do so.

5976d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment
5976d ago

I cant believe there has been soo many topics about Banjo lately. Its like fanboys suddenly realized how little titles there are left on the 360 and starting hyping everyone of them, beginning with Banjo.

Rare is definitely not back by a longshot. And seeing how former rare employees will never join rare again, rare will never be "back". By a longshot.

Its clear that they tried to copy LBP a little. But they will fail. Correction...they already failed.

5976d ago 3 agree9 disagreeView comment

So unless you think COD4 gameplay sucks, you have no argument whatsoever.

And considering that COD4 outsold Halo 3, I would say many people liked the gameplay.

Many elements from COD4 gameplay are borrowed to make for fast intense gameplay but with the best graphics, animations, lighting etc.

KZ2 is going to rock. GOW2 fails horribly compared to KZ2.

5976d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Killzone 2 is planned for Feb 2009.
GoW2 is planned for November 29th.

Thats barely 3 months APART!

So dont act and try to talk your way out of this!

5976d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Lmao now what, xbots?

Now what idiot Zhuk?

Pachter says PS3 outsold 360 (again)

Hot damn, is you stupid or is you stupid?


Its over xbots. OVA! PS3 > 360

"but, but, but...The hardware shortagez?"


5977d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

teh shortagez!"

"The hardware shortagez!"

5977d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

And the xbots were going nuts 1 hour again over the news that 360 outsold PS3. Lmao, get your fking facts straight bots. Your console is dead. Its over. Its OVA!

Software sales didnt boom. It was just grand theft auto that sold a lot.

5977d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

The point is, you know what you are getting.
Dont expect a puzzle game to have an outstanding storyline or visuals. As the point of such game is not story nor visuals.

Same with FPS. You know FPS have weak storylines. So why the whining?

5977d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment