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What kind of careless reporting is this Userthree? this vid you linked IS the dup! I'm approving this one.
movements5317d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
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Not a duplicate. This one was submitted first.
SpaceSquirrel5317d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
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FanboyAttack5317d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
Omega45317d ago (Edited 5317d ago )

OMG that looks CRAZY 0.o

Bungie has gone all out and this is just a beta......i mean jetpacks

This will be the definitive muliplayer game and easily GOTY

Wow just wow, talk about a BOMB lol

EDIT: Forgot to comment on the music...EPIC


Get off the throne you clones...the King is back!

DARK WITNESS5317d ago (Edited 5317d ago )

omg,omg, omg, omg ,... omg, omg...... OMG.... omg.... jetpacks... OMG

I am at work, and just can't get rid of the stupid smile on my face...

all holidays are going to be booked for the beta and game launch.

@ GrieverSoul below;

You don't need to play it to understand the hype, if your not a fan, your not a fan.. there is no crime there. You don't need to try to understand anything. Just enjoy whatever games you enjoy and stick with those. Yes halo is a game you either get it or don't get it.... I could just as well say the same thing about killzone 2.

I fell for the hype when killzone 2 launched and expected it to be the best thing ever, you know what..I was disappointed, very and I still don't get it. but I don't try to either, I just moved and let those people who do enjoy the game continue to enjoy it.

Leave halo to the halo fans, play what it is you play, you won't get a gold medal for "understanding " halo or why people love it.

and the truth is if you never played any of the old halo games, well of course you wont understand.

GrieverSoul5317d ago

I really need to play this in order to understand all the hype!!

I´ve never played HALO online and I´m honestly not impressed with this trailer. For an untrained eye in the HALO multiplayer this looks like the same stuff I saw in footage on 3 and OSDT multiplayer. But hey, its my fault ok?! Not dissing the game, ok?!

5317d ago
EvilBlackCat5317d ago (Edited 5317d ago )

wow just wow

the hate on halo for no reason continues

Once again Halo proves that his multiplayer is all about a word you cant use in others to describe them


5317d ago
TROLL EATER5317d ago

wow thats just the taster to the full online experience. HALO reach will dominate the next 5 years of online activity.

Halo3 MLG Pro5317d ago

Awwwwwwwwww Baum is jealous. :(

Akagi5317d ago (Edited 5317d ago )

LOL, GOTY? u mad? Halo 3.5.

callahan095317d ago

I notice marked improvements in animation, lighting, textures, resolution, and yet it still looks soooo much like Halo 3.

Dnied5317d ago

Looks kinda neat. I don't think the fact that it looks like the same old is a bad thing, halo multiplayer is actually quite fun and Bungie is pretty good with the extra features as well.

However, I'm a bit dissapointed in the video, adding things like loadouts? really? I'm really starting to miss the days when guns were strategically placed on the maps. Jetpacks? really? seems more like Halo meets red faction.

this will not be GOTY, I don't know how you can say that, Alan Wake has a better chance. Gow3 will be tough to beat though.

5317d ago
SilentNegotiator5317d ago (Edited 5317d ago )

For the fans, all you have to do is make a new map and add a jetpack and suddenly it's the best thing to ever bless the planet.

Halo has much redemption to do to reclaim me as a fan.

Jetpacks: because bunny hopping wasn't bad enough.

JokesOnYou5317d ago

If you don't like the jumping in Halo, then its just not for you, Halo isn't COD, never has been trying to achieve realism, Halo is about fun and YES the game is much improved in every way and those jetpacks look like kickass fun. Damm, I can't wait to play this beta.


DelbertGrady5317d ago

And you could just as easy say that the only difference between MGS4, God of War 3, Killzone 2 and Gran Turismo 5 compared to it's predecessors are the graphics.

Halo: Reach will bring tons of new stuff. Just like Halo 3 had Forge, match-making, 4-player online co-op and more Reach will also set a new standard for how FPS games should be experienced.

5317d ago
MerkinMax5317d ago (Edited 5317d ago )

If you saw the ViDoc you would have noticed the lighting and how it blew this video away. There wasn't even First Person Self Shadowing in place in this video. So yeah, it's easy to say these are unfinished graphics.

Reibooi5317d ago

In terms of game play it looks like they are stepping things up a bit. It looks alot more hectic and they are adding quite a few new elements too the game.

However graphically I can't help but think it looks like a slightly better Halo 3. Considering what we had seen in trailers for the single player up until this point and how insane bungie was telling us it was gonna look I was expecting alot more. I know it's just the multiplayer but KZ2 looked insane in single player and online. So I am wondering why Halo can't as well.

HxCGamer5317d ago

i was regretting getting ODST cz i rarely play firefight

but this is gonna make it so worth it!!!

tronz5317d ago (Edited 5317d ago )

"Slightly better than Halo 3"

Halo Reach is already many steps above Halo 3. I think people physiologically now except Grey and Brown games to be the winners.

archemides5185316d ago

sucks for 360 players, have to wait 5 years to get a launch-quality game

at least they got the system 48% working by now

SixZeroFour5316d ago

just so you know...jetpack is just an armor ability, as seen in the 21 sec mark...that icon above the radar is draining while he flies in first person view...same with the little bubble shield that totally stopped and ruined the ghost at the 23 sec mark

loadouts are still totally unknown to what it could mean that you can spawn with a buddy like bfbc (since there seems to be an active roster, what ever that means) and because there was a camo guy appearing with 2 other teammates or that you can loadout with your choice of armor ability and change up every time you did if you choose to

explosions are much bigger and dramatic than in previous titles, and animations look more realistic

so far, looked like a total of 5 armor abilities, and about 14-15 weapons showed in that video, and invasion (firefight?) with 6 players

Sitris5316d ago

That did not impress, jetpacks, not really that original, and the graphics are terrible lol Assassinations are not what i wanted.
It did look good but just like every other Halo ever made :( I wanted more haha

Eamon5316d ago

I can now already see Halo Reach getting BEST SHOOTER and BEST MULTIPLAYER of 2010. It will definately be nominated for GAME OF THE YEAR but I'm pretty sure it will come close against God of War III (which is obviously going to be GOTY)

Man, the music is just awesome. Martin O'Donnel is a genius.

And the gameplay is seriously full OMFG moments.


The Lazy One5316d ago

Obviously the game has graphical similarities. It's a sequel. Do you want them to change the whole style of the franchise?

All you need to do is look at this video and a gameplay video of H3 to see how much better it looks. I'd recommend watching the version on bungie's site too, as youtube is pretty degraded quality.

FamilyGuy5316d ago (Edited 5316d ago )

It'll definitely be a contender for GOTY and it will almost certainly win online multi-player GOTY but there's definitely other noteworthy contenders coming out this year too.

The jetpacks seems like a genius idea when you think about what the fans of the series are use to and enjoy.

Question for the biggest fans of the series though: From that video, do you guys feel there might be too many players on those maps? It looks hecktic to me and I remember reading this Halo was bumping up the number of players on the field to like 32. What's your opinion?

BTW, this youtube, beta build of the game isn't really a good basis for what the final builds visuals will be like but the hand-to-hand combat looks sweet. Though, from personal experience with other games, I think the animation takes too long so doing it will likely end up with you as cannon fodder/grenade bait.

These are just things to think about when you leave feedback to the devs while playing the beta.

Eamon5316d ago


N4g_null5316d ago

Wow I never post here but seriously I may get an xbox for this or at least buy the game for the studio. I'm liking some of those game play modes. Also serious fps games don't care about what graphic whores think. Owning some one will always look better than qte games or hype vechicles.

Bungie is getting closer and closer to what the promised for the power mac many years ago. This is coming from some one who hates halo because it's too dumbed down yet this one has the complexity that a vet needs. Plus I think I'm getting lost world 2 and ff13 just to stay up on the jones.

After watching so many hd only devs loose people I'm thinking it's time to just support what is good. I wonder if they will give you natal updates for this game. Also it does support kb and mouse right. I really wish Sony would give up on moive games and give us some real games with great game play modes.

I still hate ms though atleast until they buy me out! LoL

I must say things are heating up now.

Reibooi5316d ago


Many steps above Halo 3 is pushing it. While the game certainly looks better it's not by a large margin and most of what I percive as making the game look better are more presentation then graphics themselves. For example some of the cool ODST like effects around the flags and what not. That gives a nice touch and makes the game look better but Graphically it still looks the same.

If a friend came in while you were playing the Reach beta and didn't notice any of the new game play additions the first thing they would say would be "Playing Halo 3?" Because that's what it looks like.

It doesn't matter about how much poly count there is or the tech behind the engine. If it doesn't look alot better it doesn't matter.

I have not come to accept grey and brown as better. Uncharted 2 does not have much grey and brown and other great looking games like Bayonetta and Borderlands don't either.

Part of it is because of the Halo art style there just isn't much detail to show. Where the single player looked great was the humans looked alot more well human. But being online you don't have that. It's just the armor and you can't get much more detail into something that isn't that detailed to begin with.

JasonPC360PS3Wii5316d ago

I'm stoked about being able to dodge roll, the jetpacks and new MP modes.

aceitman5316d ago

warhawk already did it and so did the simpsons

ll_UNDERSCORE_ll5316d ago

This is the Halo Reach everyone is hyping to be one of the best shooters?? GOTY?? Shooter of the year??? Not even close.

OmarJA-N4G5312d ago

Why are they showing Halo 3? what a fuc_k!ng joke.

+ Show (31) more repliesLast reply 5312d ago
DixieNormS5317d ago (Edited 5317d ago )

It looks the same but sooooooooooo much better at the same time. Place that in your pipe and smoke it.

NewZealander5317d ago

Im looking forward to this, I love halo, and the multiplayer, but altho I know this is a beta its not looking much better than halo 3 I was expecting a big change in graphics.

edhe5317d ago

The graphics are seriouslz updated ' mean just check out the vidoc online. The differences are prettz immense on the basic stuff. What zouàre implzing is the aesthetic. The graphics are indeed much improved but the aesthetic is almost the same, meaning that unless zouàre looking into polzcounts or something like that then the game will of course look the same.

Which is the right thing ' wouldnàt want halo to suddenlz look like some other game.

** Apologies, using a swiss kezboard todaz....

Halochampian5316d ago

I dont know why people think this is a beta trailer. All of that was alpha. It will most defiantly change from the beta and the final release.

Have to say im really excited about it. Jetpacks is making me think of tribes now though haha. I welcome the change though.

blizzard_cool5317d ago

That looked really awesome but because of the music I was constantly thinking about Kingdom Hearts 2 :p

KrustytheClown5317d ago (Edited 5317d ago )

kind of like unreal tournament 3 in my opinion :) hey hey hey! the only issue is, i want graphics like killzone 2 and ill be straight. this game looks tight!1st day buy for me! hey hey hey!

Xandet5317d ago

Now maybe my day-one, $60 purchase of ODST can finally be justified.. the new MP looks like an awesome amount of fun. Keep it up, Bungie; don't let me down this time!

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6 Friendliest Characters in Games

GF365: "Oftentimes, video games have characters who are antagonistic and really not very pleasant. Here are some of the friendliest characters in games where you might not otherwise expect to find them."

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Community395d ago
thorstein395d ago

Dogmeat: *bark!*

Translation: you are dead to me.


You can probably add Karlach to this from BG3


10 Best Lore-Rich Video Games

Talented writers can build worlds that are as wondrous as real-life. Here are the best lore-rich video games for you to get immersed in.

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Community630d ago
shinoff2183631d ago

How'd fallout not make the list. Atleast over cyberpunk, tales , and halo. Fallout been around since what 96 98 and has 5 6 games into it. It's full of lore when you play it. I'd even add star ocean to a point.

robtion630d ago

Agree Fallout should be on there.

MadLad630d ago

And somehow Planescape Torment doesn't even make the list.

Crows90630d ago

Hollow knight surpasses these.

shinoff2183630d ago

In lore? I must be missing something

Crows90630d ago (Edited 630d ago )

Yes in lore. Easily missed... absolutely. Never played a game that had me loving the world and lore behind it as much as that one. Most of course wouldn't be able to experience it since it is a more difficult game.

DarXyde630d ago

I can't speak for all titles on this list, but by the time you get to Dark Souls III, the lore is a bloody tapestry of intricacy

Crows90629d ago

Played them all. Im not saying the games on the list dont have good lore...I just think hollow knight had more lore that is hidden but present and more easily explored and accessed. The souls games have tremendous lore but theyre mostly hidden and stay that way unless you look for it and research it. The lore is not very accessible.

DarXyde629d ago


I think that's a somewhat fair assessment. For me, the Souls games are less upfront about the lore, but it does invite your fascination through NPCs, items, locations, bosses, etc. There's this kind of natural progression where the picture becomes just clear enough by doing the essential tasks, but it really makes you want to explore every inch of the world.

TheColbertinator630d ago

Suikoden and Legend of Heroes also have massive lore setups.

agent13630d ago

narration is more important than lore i'd rather watch the story and characters in a more cinematic way instead of searching for notes and stuff that's why i love sony exclusive games like uncharted and gow and hate from software games

shinoff2183629d ago

The article was top ten lore in video games. I think they did a bad job picking games out. I know what you mean though. I just like a variety of games and genres.

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Halo’s best Bungie campaign has its worst feature fixed after 12 years

Halo’s best ever campaign mode developed by Bungie has had its most annoying feature fixed after more than a decade, making the sci-fi FPS game better than ever

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Community715d ago
SullysCigar716d ago

Awesome news - so can we look forward to playing Halo: Infinite with no online issues circa 2033?

just_looken715d ago

"You can download the improved Reach AI mod at Mod DB" This was a mod 343 did nothing so the online will be fixed in our dreams.

SullysCigar715d ago

Par for the course with 343.

Profchaos714d ago

They did say they had a 10 year plan for infinite we just all assumed it would be DLC could of been a 10 year netcode rollout.

But seriously this is a mod the community won't be able to modify infinite in the same way

Cikatriz_ESP715d ago

Combat Evolved was the best campaign, and it's not even close.

just_looken715d ago

You should have tried this version of reach when it first came out remastered for a year there was no sound because 343 could not locate the sound files.

It was a special challenge.

badz149715d ago

more like the bunch at 343i are simply mentally challenged


Well I guess 12 years is faster than most fixes. I guess this is a cheap way to "remaster" something just fixing something that used to always be broken.

zidane1341715d ago

Did you even read the article? This is a mod to improve AI from back almost 2 gens ago. Nobody is claiming this is remastering anything. Yeesh.

Crows90714d ago

Halo is dead. Microsoft has other shooter franchises it cares more about now. 343 are no longer Xbox golden studio. They are likely to shift things around or even close it all together and give the IP to someone else.

343i decided to pummel the IP into the ground...and when they see it didn't quite look like Glenn's face they decided to just keep on pummeling. Not sure if Glenn is the IP or the fanbase in this case though.

Profchaos714d ago

343 were never the golden studio they were a hastily thrown together b team when bungie said we want to do something else cya

Crows90714d ago

Well ...I didn't want to say it but I agree. Makes you wonder why Microsoft gave them the IP and didn't keep Bungie or any of the talent they acquired from any studio.

CobraKai714d ago

“ Halo Infinite, Halo 3, or Halo: Combat Evolved. It’s hard to say which of the sci-fi FPS games offers the best experience all round.”
He lost me with Halo Infinite.

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