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Gamenoob: PS3 Firmware Update Problems?

The PlayStation 3 update v3.50 – which today was available to download – was meant to bring 3D Blu-ray support to the console. However, after trying to play a 3D blu-ray on my PS3, there seems to be some problems with the update.

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Community5023d ago
HeroXIV5023d ago

The problem they're having has actually been recognized by Sony, from PS Blog :

"Depending on the content, some elements may be displayed differently in 3D on the PS3 system than on other playback devices."

hakis865023d ago

Just watched Monsters vs Aliens in 3D on my TV and PS3 with no problems... hope the problems will go away for others!

DMason5023d ago

Since the update, I cant even sign into the PSN. It keeps telling me wrong username or password. When I try to retrieve my password, it gives me an error. Anyone else having this problem?

Focker-4205023d ago


Sony are doing maintenance, just like they had announced 2 days ago that they were.

Windex5023d ago (Edited 5023d ago )

what was said in your quote has nothing to do with this article....

The author is likely having a problem because 3D tvs just got standardized... and tech behind 3D tvs were used to be different.

some first gen TVs used to have polarization images for 3D. And then it moved on to shutter tech 3D(same tech that Sony uses)

now most TV has shutter tech and things have standardized, but some earlier models werent.

The author is likely having issues because 3D tv he bought is earlier model or one that hasnt been standardized.

and thats what the quote meant. IMO, from the article, i think the author is writing this to get hits. he has to know what he is saying isnt true.

insomnium5023d ago

I couldn't sign in to psn about the time you wrote your comment dmason but now I tried it again when I woke up this morning and it's ok. I got a little worried at first since it told me my id or password was incorrect. I was like wtf? Then I remembered reading something about a maintenance so I thought it would be ok in the morning and here we are :D

doughboy20085023d ago (Edited 5023d ago )

I don't know what I did wrong I updated and it's not playing my copy of Monsters vs Aliens and it's not working. How did you get it to work?

P.S. My ps3 isn't even recognizing the disk?!?!!

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ScoobyDrew5023d ago

they are updating the store and doing some other stuff and you won't be able to login until later. just check the ps3 website.

Thursday5023d ago

You, sir, are hereby demoted and may no longer call yourself "Lord"!

vhero5023d ago

We get a firmware update problems article every time a new firmware is out. Can you please actually try find REAL faults with the PS3 instead of this?? Seems those PS3 haters can't that's why every PS3 firmware has probs. The thing is if it wasn't for MS and that firmware that bricked over 1 million consoles these articles probably wouldn't have ever existed.

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johndubya5023d ago

But when it makes the film impossible to watch, then there definately a problem. I'm sure it won't take them long to sort it out. Sony are normally quite quick with those sorts of things!

fucadastates5023d ago

well there isent a problem with alien vs monsters... the only 3dmove i have at the momment

TLG19915023d ago

i'm sure sony is on top of it already, good old sony lol

SuperStrokey11235023d ago

Another update another rash of webpages claiming there are issues with it... there will be no end to it.

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PS3 Update 4.91 Released and Does What You Expect This Feb. 27

You read that headline right! It's not a typo, as Sony has released PS3 update 4.91 this Feb. 27 2024, and it does what players might expect.

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Community116d ago
darthv72116d ago

It says it is for an updated Blueray key but we all know its to also try and patch the exploits that were found in 4.90. And soon this one will be exploited and released as CFW 4.91

Pyrofire95116d ago (Edited 116d ago )

One day the PS3 is gonna be the most STABLE OS every created.
I think I might as well look into some Homebrew at this point. There's probably a cool scene on it.

aaronaton116d ago

I play my PS3 on a CRT @576i. There is a clear bug that Trophies aren't popping up once earned, you hear the noise, but they do not appear at the top right.

CobraKai115d ago

You hold on to that CRT for as long as you can.

anast115d ago

They are still supporting the PS3 that's one reason why people prefer Sony gaming.

FinalFantasyFanatic115d ago

I only finished Xenogears on it in January, nice to see it's still getting the ocassional update.


Whatever Happened To Virtua Tennis?

Sega's prominent tennis sim just couldn't be beat. And then vanished without a trace. Why?

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Community593d ago
ApocalypseShadow593d ago

Answer: Sega.

You could change the name of the game in the title that was awesome in its day, could still be around today because of its fun factor with a remake, remaster or sequel, that's in their huge back catalog, that's no longer being produced as a franchise. And the answer would still be the same: Sega.

As much as I love their games and their spunky attitude. That Sega no longer exists that I grew up with. The current company is a mere shadow of its former self with only a few moments of grandeur. Which is why owning their previous consoles like Dreamcast, is a necessary thing if you want to continue playing games like Virtua Tennis. The reason why I have two of them just in case one stops working. And of course emulation on the go. Wink. Dreams do come in red.

Terry_B593d ago

Virtua Tennis 3 and 4 didnt sell well. Thats all.

senorfartcushion593d ago

Both Virtua Tennis and Top Spin have gone. It’s annoying for tennis game players.

CBaoth593d ago (Edited 593d ago )

Yeah....all 5 of them. Obviously, game budgets now outweigh profit for what essentially boils down to Pong. I'm not talking about coders but licensing costs. Boxing, golf, etc...all fall in this category where real life athletes far supersede their worth in video games. Same thing occurred to Sony's Playstation All-stars. Sony spent 2 generations helping to cultivate all these 3rd party mascots into recognizable assets but when it came to license them for a game, they didn't want to pay the exorbitant fee. That game's 1 million sales didn't warrant a sequel and I very much doubt ANY tennis game could reach that sales plateau

senorfartcushion592d ago

It’s funny how you’re over the age of 3 and don’t know how to read properly 😅😅 Why the bizarre response?

Yi-Long592d ago

I couldn’t care less about licensing in a tennis or golf game. I don't need real-life players or locations/tournaments.

Just give me some fun cool characters, some courts/courses in varied gorgeous locations, and use the Virtua Tennis or Everybody’s Golf gameplay. That’s it.

ActualEngineer593d ago

I used to play tennis IRL and in videogames. My 2-cents is that a boring game that was simulating an extremely boring sport, was thrown under the rug, now that the devs can produce more complex and interesting games.

It's like the tetris-like games and games like space-invaders, that stopped being produced ... it is because they were good and simple to make in the early days of commercial videogame development but they are just not as interesting as, let's say, an open-world coop arpg ...


Five Video Game Console Launches That Went Terribly Wrong

From giant crabs to surprise launches to weird-looking tablets, these console launches were...yeah.

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Community654d ago
brewin654d ago

Yet they all turned out to be great systems with lots of gems, except for Jaguar. Wii U was a criminally underrated system. The Gamepad implementation of Zelda Twilight Princess was incredible! I was so disappointed they removed it altogether for Breath of the Wild because they wanted "parity" with the Switch version. Its a shame and it was a lame excuse.

You can tell BotW was designed around the gamepad usage, with all that menu navigation. That item management and weapon switching would have been 100x better with the gamepad. The worst part was they never let the wii U players know they were removing it! I got the game for Wii U at launch and was disappointed it wasnt there.

PS3 was a mess at first but what a turnaround! That was a crazy generation. Uncharted 1,2,3, Infamous 1 & 2, God of War 3, Last of Us, MGS4, Ratchet and Clank series, Little Big Planet, Modnation Racers, Killzone, Resistance. My god they were so on point later in that generation it was crazy!

TheEnigma313654d ago

Nintendo Screwed themselves using the Wii name again. And the jaguar was straight doo doo; I still have it.

darthv72654d ago

I had it too... Jag could have been something great considering how good the ST games were. And now many of those have been ported but it was too little too late. The CD was just plain unreliable (apart from being an obvious design flaw). The thing about the Jag was it was just too Euro. given that Atari was built initially a US brand and then it later became more European and you could tell from the games. There is just something that stands out with EU created games vs NA or JP ones. Alien vs Predator was cool but def needed a better frame rate. At least 30fps instead of the 15-20 it was.

Im actually surprised nobody has gone back and tried to remaster that one for other platforms. It was a pretty good game.

Espangerish654d ago

Surprised vita didn’t get a mention in the article.

654d ago Replies(1)
Knightofelemia654d ago

PS3 had a buggered up launch but Sony was able to turn things around with the PS3. I still say the XB360 had a terrible launch half the systems cooked themselves and the RROD would appear. Then the 3DO, CDI, Pippin, the Amiga, 32X the list can go on and on with systems with terrible launches.