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XXLGaming | Crackdown 2 Review

XXLGaming writes, "Microsoft and Ruffian finally bring the highly anticipated sequel to Xbox 360 gamers. We have been playing this for the past week, and now its time to reveal our thoughts on the title. Check out the review to see what our Agent had to say on the title.

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Community5196d ago
xYLeinen5196d ago

2nd that.. What the heck...

UNCyrus5196d ago


If anyone can explain to me how the OVERALL is a 93 when there is only one of the four criterium that is over that number, please feel free to enlighten me. Granted those numbers are already inflated as it, but at least perform a correct average of your own numbers!

Aphe5196d ago

Reviewing a game is not an exercise in maths. There might be sub-scores for graphics or sound or whatever, but that doesn't mean it has to have a mathmatical average of those sub-scores. It's generally a score for the overall game as it all comes together.

For example a game could be totally shit in graphics and sound but there might be something about it that is just very addictive, it plays well and makes you want to play it more. To base the game on the graphics and sound would be unfair because it played well and you enjoyed playing it.

Reviewing is not an exact science, it is just an opinion on what you experienced.

capjacksparrow5193d ago

Seriously, just add the four numbers together (not including overall score), and then divide by four. You get an 89, but sometimes you need to sprinkle a little mental retardation for an extra 4 points, and you have 93! See how simple it is?

ASSASSYN 36o5196d ago

Wow... two ps3 gamers can't grasp their head around this score. How surprising.

Cold 20005196d ago

They're probably the same guys who threw a fit when WKC didnt get 10/10.

rwallace5196d ago (Edited 5196d ago )

That's the overall score I was given by my writer. Just passing it along. Now I will say, he is a Crackdown fanatic hence having him write the review to begin with. I played the game and enjoyed it a lot and had I reviewed it, would have been mid to high 80's.

TheBlackSmoke5196d ago

If he really enjoyed it, fair enough, but having a crackdown fanboy review crackdown sort of throws off the rating system for everything else you review on the site.

rwallace5196d ago

Yeah, I am contemplating his score ALOT! Its also the fact that its my 19 year old son that wrote it so I didnt change anything when I published it since I was in the midle of other stuff. But you bring up a great point. Thanks.

Aphe5196d ago (Edited 5196d ago )

If you have faith in him as a writer you shouldn't even be defending the score. You should just let it be and let the flack be thrown. There's too much defending of scores to appease the fanboys that attack them.

You sound like you're embarressed about the review. I imagine that won't make him feel very good when you seem to be palming his review off as something you 'let slip through the net' when you were busy with other things.

Either stand by your reviews, regardless of who it was reviewing, or don't publish them.

brazilianbumpincher5196d ago (Edited 5196d ago )

fanatic or not does professional journalism not come into play?

i played the demo and from my hands on this is nowhere near a 93,id say 7 at best, same city,rubbish textures,terrible graphics, nonexistent story,crap aiming the demo gave me a headache

i waited 3 years for a true sequel and this game isnt even crackdown 1.5 infact i enjoyed the original better

rwallace5196d ago

Ooops, guess my last comment since limited to

Anyhow, its his second review as he is trying to break into the industry and using XXL as a springboard. Is his score high...yes...but also do I change it on him and have him then think this is the norm in the industry? Sure I probably should have edited it to a more realistic score but I also want him to have confidence in his reviews and scores. He'll learn.

Big title, and I'll get big flack for the score as a whole. Thats ok and expected. In the end he will learn something out of this. Don't be afraid to score something the way you feel. You are going to get flack regardless. meanwhile, i'll just put up the shields to fend off the incoming artillery..LOL!

I will pass along the comments to him and have him read these over (of course telling him to ignore

brazilianbumpincher5196d ago (Edited 5196d ago )

let him review games he wont have a tendency to be bias towards,this game is disappointing and should be priced as a budget title.

but anyway rwallace keep up the good work +1 bubbles

TheBlackSmoke5196d ago (Edited 5196d ago )

Its cool man, That's kind of the downfall of having multiple reviewers for the same site, but if you trust his opinion then leave the score as it is.

rwallace5196d ago

Thanks, and honestly I am will show him all of the comments here. It will be a great learning experience. He will also learn how many people actually look at his writing. I don't know if he realizes that quite yet. Do I want to scare him? Yes and no. I do want him to realize that he needs to write on his gut and feelings, but also have to think about the overall picture and not his likes or dislikes only. Examples, comparisons, prior titles, etc.. They all come into play.

In time I think he will be fine and will really invest his heart and soul into the job. For now, I'll just take the flack. Do I hinge XXL's reputation somewhat? Yeah, and if it start taking a hit then I'll just have to work hard to recover and hope he learns. QUICKLY.

Again though, thanks guys for all the input and as I said, I do agree that the score is high because I wouldn't have gone that way. Again, lets hope he learns.

Boody-Bandit5196d ago

You sound like a really cool guy and I wish you and your son all the luck in the world with your site. I don't agree with the review score either but so freaking what? It's not my site, it's yours. If your son enjoyed the game and he thinks that's what it deserves then let it ride. Passion in gaming is needed more than trying to appease the consumer.

Crackdown is a bad ass fun game. It's addicting as hell. My only gripe is the game feels more like DLC than a sequel considering the distance between the original and part 2. This game should have made significant improvements in every way and all that it appears they did was add freaks and multiplayer. I still enjoy the game but it's only because I enjoyed the original so much and missed playing it. I think it's a solid 8 and that is only because of it's fun factor.

^The only reason I would rate it that high (8) is because I enjoy the game play so much. If I was playing the game for the first time and comparing it to other sandbox games? I would maybe give it between a 7 to 7.5.

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sid4gamerfreak5196d ago

Review #103 of crackdown 2 on n4g

5196d ago
J-Smith5196d ago

that picture looks like halo. . .1

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Looking Back to 2010 with Crackdown 2 - Agent of Mayhem

Darren writes: "“XBOX NEEDS EXCLUSIVES!”. Sound familiar? It’s something that has been ringing in my ears since becoming an Xbox gamer nearly 20 years ago. It’s possibly the longest standing and harshest criticism levelled against Microsoft’s console family, and I can’t say I wholly disagree. However, there are some out there which can slip through the net every now and then. But bucking the trend was the original Crackdown, which was not one of them. It shifted a very healthy amount of units as well as drawing in universal praise from critics. A sequel then, would be a no-brainer."

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Community1539d ago
IRetrouk1539d ago

It was basically crackdown 1 with zombies, was fun but corners were cut, solid game though.

Minute Man 7211539d ago

I'm still playing this, activating the beacons is a pain in the ass

IRetrouk1539d ago

Collecting those orbs and upgrading your character were addictive, it was just a shame they played it safe instead of going all out, didnt take anything away from how fun the game is though.

1539d ago
RamRod881538d ago

Crackdown 1 was one of the underrated gems of last gen. I loved that game. Crackdown 2 was crackdown 1 with added zombies and gave the map a paint job. Disappointing, but still enjoyed it for what it was with the added wingsuit, toybox mode and 4 player co-op. Crackdown 3 was basically what Crackdown 2 should have been.


Crackdown 1 & 2 Are Currently Free on Xbox One

While it is unclear at this time whether its a glitch or intentional. Crackdown, and Crackdown 2 are now free for download on the Xbox store.

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Community1620d ago
b163o11620d ago (Edited 1620d ago )


mikeslemonade1620d ago

2 of the weakest graphical games

b163o11620d ago

Oh come on man, Out of all the games under M$.....really

King_Noctis1620d ago

Free is free. They could have done nothing and no one would have said anything.

So what’s the problem again?

xX-oldboy-Xx1619d ago

Sometimes it's better to do nothing, like in this case.

Or are they buttering people up for an xsx version of Crackdown 3? Re-Cracked perhaps?

King_Noctis1619d ago (Edited 1619d ago )

So let me get this straight, you think they are wrong for giving out free games to gamers?Do they force you to download the game? Are the free games expired after a set amount of time? Do they force people to buy an SX version of the game if it comes out?

You know I have seen many stupid comments over the year on this site, and yours is nearly on the top of that list, no offense.

xX-oldboy-Xx1619d ago

No they're not wrong - have at it. Just not a very worthwhile gesture. The games are old, average at best going by people's comments.

Have a crack mate, don't hold back - you couldn't upset or offend me if you tried.

And if you didn't pick up, the second part of my comment was in jest. But you lit are very defensive about ms and their pro-consumer attitude these days.

Lighten up champ - gonna be a long gen ahead haha

Casepb1620d ago

Crackdown 1 was always free.

isarai1620d ago

Yeah this, grabbed it like two years ago. Wish there was a way to play the X-enhanced version on PC

1620d ago
Abnor_Mal1620d ago

Stay at home initiative? Not everyone has Gamepass.

Ulf1620d ago

Crackdown 1 was a *great* game.

franwex1620d ago

Crackdown 1 was fun 13 years ago. Somewhat still fun today

Crackdown 2 sucks.

Crackdown 3 is like Crackdown 1, but with better graphics.

Play Crackdown 3. It’s a fun weekend game.

DARK_WOLF1620d ago

Crackdown 3 shouldv never existed. Of all the games microsoft couldve poured money into making they chose this.

Simply as a marketing game to show off their 'cloud' tech. Sure wasnt made for xbox fans but they tried to shove it down our throats for 5 years regardless.

No thanks.

Kribwalker1620d ago

agreed. crackdown 3 was a fun quick romp

Godmars2901620d ago

CD3 exists as an attempt to showcase a version of cloud supported gaming. That said version fell apart is besides the point.

hamburgerhill1619d ago

I wish they would have just done a Crackdown 1 remake with extras instead of Crackdown 3. All those years wasted on a game that for me felt like anything but crack down.

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Crackdown 1 and 2 DLC Is Currently Free On The Xbox Live Store

Crackdown 1 and 2 were both given for free to Xbox One users to celebrate their launch on the Xbox Live Store and backward compatibility support for the Xbox One. In addition to giving the games for free, Microsoft is now also giving the DLC for Crackdown 2.

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Community1986d ago
darthv721986d ago

That's cool. i got the game last month on GwG and now the free dlc.

PhoenixUp1986d ago

Can’t complain about free games

Still hate what happened with Crackdown 3 though

Sciurus_vulgaris1986d ago

I'm pretty sure even Microsoft isn't pleased with Crackdown 3 either, as they went silent on it.

1986d ago Replies(3)
TheColbertinator1985d ago

The SP got boring quick.

The MP is ok but I have better games to play now.

jznrpg1985d ago

2 isn’t even worth downloading

annoyedgamer1985d ago

Yea it's a bore. Nothing comared to the original.

Johnson511985d ago

Thats great....I just got game last week and i love it

1985d ago Replies(1)
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