My YouTube Channel is GaminylGames


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I'm confused. Was this article posted by a girl? O.o

Everybody knows there's no women on the internets, let alone games. Move along people, this is obviously some fat naked guy playing some sort of mind trickery.

5494d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

The 399.99 80GB PS3 Fat that is sold out everywhere due to low stock because of a 299.99 120GB PS3 Slim coming out in a week isn't selling well?
Wow, what an odd conspiracy!

In all seriousness though, the fact that it sold 1/3 of the 360's in that time period is hilariously bad for Microsoft. You'd have to be retarded to buy a PS3 fat like, a week before the slim comes out - yet it still managed to get a third of Microsoft's sales.

But anyway, as i always say-...

5496d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

"Formost", "finnally", "shamefull", and started a sentence with "but". This is in the N4G description... Can't even imagine the full article.

A blogger should probably at least spell check, no?

EDIT: Holy sh!t it's a gamespot soapbox. lmfao. Damn, well now i look like a dumbass, huh?
Sorry. I thought this was a full site. Kind of like HipHopGamer, where some really insanely annoying guy rambles on about sh!t nobody cares...

5496d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

because there's so many PS3 exclusives that aren't on PC... ? Maybe? You think?
I mean, that IS technically what exclusive means. You can't have an exclusive game on 2 platforms. That doesn't... K, i'll just shut up. xD Too off topic.

Alright, whatever. So anyway, this is a stupid comparison because-

1. Splinter Cell is completely not even close to finished development
2. That is an Splinter Cell old video
3. They are completely different genres of ...

5496d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

The most hilarious thing about this article is that the poster spelled "amazing" with an S. XD Looks like we've got 13 year old BLOGGERS now.
So anyway, i didn't read the article cause i refuse to give you hits about a new box art template that looks really good. The box arts are PERFECTLY FINE and look a lot more "neat" than the old ones. It's a welcome addition imo.

5498d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Did you guys even read the interview? It said that pissing and female screams were taken out of the FIRST postal - Not Postal 3. >.<

Anyway, this game is gonna be so badass. Whenever the hell it gets released, i'll be buying it day 1. xD

5501d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I agree and disagree for different reasons.

I think Digital Distribution sucks hardcore, and everything besides small games should be released ON A DISC. I buy all my music on CDs, and only buy singles and music videos off of iTunes. I buy all my PS3 games (Warhawk, Socom, Gran Turismo, Burnout) on discs rather than digital, but still buy games like Super Sonic Acrobatic Rocket-Powered Battle-Cars off PSN because, quite frankly, that's a game that just doesn't need a...

5502d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

You can buy parts for any system. I've bought an uncountable number of parts for my PSP fats and 2000s due to me modifying it.
And yes, you can manually replace any iPod battery you want...

5502d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This article had nothing at all to do with the 360, yet you still managed to rip on the console. xD Win.

5502d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I think the majority of those games don't need to be made into movies. Metal Gear especially. The story is just too damn long and complicated to be compressed into a 1-3 hour movie.

Halo doesn't need a movie because, quite frankly, the story isn't the most well-written thing ever.

DMC doesn't need a movie cause... well its Devil May Cry. XD Who would honestly watch a movie about Devil May Cry?

God of War I fully agree should be brought to theaters. >....

5503d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Why can that Peter North guy spam as many comments as he wants here, yet i'm limited to 3? At least my comments aren't all flamebait... >.< Gah, this site sucks. xD

So anyway, I think the majority of those games don't need to be made into movies. Metal Gear especially. The story is just too damn long and complicated to be compressed into a 1-3 hour movie.

Halo doesn't need a movie because, quite frankly, the story isn't the most well-written thing ever.

5503d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Ha. Bitstreaming... Who really cares? The PS3 fat can decode it and output it to PCM anyway... >.> (You know what's funny? The 360 can't do anything better than Dolby Digital. xD)

There are better reasons to get the slim then that.

The flat surface for stacking, the lower power consumption so it will actually power on in the car, The fact that it is smaller and more portable, (as you said) the Bravia Sync, and of corse the price.

5503d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

You guys arent the brightest. >.>

The update is probably just delayed till the first so that they can include some avatars and badass motion themes in the update rather than making us wait till NEXT Thursday to get them.

5504d ago 1 agree6 disagreeView comment

Hilarious. xD (Note: EXTREMELY disturbing images are here. Dead bodies, alive bodies badly injured, etc.)

5505d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Comparing Uncharted to real life? Uncharted is not SUPPOSED to look real. Hence the use of all hand painted textures rather than read photos. They did that on purpose; They said it in a developer diary.

Again, Uncharted is supposed to look HAND PAINTED, not REALISTIC.

Gaaaah. >.< It's so frustrating to see how stupid the people who wright these articles are, but it's even more annoying to see that everybody in the comments can't tell - when even just looking a...

5516d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

...was a trophy in U:DF. >.> I think it had something to do with softening up a couple enemies with gunfire and pwning their ass with Nate's falcon punch ability.

5521d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I never said it was offensive... I said it didn't sound sarcastic or funny. lmao. Ugh... *rolls eyes* 360 fanboys...

Yeah, i went there.

5524d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


5524d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I agree that most people here are all insanely stupid and don't understand sarcasm - but that being said... this "Can't wait to play COD: Modern Warfare 2 on my Xbox 360!" Doesn't in any way sound sarcastic. xD lmao, and if it was actually supposed to be sarcasm, then it wasn't very funny.

5524d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Resistance Fall of Man > Resistance 2.

I still play R2 every once in a while. It's only 2 player split-screen though... and it's obviously meant for a lot more players than that; and you can tell by the map sizes.

I liked Resistance 2 for it's single player more-so than its Multiplayer.

Problem with FoM's online nowadays is that every game you find is a one-hit kill melee or shottys only match - which i find kind of boring after about 10 minutes. I mi...

5526d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment