CRank: 5Score: 78310

So what...only Xbox gamers are allowed to comment about a game coming to both pc and Xbox?

Get off your high horse. Your brain is getting a little moldy.

2652d ago 11 agree0 disagreeView comment

DOOM was a throwback yea but it also added a ton of content and modernized the gameplay while staying true to the originals. It felt natural.

This. Looks...kinda boring.

2653d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Just read the roadmap. New maps, guns, customization options.

All free.

2653d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

How is telling someone their expectations of a system are too high lame and stupid? Shouldn't that encourage people to actually look into what they're supposed to be excited about?

Because nearly every article on here until the damn thing was unveiled the fanboys were screaming "4k/60fps on everything!" And when the system isn't capable of that (which was a given considering the specs) they then blame Sony.

2653d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

I'm still waiting for what Sony fans have to be scared about. Resolution?

Don't know why anyone really cares about pushing 4k at the moment.

My pc is capable of 4k. I have a 4k tv. Still prefer my 1440p Gsync monitor. Frames over resolution.

But apparently all it takes for an Xbox gamer is "ooooh shiny!"

2653d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

The Xbox gpu is a modified rx580. Why would they compare it to a 480?

The i3 is stronger than the tablet CPU they're using but the gpu wouldn't beat the x.

An rx580/i3 could but an i5 would.

2653d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

It was better than judgement but $39 felt right. I didn't pay full price ($92 after taxes where I live).

It didn't have the same magic as the original. It felt very been there done that.

2653d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

From what I'm seeing it's the Xbox fanboys that are pissing everyone off.
They're going around everywhere calling it the second coming. Going around claiming it's stronger than a $1500 pc (lel not even close) then crying when some games can't hit 60fps and some for some reason are blaming Sony.

Meanwhile all it ha is a resolution bump. That's pretty much it. The reason Xbox one got so much heat for not hitting 1080p is's 1...

2653d ago 0 agree6 disagreeView comment

Lol I don't get the disagrees.
Go play halo 3 and 4 on 360 then load it on MCC. Half the armors in halo 4 aren't even in MCC.

Seems xbots buttholes are still hurt that no one cares about the X.

2654d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Ladies and gentlemen. We have an idiot on display.

Did Bush personally fly missiles into WTC 1&2 while jumping out to feed on tears too?

2654d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Freesync can also be patched in and used with a free sync monitor. So I'm willing to be Sony will pressure AMD for it.

That extra $100 for just 4k seems really silly. It's not like the system has any exclusive games worth buying that my pc can't already play better than it.

2654d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

No they'll look best on pc in 4k OVER 60fps with far more bells and whistles.

Meanwhile Sony actually has some content you can only play on their system.

Who cares about Sony exclusives? You mean those exclusives that outsell Xbox games?

2654d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Of what? Resolution? Cuz there aren't any games to be sour about. My pc has been capable of 4k for a long time.

2654d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

The MCC games are severly gimped. There's a ton of YouTube videos about it. Tons of content got cut for the MCC.

2655d ago 1 agree5 disagreeView comment

A technical masterpiece who's requirement is a 1050ti?

Is your head working?


2655d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment


The x1x is not a Lamborghini. It's more like a muscle car. Pcs are the fast cars. You people keep playing this console up to be something it isn't.

That's why the pc player base is laughing at it. Because of fanboys like you.

The PS4 atleast has a reason to be picked up. Same with the switch. They have exclusive games.

Meanwhile any MS game I can play on my pc with BETTER performance and BETTER gr...

2655d ago 8 agree1 disagreeView comment

I don't own a PS4 pro. Just a regular PS4 of xb1(dust collector) and a pc that has more power than the PS4 pro and xb1x combined.

So. Do tell me why I should buy an x1x. Is it the games in 4k at half the framerate and graphical fidelity my pc can achieve with ease?

2655d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

System would have been better having every game hit 1080p 60fps or 1440p (upscale to 4k) 60fps.

Then they would have been able to use that power. But nope. They need to focus on "4k" because it's the in thing.

4k just means a clearer image. Big whoop. I've been gaming in 1440p with 144fps for a long time. The hit 4k takes isn't worth the performance.

2655d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment


Resolution only mattered because the x1 was MORE expensive than the PS4 and couldn't even hit a decade old resolution.

Had it been cheaper than the PS4 no one would have gave a shit because it would have made sense.

Again. 1080p was over a decade old by the time the x1 released. It was a standard resolution.

4k is not standard. And what we're seeing from the x1. It's far too early for conso...

2655d ago 7 agree1 disagreeView comment

Septic spews more poop than my butthole🤔🤔

2655d ago 18 agree1 disagreeView comment