Approvals 10/10 ▼
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GameSpot: Bayonetta (PS3) Review

Unfortunately, as entertaining as the stylish action combat of Bayonetta is, it's plagued by a number of technical issues on the PS3 that distract and spoil some of the fun. Not only are the visuals grainier and more washed out than in its Xbox 360 counterpart, but there are also noticeable frame rate dips that occur when the action gets too heavy. Most commonplace, however, are the frequent, excessively long load times.

Bayonetta can stay with you even after you've stopped playing it. Regardless of which version you play, its host of hidden items and secrets, multiple difficulties, competitively balanced scoring system, and charismatic heroine make Bayonetta a game that will be revisited time and time again.

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✔ Fixed
Bad Editing
8.0 not 8.5
chrisulloa5282d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
GS score is 8.0 not 8.5
N4PS3G5282d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
Bungie5282d ago (Edited 5282d ago )

what !!!

the game got a 9 not 8.5

what's wrong ?

EDIT : never mind it's ps3 version. my bad

N4PS3G5282d ago

PS3 version got a different score

Homicide5282d ago

The PS3 version got an 8.0, not an 8.5. It scored a whole point lower than the 360's.

N4PS3G5282d ago

Homicide is right actually...don't know why it says 8.5

Bungie5282d ago

OMG it's true it got an 8

wow that's not a good way to start the year

Simon_Brezhnev5282d ago

bungie the way you troll is not a good way to start off the yar

Bungie5282d ago (Edited 5282d ago )

i'm not trolling it really got an 8

click on the link if you don't believe me

Digitaldude5282d ago

"Thats not a good way to start the year"
I kinda dont want to read your fanbyish comments in posts.
Platinum games didnt do the port, how lazy.

steck675282d ago

Not surprised. It is a crappy port after all. Unless if Sega decides to patch this, I guess I will be getting Dante's Inferno instead. It was either this or DI for me until GoW3 comes.

Trebius5282d ago (Edited 5282d ago )

I'll go ahead and rent Bayonetta and Dante's least we all know the REAL defining genre experience comes with GoW...

I'm just happy I get to play all 3 :)

Oh and're a big stinky loser...haha. You're first post every thread, need a job? I need waiters at my restaurant.

SDF Repellent5282d ago

Bungie, you are becoming the X360 fanboy version of Saaking. You are first to post in every X360 article this past couple of months.

But your jokes are way more funnier than Saaking. LOL

kingdavid5282d ago

I think saaking is improving tbh. IE. less biased toward the ps3.

At least he can acknowledge there are good games on the 360.

Back on topic, its crap that shotty ports like this still exist. There is no excuse for such dodginess in today's industry.

Greywulf5282d ago Show
red5ive5282d ago

i don't want to, but i'm actually boycotting this for my ps3. i've been hella pissed ever since i found out that Bayonetta was a terrible a port.

pippoppow5282d ago

Bungie, SDF, N4PS3, going crazy over a game PS3 owners can play. Enjoy your slightly better version. 8 is still a good score for those gamers who like DMC type games.

Oh, I'm sure you guys will be buying the better version of ME2 , Splinter Cell and eventually Alan Wake for the PC? Since playing the better version of a multiplatform game is so important.

Mods please do your jobs. Posters who constanly jump into threads pertaining to a console they get a rush bashing and get away with it is what is hurting this site. Every once in a while,ok but constantly?! Maybe we should all just indulge in the same "fun".

kingdavid5282d ago

As stated by IGN

"Bayonetta is one of the finest actions games I've ever played as long as we're talking about the XBOX360 Version."

darkmurder5282d ago

"Bayonetta is one of the finest actions games I've ever played as long as we're talking about the XBOX360 Version."

Lol expect a million disagrees just for the fact that its clearly an inferior version (its the devs faults so why are u guys blaming IGN and gamespot)

bakasora5282d ago (Edited 5282d ago )

I played the PS3 version today, some part the texture look like crap, like PS2 quality. Its a really fun and thrilling game nevertheless. Yay thumbs down for me

Eamon5282d ago

Guys, stop feeding this troll. It will get you nowhere.

bjornbear5282d ago

parading when a PS3 PORT gets a lower score? =P

what? ran out of halo or something? xD

sad sad people

- i think its still a fair score =) and i'll still be picking it up later, but for now, saving up for the coming months! =(

jcgamer5282d ago

and for confirming that Bayonetta may be solid, but it's FAR from the masterpiece that the HYPE train is trying to make it...

and i'm so glad PS3 and 360 owners are preordering exclusives like GOW3 and Mass Effect 2 over HYPEonetta...

Oh, and for that shoddy port? Bayonetta, welcome to bargain bin city...


bacon135282d ago

I love 360 and PS3 which is better banter. Hey guys and girls, get a good job and buy both systems! That way you can have your good Bayonetta port and God of War 3...........YAAYYYY!

kingnick5282d ago (Edited 5282d ago )

I've played Bayonetta and Dante's Inferno on both PS3 and Xbox360. Bayonetta is a far better game in terms of gameplay and graphics.

Dante's Inferno really shows the sacrifices that have to be made when a multiplatform game is designed to run at 60FPS on both PS3 and Xbox360.

The lack of shader power on the PS3 combined with the fact the game can't take advantage of the PS3 or Xbox360 really shows. You get a game with the technical weaknesses of both platforms and none of the strengths.

For 360 owners Bayonetta is a far better choice and for PS3 owners GoW Collection or GoW3 (when it launches) would be better games to pick up IMHO.

EDIT: The demos that is.

The Happy Baby5282d ago

Play It.
Stop Whining.
If you dont wanna play the 360 version instead, then buy D.I.

Saaking5282d ago

Guess I'll be renting the 360 version then.

+ Show (22) more repliesLast reply 5282d ago
Athlon5282d ago

That confirms it as a rental for me as I only have a PS3. Not 100% sure if I should pick up Darksiders tomorrow either as I'm on a budget.

happyface5282d ago


its a huge disappointment the ps3 cant run this masterpiece properly

theEnemy5282d ago

It's a huge disappointment that Sega can't port this game properly to a masterpiece console.

nycredude5282d ago


That is the real difference between the two consoles. Not to be a d1ck but on the 360 this may be a masterpiece compared to the lineup but on the Ps3 this is just another decent game compared to the lineup.

You guys keep hyping up multiplats to be the "masterpieces" on your console of choice while the rest of us play real masterpieces.

IMO Darksiders looks a lot more interesting and so I'm getting that until GOW 3. Besides I read somewhere this game is only 8 hours long, half of which is cutscenes.

hazardman5282d ago

Guess I'll be getting it for the Xbox360 then..

Bodyboarder_VGamer5282d ago (Edited 5282d ago )

Oh man, I really wanted to play this game but I'm not going to support crappy ports. They can eat $#!^ and die. Crappy ports in this day and age it's unacceptable.

mesh15282d ago

hahahah look n4g trying to fool ppl the game got 8/10 compared to the 360 versions 9/10 yet the n4g sonyfanboy mods are giving falxse info givivng the ps3 version a 8.5 from gamespot.

Trebius5282d ago (Edited 5282d ago )

Why're you such a nerd? :)

PS3 gamers have This, DI, and GoW3 to experience...alas you only have 2 :(

If you want to play the superior version in the genre just go to a friend's house with a PS3, if you have friends that is...

We're the 1 bubble warriors!

Except you're a loser fanboy...and I just like to curse off mods a lot :)

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Bayonetta Developers Discuss Plans Of A Sequel

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