My YouTube Channel is GaminylGames


CRank: 5Score: 112360

Damn new rhythm gamers. Seriously, the whole genre went to hell a few weeks after Guitar Hero launched on the PS2. Bull sh!t.
Are you playing these games because it feels like you're actually playing a guitar, drums, turntable, etc? Hell no you aren't - you're playing it for the fun of it.

So, if DJ Hero is a good game - then yes, i'll buy it. I personally would love it if Harmonix went ahead and released a sequel to FreQuency or Amplitude and Activision were to just... die...

5561d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Joust? Paperboy?


5561d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Oh Raiden... xD

5563d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

ahh man...

The fact that the 360 users are getting excited about paying 4 dollars for a virtual remote controlled Warthog is... hilarious. xD
lmfao. You almost feel bad for them. but not really.

5564d ago 0 agree6 disagreeView comment

Software updates are all free... And buying one disc will work on as many computers as you'd like with OSX im pretty sure.

I really don't get what you mean by a maintenance fee. all actually. But whatever the hell you meant, the OS is still 10 times cheaper to upgrade... and you don't need to spend any money after that 30 dollars till whenever the next OS comes out.

5565d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

sort of like how they ripped off Apple's LISA (Windows), or the iPod (Zune), or OS X (Vista, Windows 7), or the pocket PC (Oragami), or Eyetoy/Playstation Eye (Natal), or the Dreamcast (X-Box/X-Box 360 controller), etc etc etc.

Have they done ANYTHING original yet? xD

5565d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

<Deleted by poster>

5565d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Im buying Snow Leopard, and i torrented XP. ...well, till i apparently somehow lost a dll or some crap and had to reformat. Twice.
Vista Black Edition (a custom torrent) hated me as well...

Im back to XP now. Seriously. If i were to have to BUY a copy of windows every time my copy of windows forced me to reformat, i'd be broke as hell right now.

5567d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

I love when PC users try to argue saying "Apple's prices are way too high!!! >.<" when they have absolutely zero clue what the hell they're talking about. xD

Snow Leopard (Comes out in September i think) is $29.99 to upgrade your copy of OS X - which comes free on every mac with installation disc's that don't even require a key.

Suck it, Microsoft. I actually buy apple OS's, wheras i just pirated XP and installed it on my mac. Thank's boot camp...

5567d ago 4 agree3 disagreeView comment

It's embarrassing to see Playstation fans here talking about 2.80 as if it was a major firmware. Seriously, it was a disgrace. People hate(d) it when they do that with the PSP (Release a completely ass-pointless update that does literally NOTHING but p!ss you off), and now they're doing it with the PS3. Honestly, no. Just shut up. If you want to brag about how good the Ps3 is, talk about it's games library - which is something the 360 is sorely lacking at the moment.

Oh and would...

5568d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

That was actually a decent speculation on what could happen. Did anybody actually bother to read the article?

5568d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

I agree that they should be sued. From what i hear, that's pretty much bull...

5568d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

at first (and second actually) glance i thought it said "Xbox 360 to get a new game next year?"
I was all like "WHAT? Yeah right... 360? Game? lmao. Sure..." But then i saw it said "name".

Yeah, i didn't read the article... cause it's obviously NOT true. But hey, whatever... Im actually quite suprised this isnt from HipHopGamer

5568d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

"Data from vgchartz."


5572d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

I don't give a sh!t. 360 needs at least ONE decent exclusive. Even if that exclusive is an add-on for a game that looks like it was made in 2002, it's still exclusive...

Except for the fact that its also on PC. But hell, the 360 fanboys call it exclusive so it obviously is, right? XD

5572d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

All "four" Metal Gear games? XD XD XD
Do you have any idea how many MGS games there are?

And, as for Bioshock...

Actually, im just gonna stop talking. lmao... wow.

5575d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Greetings. I've come to remind you that - before adding to this conversation - you should realize that there are people in here who are saying that MGS4 has a bad story, and making fun of the MGS series for it.
If you were intelligent, you would realize that these people are either massive fanboys, or just naturally retarded.

Thanks! Proceed with the comments.

5575d ago 16 agree2 disagreeView comment

And im happy about that. Valve can suck it.

5576d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

To start, the 7.1 uncompressed PCM sound will be cut out of the 360 version - which is something practically all PS3 exclusives have had.
So, since the 360 doesn't have the disk space nor the hardware to decode uncompressed audio in real time, it will either be cut out of the PS3 version (in which case, the audio has been compromised), or PS3 owners will get a feature that 360 owners dont.
So, it's either the PS3 version will have better audio (compromised), or the 360 will - yet ...

5577d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

LBP completely deserves that 9. Killzone deserves higher than LBP though, as it was the best FPS I've played in my life (though, Fall of Man's multiplayer was more fun imo).
And, If you're gonna say that PS3 fanboys whine about everything, you obviously have never read a 360 fanboy's comments. Most are filled with nothing but spelling errors (literally), and make zero sence whatsoever. Heres a comment from my Youtube page-

cptblackhawk (5 days ago)-
explain the 33% failu...

5578d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment