My YouTube Channel is GaminylGames


CRank: 5Score: 112360

If it werent for the betas, Qore would be a massive waste. And since i had already bought those 2 games - 2 VERY good games by the way. Go back and try Calling all Cars. Seriously - it's even more pointless for me.
Nontheless, both those games are 10 bucks. And a Qore subscription is... like 20 bucks or something like that. So there's your money right there.

Anyway. I never got my Uncharted beta which i was kinda pissed about since i wanted to give it to my friend (i had th...

5578d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

was that actually HipHopGamer? I'm assuming it is...

I never really liked the guy - nor had i read any articles - but i had 0 respect for his headlines. That was until i saw videos of him with Jeff Rubenstein and sort of figured maybe he WAS a trustable source after all.
But damn, if you cant even edit - let alone punctuate - a large message in an internet forum that gives you the majority of your hits, then something is obviously wrong.
I will never. NEVER. Ever. At ...

5580d ago 5 agree2 disagreeView comment

It seems that people over at Valve are getting worried about L4D2. Honestly, nobody heard ANYTHING about them till now, and now they're all over the front page trying to get somebody to call the waaaambulance for them.

Seriously. What the hell? Shut up and make more games. Honestly, I dont think ill ever buy another Valve game. Dumbasses. This is how you get people to boycott your company - piss them off.

5583d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Then where the hell is the rumble support? Even Heavenly Sword got rumble support a little after the Dualshock came out. ...and that game failed horribly sales-wise.

5585d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


By system firmware, yeah. Okay, originally it had more features... but not nearly as organized as the xmb.

But by software, i think he means games. >.> Which, you know... Halo and Gears = no. xD

5585d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

You're a dumb@ss... Are you trying to tell me that sales makes everything better?
Well, in that case the wii is the best console. And i haven't bought a single game for that thing since Smash Bros. It also means that standard definition TVs are better than HDTVs, Monster is better than Monoprice, PCs are better than macs, tap water is better than bottled water, the PSP fat is better than the PSP-3000, Halo 3 is better than every game ever (LMFAO), etc etc.

Sales mean NOTHI...

5585d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

"Makes me sometimes wish that Sony and MS would combine their tech and gear"

lmao. Naat.

5586d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

But still... Point is, I - as a gamer - will not be buying it on disc. I like having ONE disc to play Rock Band. So, unless i can import the songs onto my HDD (not sure if you can or not, but it would make me buy it), i wont be getting it.
I feel like a retard for buying Guitar Hero Aerosmith. I don't even like Aerosmith...

5592d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

A new standard for video games huh? xD How can a music game be a new standard? lol. whatever.

Looks good. Would look better as DLC.

5595d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

I have plenty of friend's in the states. There's no doubt though, the majority of them think that Canada is all snow, tree logging, and hockey. >.>

5596d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

You guys don't even know the resolution of the screen, how the touch screen works, the capacity, the price, the weight, how good the games are, etc. It's official- Every Microsoft fan ****ing retarded. Yes, more retarded than the killer Apple fanboys.
How they plan on taking on the App store is beyond me. Let alone iTunes. You guy's do realize this is going to be a blantant ripoff of the iPod Touch sold for slightly cheaper, right? It's what Microsoft ALWAYS does. and ALWAYS have done. ...

5596d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

"Maybe they can't do it because of the VAT and the fact that everyone speaks a different language there? O_o "

LMFAO. People in the states clearly know NOTHING about Canada. xD Wow.

5598d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

...A Gears bundle? What the hell!? Gears wasn't very good. Now Ninja Blade, THAT kicked ass. What the **** are they doing still advertising that over-rated piece...

Ugh. I'll never understand anything Microsoft does with anything. Thank god i got my 360 for free, cause lord knows i would NEVER buy one.

5598d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

@ goflyakite

lmfao. >.>

5598d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Here we go again

5598d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The Unreal Engine sucks balls...

5599d ago 12 agree6 disagreeView comment

Im in the Open Zone again. >.< God, i always do that.

Alright, anyway. ...go back to praising the review for this year old game... whatever. xD

5600d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I dont know what im more confused about-

-Why there is a review on N4G for a game thats over a year old

-Why the people in the Gamerzone aren't as confused as me


-Why the only person with a proper response is in the Open Zone.


5600d ago 8 agree0 disagreeView comment

The review scores seem a bit too high. I think it should probably be sitting around 8/10. Unless the game is considerably less glitchy than the demo, i'll have to disagree with these reviews. usual.
Still- Im pumped for inFAMOUS. Buying it day one twice for 2 pre-order bonuses and returning one of them the next day. >.>
lol. but still, It looks like the same thing that happened to GTA4 is happening to inFAMOUS- The reviews made the game sound better than it really is. ...

5603d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

but... still, after you sign into PSN, your "Local" trophy list is updated anyway, making it irrelevant. >.> Well... unless you don't have internet. ?

I see what you mean now though. lol. But it seems pointless to tell somebody to put in each disc to get their trophies [if they aren't signed in] without mentioning the fact that if they sign in and sync their trophies they will get them all anyway. know?

lol. Whatever. Pointless argument, but i d...

5608d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment