
Amazing 3D Halo: Reach Trailer

3D is all the rage right now. From theatrical releases to television broadcasts, it has reached the point where it’s even invading your favorite video games.Made by the stereoscopically-obsessed Mini Waz.

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JOLLY15168d ago

Now my eyes are killing me!!!!

SOAD5168d ago

It's good stuff, but if the resolution of the game has to be reduced to accommodate the 3D, then I'd rather play it in 2D. That said, it did look really cool, and the song by the Killers was cool, too.

Hideo_Kojima5168d ago

whenever I watched low res resolution movies I always felt as if the resolution was double.

Low res 480p 3d youtube videos looked crap when the footage was side by side but when I merged them by crossing my eyes (yes its a cheap technic to achieve 3d without glasses but it works amazingly) it became so much clearer.


Redrum0595168d ago

I liked the trailer itself but I wish I had some 3d glasses to enjoy it to it's fullest.

tigerstyle5168d ago Show
Legosz5167d ago

@ Guntrol

90% of youtube videos look like crap to me, due to the fact that my computer monitor is a 42'' bravia. I have to rely on 1080p videos, 720p is fine but it is still not the greatest.

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MerkinMax5168d ago

There's the video and there's also a link describing how to cross your eyes.

IrishAssa5168d ago

Im like half blind in 1 eye so the cross eyed thing doesn't work...sigh


this just makes me want to see KZ3 in 3D

villevalorox5168d ago

I am using the sawvi 3d glasses and I put them on backwards and it looked a crap lot more like 3d. My glasses say put red on your right eye and if you switch it it come together a lot better

zootang5167d ago

I used the Cyan/amber glasses and i was blown away!!!

3D here i come!! (after saving up for a few months, maybe sell a kidney)

villevalorox5167d ago

lol this is not even true 3d.!!! can't wait for the real thing :D

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AutoCad5168d ago

hmmm i tried to do the crosseyed version and my girl comes in and looks at me for like 10 seconds and walks away with a smirk lmao....

MalaIntentions5168d ago

da 360 has 1.3 hdmi & capable of only 60fps, it cnt do true 3d hd
False advertising

Hideo_Kojima5168d ago

But the max resolution you could get out of a set up like that would be...

"640x720 or 1280x360"

Which I means 360 won't be able to do true HD 3D


i3 360 could do proper 3d they would be doing it to compete with sony. the reason they are not do there subhd3d yet is that if they did it now sony would just say its not as good due to the res and not being hd3d.

Imperator5168d ago

Well, at least it has an HDMI cable. Remember that the first 360s didn't even have an HDMI port? (LMAO). And MS actually calls the 360 "next-gen." lol.

OpenGL5168d ago

The 360 only has HDMI 1.2, where as the fat PS3 is basically HDMI 1.3a sans bitstreaming. Bitstreaming was added to the PS3 Slim making it 100% HDMI 1.3a compliant.

evilmonkey5015168d ago

Your right. No one will ever see Halo in 3d on the xbox 360. It just cant do it.Looks cool though. Maybe the next xbox will have bluray, 7.1 surround and 3d too.

Spydiggity5168d ago

how is it false advertising? and how do you have so many agrees? oh..well i know the answer to the latter. 360 exclusive article...so it's swarming with ps3 fanboys.

it doesn't claim that this is a 3d version of halo...just that it's a 3d trailer! and that's exactly what it is. don't you have more important articles related to a system, that is obviously much better, that you can troll?

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 5168d ago
WiiFanboy105168d ago ShowReplies(4)
D4RkNIKON5168d ago

"I think 3D is a great experience in the theater and I thought Avatar was fantastic," he said, "but there's a lot of challenges about 3D in the living room. I don't know about you, but when I play games or watch TV, I've got my phone, I've got all kinds of things going on. I get up, I get down, I'm looking outside at the weather and it's...I'm not in a dark theater, wearing glasses, staring at a screen. I think it's just a different environment."

Spydiggity5168d ago (Edited 5168d ago )

there's a lotta fluff there. but the underlying point is sound. i have absolutely no interest in putting on a pair of glasses and staring at my tv. i did that once about 10 or so years ago when ABC did all their prime time shows for a week in 3d. it was a pain, and it will still be a pain. ppl act like 3d is something new, it's not. the reason it didn't work was cuz ppl didn't wanna wear the stupid glasses, and they still don't. people that claim they do are just trying to add an additional excuse to justify their blatant bias in gaming.

even when watching avatar (arguably the best looking 3d film ever made) i was sick of it after 10 minutes and watched most of the movie with a bit of a blur cuz i didn't want those things on my face. it's a cheesy gimmick that is only now appealing cuz EVERYTHING is a cheesy gimmick. technology is so cheap now that we can have cheap crap everywhere, and people will eat it up cuz they're depressed, boring people that need gadgets and gimmicks to give them personality. it's like these idiots you see with 20 tattoos and 10 piercings and comb their hair to look like that beiber kid just cuz they can't get laid without it. that's all it is. you don't hear anyone say "i love your personality" to people. they say "i love iphone" "i like your tattoo" "neat bike" etc...

bit of a rant there i suppose, but 3D becoming popular now is just a reflection of a brain dead society of people with no personality, desperate for the next gimmick to get them through their pathetic lives. nothing more.

p.s. bender is awesome, can't wait for the return of futurama next month...as long as it's not in 3D! :-P

evilmonkey5015168d ago (Edited 5168d ago )

Only if it could actually do it, which it cant...

beardpapa5168d ago

Haha i was gonna say. Suddenly 3D is cool with everyone in n4g. Remember when it was talked about in the beginning? "Oh eff this eff that I don't want to get no stinkin 3DTV. It'd be crazy expensive anyways!" Now we're getting "oh I wish I had my 3d glasses" or "I'm gonna pick up a 3dtv just for the experience"

tsk tsk.

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6 Friendliest Characters in Games

GF365: "Oftentimes, video games have characters who are antagonistic and really not very pleasant. Here are some of the friendliest characters in games where you might not otherwise expect to find them."

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thorstein338d ago

Dogmeat: *bark!*

Translation: you are dead to me.


You can probably add Karlach to this from BG3


10 Best Lore-Rich Video Games

Talented writers can build worlds that are as wondrous as real-life. Here are the best lore-rich video games for you to get immersed in.

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shinoff2183574d ago

How'd fallout not make the list. Atleast over cyberpunk, tales , and halo. Fallout been around since what 96 98 and has 5 6 games into it. It's full of lore when you play it. I'd even add star ocean to a point.

robtion573d ago

Agree Fallout should be on there.

MadLad573d ago

And somehow Planescape Torment doesn't even make the list.

Crows90573d ago

Hollow knight surpasses these.

shinoff2183573d ago

In lore? I must be missing something

Crows90573d ago (Edited 573d ago )

Yes in lore. Easily missed... absolutely. Never played a game that had me loving the world and lore behind it as much as that one. Most of course wouldn't be able to experience it since it is a more difficult game.

DarXyde572d ago

I can't speak for all titles on this list, but by the time you get to Dark Souls III, the lore is a bloody tapestry of intricacy

Crows90572d ago

Played them all. Im not saying the games on the list dont have good lore...I just think hollow knight had more lore that is hidden but present and more easily explored and accessed. The souls games have tremendous lore but theyre mostly hidden and stay that way unless you look for it and research it. The lore is not very accessible.

DarXyde572d ago


I think that's a somewhat fair assessment. For me, the Souls games are less upfront about the lore, but it does invite your fascination through NPCs, items, locations, bosses, etc. There's this kind of natural progression where the picture becomes just clear enough by doing the essential tasks, but it really makes you want to explore every inch of the world.

TheColbertinator572d ago

Suikoden and Legend of Heroes also have massive lore setups.

agent13572d ago

narration is more important than lore i'd rather watch the story and characters in a more cinematic way instead of searching for notes and stuff that's why i love sony exclusive games like uncharted and gow and hate from software games

shinoff2183572d ago

The article was top ten lore in video games. I think they did a bad job picking games out. I know what you mean though. I just like a variety of games and genres.

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Halo’s best Bungie campaign has its worst feature fixed after 12 years

Halo’s best ever campaign mode developed by Bungie has had its most annoying feature fixed after more than a decade, making the sci-fi FPS game better than ever

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SullysCigar658d ago

Awesome news - so can we look forward to playing Halo: Infinite with no online issues circa 2033?

just_looken658d ago

"You can download the improved Reach AI mod at Mod DB" This was a mod 343 did nothing so the online will be fixed in our dreams.

SullysCigar657d ago

Par for the course with 343.

Profchaos657d ago

They did say they had a 10 year plan for infinite we just all assumed it would be DLC could of been a 10 year netcode rollout.

But seriously this is a mod the community won't be able to modify infinite in the same way

Cikatriz_ESP658d ago

Combat Evolved was the best campaign, and it's not even close.

just_looken658d ago

You should have tried this version of reach when it first came out remastered for a year there was no sound because 343 could not locate the sound files.

It was a special challenge.

badz149657d ago

more like the bunch at 343i are simply mentally challenged


Well I guess 12 years is faster than most fixes. I guess this is a cheap way to "remaster" something nowadays.....by just fixing something that used to always be broken.

zidane1341657d ago

Did you even read the article? This is a mod to improve AI from back almost 2 gens ago. Nobody is claiming this is remastering anything. Yeesh.

Crows90657d ago

Halo is dead. Microsoft has other shooter franchises it cares more about now. 343 are no longer Xbox golden studio. They are likely to shift things around or even close it all together and give the IP to someone else.

343i decided to pummel the IP into the ground...and when they see it didn't quite look like Glenn's face they decided to just keep on pummeling. Not sure if Glenn is the IP or the fanbase in this case though.

Profchaos657d ago

343 were never the golden studio they were a hastily thrown together b team when bungie said we want to do something else cya

Crows90657d ago

Well ...I didn't want to say it but I agree. Makes you wonder why Microsoft gave them the IP and didn't keep Bungie or any of the talent they acquired from any studio.

CobraKai657d ago

“ Halo Infinite, Halo 3, or Halo: Combat Evolved. It’s hard to say which of the sci-fi FPS games offers the best experience all round.”
He lost me with Halo Infinite.

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