THE MAX SPEED 215340d ago

Mass Effect Meets Halo!!!
Still want to see Gameplay though.

Megan Fox5340d ago

Now you can really see how much Bungie improved the graphics with this HD video, I guess this kill the thought of the Xbox been maxed out.

tuglu_pati5340d ago

One word to describe this,


SnuggleBandit5340d ago (Edited 5340d ago )

definitely a good jump from halo 3 and odst...nothing too amazing yet though

EDIT: Wow...i was praising the game!!!! And honestly i didn't see anything mind-blowing did you?? Game looks good...and im not a fanboy, if i had the money i would buy a 360 but i don't.

darkequitus5340d ago (Edited 5340d ago )


Of course itis not amazing. It is not on the PS3

At least you are true to form i.e. Blind

I suggest you download the 720P version from the Bungie site. IF you can stomach going there.

el zorro5340d ago


Sure buddy, if you say so.

Seriously though, those graphics are insane. So detailed, clean and with amazing lighting. The landscape also looked extremely good.

Bungie5340d ago

put your age (or just copy this " 10/10/1980" )

and download it

it's about 115 mb

damn what a busy day

lokin5340d ago

I tried to not let myself get exited for this game just yet...(I hate to wait for things I want now)... But that went out the window when watching this... Can not wait.

dragunrising5340d ago

I am throughly impressed with the apparent improvements in Halo Reach. New engine, multiple Spartans, and the return of elites for enemies. I hope the graphics in the trailer are representative of in game. The hype has started...:-)

starchild5339d ago

Sweetness. I thought I would be disappointed with the graphics but to my surprise they are freakin sick. Bungie you have won me back over.

green5339d ago (Edited 5339d ago )

Just downloaded the HD version from and Halo Reach is sure going to be a force to be reckoned with in 2010.

ABizzel15339d ago

OK the HD looks a lot better. This looks really good, but I still want to see gameplay.

darkmurder5339d ago

Graphics look great, as usual PS3 fanboys will say its worse than Halo 3.

Maddens Raiders5339d ago (Edited 5339d ago )

presentation... and this is the in-game engine to boot? Color me impressed MS / Bungie.

darkmurder5339d ago

Be funny to see everyones thoughts after the last thread where everyone was bashing it.

Immortal Kaim5339d ago

Do yourselves a favour and download the HD trailer from Bungie Net...Looked a lot better than I anticipated.

jhoang5339d ago

this cinematic needs to be compared with the ODST cinematics to see the real change. because that's the closest thing we can compare too. you dont normaly get that type of lighting in-game anyway i dream to be wrong though.

BWS19825339d ago (Edited 5339d ago )

version of the trailer (the full 125 MB BungieNet one) has me very excited and impressed. Let's see what they can do with the engine in various environments (indoor, outdoor, lighting, particles, etc..) and I'm dying to see gameplay and I REALLY hope this one comes with a level editor even more expansive than any other console one. I have yet to play through Halo 3 but did play through both the first two on the first Xbox. This actually has me much more hyped up than I was before for this game, and I'd just bought an Elite this fall (first 360, had Xbox 1 last gen)...Nice to own both now!

Very well done trailer, amazing music, and the little touches were epic, ie: the dude loading rounds into the clip on the craft as the Spartan walked by....Very cool.

Edit: I should recommend EVERYONE watch the downloaded BungieNet one, I have it on my PC now, and I'm keeping that version, it's the best one by far (ignore the G.T. one as it's compressed and you will notice artifacts and the like). It's awesome. Get it, now.

SixZeroFour5339d ago (Edited 5339d ago )

guys z-hayden is right tho...this was a very good looking trailer, but wasnt too "exciting" cause it was just a cutscene

loving the look so far and boy did the elite bring a huge smile to my face :D i cant wait...bring on the beta bungie!!

EDIT - i agree with everyone recommending the HD version on videos just wont do the trailer justice

andron5339d ago

More realisitc and subtle look in this trailer, very atmospheric.

Still think the facial animations are a bit "cartoony", like Halo 3. Voice work seems much better though...

green5339d ago (Edited 5339d ago )

Do you know why we are going crazy over the graphics even if its just a cutscene? Its because Bungie,s cinematics for all Halo games have always looked 100% identical to in-game graphics.Bungie have never (to my recollection) used pre-rendered graphics or CGI for any cutscene in all 4 Halo games that they have made.

Halo 3 ODST cinematic

Halo 3 ODST in-game screenshot of the same room

SaberEdge5339d ago

Ultimately there is no reason to argue it. Halo Reach is an exceptional looking game and you are either going to acknowledge that fact or deny it because it clashes with you sense of allegiance to a particular console.

SixZeroFour5339d ago (Edited 5339d ago )

dont get me wrong, im not trying to downplay what was in the trailer, it was visually stunning...i was just talking about the lack of action

and yes...ill say it again, i cant wait for this game to come a big halo fan (not fanboy ;P) and still looking for every bit of info i can

btw...did you guys notice the halo 1(i think) pistol on his right thigh or the new br/assault rifle with scope on his back :D i cant wait long enough :(

edit: are always class act, its the fan"boys" that arent lol

btw, is that john117? i keep looking for a call sign on his armor like the rest, but cant see im waiting for the "in depth look" vids of this trailer...ahahah

Strikepackage Bravo5339d ago (Edited 5339d ago )

how laid back you all are about this, do you guys not realize these are the best graphics ever on a game console!?!?

sure the colors are not artificially over saturated Uncharted style, but the look and weight of the characters remind me of my Wall-e Bluray!
This is incredible, yet you guys are just like, hmm looks good...

If this was a PS3 game PS3 fans would be claiming victory over the universe, and gloating like a bunch of boorish 12 year olds LOL.

You 360 fans are a class act, very mature bunch I must say.

commodore645339d ago (Edited 5339d ago )

I agree Strikepackagebravo.

Were this a ps3 trailer, we'd never hear the end of it from the Sony attack force.
I did note that there have been quite a few of them downplaying the quality even in this very thread... it's so sad.

Halo Reach looks to be astounding and will push the 360 to new heights.
The game is still a year away and this is very likely what actual gameplay will be like... probably better!
Great News for gamers.
Bad news for haters.

Halo Reach will no doubt also set sales records.
But does that matter?

NickIni5339d ago (Edited 5339d ago )

It certainly looks good, but it's not jaw dropping like U2/KZ2 were. Although you could put that down to having seen graphics of a similar standard to this in those two games.

But, this is a cinematic. I'm reserving my opinion on it's graphics until we see some actual gameplay footage, but never the less, the certainly looks very promising indeed. Cheesy, but promising.

You can't deny this game looks very good, but best looking console game based on a cinematic is jumping the gun.

Strikepackage Bravo5339d ago (Edited 5339d ago )

First off Killzone2 had nothing on these graphics, KZ2 was the most graphically over hyped game ever, the graphics in that game were not nearly as great as you PS3 fans claimed.

As for Uncharted, that game is indeed great looking, but it looks like a popup book, nothin in it actually looks real, just very bright pretty and 3Dish, kinda like Kameo was on 360. What makes REACH look better is the fact that the characters actually look like solid hard objects. Like I said its Wall-e'ish, Reach just looks more real, and they don't use bright colors to fool the eye, pretty graphics and realistic graphics are two different things.

Note: by Wall-e graphics I mean Wall-e himself not Eve, LOL she looks a lil more cartoonish.

Menech5339d ago

Sorry if you download the 720p version from bungie's website, and have a monitor with a big enough resolution to not compress it. They graphics in the game clearly give KZ2 a kick in nuts. Maybe you want to take your goggles off but there are 10x more textures in the game then KZ2 ever had. The face of the commander was insane quite similar to Mass Effect face's which are awesome as stated above.

Sure there hasn't been any gameplay footage. If it LOOKS better then KZ2 gameplay remains to be seen. But even if it doesn't its gameplay will simply blow KZ2 away Halo 3 already does. Anyone trying to compare KZ2 to Halo on a gameplay level is wasting there time Halo has completely superior gameplay. The number of people playing it online 2 and a half years after release speaks for its self.

And you have to remember you cannot compare UC2 And Halo Reach since UC2 uses set piece's Halo Reach does not so even if Halo Reach ends up being a little worse visually that doesn't mean its not a more powerful game. This footage alone already completely lays waste to any claims the 360 is maxxed out.

heroprotagonist5339d ago (Edited 5339d ago )

We can't make any final judgments as to the quality of the graphics until we see full blown gameplay video, but I'd say that based on what we have seen here Halo Reach is easily among the console graphics elite.

Edit @ guy above

That's true. Uncharted 2 is a very linear game compared to Halo. I don't know why people never take that into consideration.

5339d ago
Jeromejones5339d ago (Edited 5339d ago )

I still cant understand what the fuss is about in terms of Reachs visuals. I have watched the teaser like countless times trying to understand how this game is so superior visually to KZ2/U2, im trying to really look hard and find whats so impressive and yet I still dont see it.
Is it an impressive looking game? Definately, a big step up from previous Halo iterations, lighting is of top notch quality no doubt

Does it live up to the fanboys arguements here of obliterating anything seen on console? Hell no!

It still baffles me how people are hyping this trailers graphics relentlessly. I think its just all the hype has suckered people into believing something amazing was gonna be shown, and since it wasnt they feel speaking and telling people how great it looks is going to somehow make up for it and live up to that hype

Dont get me wrong, im still looking forward to this and getting it day one

ZombieNinjaPanda5339d ago

The Cinematic trailer looks beautiful indeed, and if you guys noticed I am very much excited for this.

But seriously, you guys must be a tad daft. This is a cinematic trailer. Not actual in game footage.

They're using the game engine to make it the best they could, if you notice, there is no action going on. So reserve your judgement of the game's graphics until we see some gameplay.

Until then, you guys are talking out of your asses.

I'm siked that there's no Masterchief though. The Fall of Reach is an amazing book, and hopefully they incorporate that good storyline into the game.

Traveler5339d ago

You guys aren't being fair. I remember getting excited with the rest of you over the cinematic trailer for Uncharted 2 last year. We all praised the graphics and said how amazing it looked, so why can't 360 owners react the same way?

It uses the game engine and it looks amazing, so why can't people get excited about that?

Menech5339d ago (Edited 5339d ago )

No ones even saying it's obliterating anything seen on the PS3. Even the 360 fanboys ain't immature enough to use that argument. Shame the same can't be said about the PS3 crowd act coy all you want you all know its true. If visuals are everything explain how the Wii is completely destroying the PS3/360.

They are saying this game is better looking the KZ2 which is true unless your somewhat blind. No ones saying it looks better then UC2 I honestly don't think it does but there different games thus cannot be compared. Resident Evil 2 looked far ahead of its time on the PS1 because it used set pieces and had terrible gameplay. (not that uncharted has bad gameplay) but Set piece games are much easier to make visually superior to none linear FPS's like Halo.

So you cannot compare UC2 to Halo Reach and no one was stupid enough to do so until the insurance Sony fanboy's raided this thread. Its happening all to often lately 360 fans can't even look forward to one of there favourite games without some D-head coming in with a list of What PS3 games look better. Notice how they can never say what play better though? And the Wii proves gameplay is more important then graphics.

Edit: I stand mistaken lowcarb just lowered the tone of this thread with his complete and utter nonsense. I though 360 fans had a little more bout them...

lowcarb5339d ago (Edited 5339d ago )

Did 360 just pass PS3 in visuals? 1st Alan Wake blew me away as the best thing visually and now reach has done it again. You can tell this is in game especially when your facing the Warthog before getting out. These are the best graphics on consoles to date and with a year left in development the visuals are sure to improve even more.

Edit above: "No ones even saying it's obliterating anything seen on the PS3. Even the 360 fanboys ain't immature enough to use that argument."

And your speaking for who again? Get off the 360 fans should be happy with what there getting sympathy speech. This looks jaw dropping and I have every right to give my fair opinion.

@ hellsangel: I know it's not gameplay but it's a indication of just how good the game will look if not better.

edit above: "I stand mistaken lowcarb just lowered the tone of this thread with his complete and utter nonsense. I though 360 fans had a little more bout them"

Why are you here anyway? I never once entered an UC2 or KZ2 thread talking down on them for making claims on 360. Now we have another game (Alan Wake) that gives PS3 a run for the money and you can't take it lol. This is 360 news and I will share my excitement in 360 threads. if you don't like then get out or take your denial speeches to the open zone that way.>>>>>>&g t;>>>>>>>& gt;>>>>>

ZombieNinjaPanda5339d ago (Edited 5339d ago )


I don't believe I ever once commented on Uncharted 2's visuals back when the trailer came out.



Don't be an idiot. This is using the in game engine, not actually in game.
Thus said, the graphics may indeed be this good.

Edit 2:


If you ask me, it would have been all fine and dandy had some comments such as Strikepackage Bravo's and Commodore's bring up Ps3 games. If you want to blame anyone, blame them first.

Menech5339d ago (Edited 5339d ago )

Don't play dumb look at all the stealth disagree's tuglu_pati got for saying something as innocent as,

One word to describe this,


There where no stealth disagrees when all the PS3 fans where raving about uncharted 2. Play coy all you want we both know who the bad eggs on this site are.

Update: Yeah and again I don't remember any of them bitter fanboys in the Uncharted 2 threads. Everyone generally just agreed it was a great game. If you mention Halo or any 360 game on this site though and say anything remotely positive about it you get hit with a toon of debubbles and disagrees.

People with the most bubbles round here are the guys that go into 360 threads say 1 good thing about a game then write a huge comment below it about how they had 52 RROD's this year. But there still be getting the game regardless of how crap and worthless the 360 is.

No It wasn't directed at you I was simply pointing out what a joke PS3 fanboy's have made N4G lately. 360 fanboy's can't even enjoy there own game articles without PS3 fans diving in with alot of negativity. And no it doesn't happen much at all the other way around although the PS3 crowd like to claim it does.

ZombieNinjaPanda5339d ago (Edited 5339d ago )

If you notice, everyone is getting stealth disagrees in this first comment chain.

The only ones that aren't are the ones who posted below us.

You realize that it's just bitter fanboys in this first comment chain disagreeing with each other correct?

Okay, other than what I have been saying towards the blatent assumptions in this thread, look through my entire comment history. Have I ever once said anything remotely bad about the 360 and 360 games?
No I haven't. I play both consoles equally. I don't diss them in anyway. So if that comment was directed at me, that's my rebuttal.

NickIni5339d ago

Please actually read what I said. Show me where in my comment I said it didn't look good, or that Uncharted 2 or Killzone 2 looked better.

All I said was that I was reserving my full opinion until we see some gameplay, and that the graphics didn't make my jaw drop like U2/KZ2 when I first saw them, due to how visuals have improved since they were first shown so having graphics like this isn't as shocking. And you're calling me a fanboy?

I love how you can't have an unbiased opinion on here without morons throwing a tantrum and calling you a fanboy :')

beans5339d ago

Looks promising! I wonder if the game will have mmo elements. Next year is going to be so incredible for gamers as a whole.

ZombieNinjaPanda5339d ago


I'm not sure if you were a part of this site a year back, or longer than that, but it used to be the exact opposite way around. Say one thing positive about the ps3 ,and the next day you would have gone down about 2 bubbles.

However, you are correct, the trolling is a bit too much in these threads.

7thNightvolley5339d ago

I said this ... b4 to u ps3 fannies.. do not underestimate the 360 ... now u see y i said so... REACH is SICK in every word... and this is one reason i say so...

1 the graphics is clearly .. OMG.. not to mention its an open world sort of game where u are not bound to one singular play route u can do what ever so far u can get from point A to B if u want to use a ghost up to u ur feet up to u, a mongoose up to u... or a tank ur choice .. no one is holding ur hand ...

2. halo is always knws for COOP and as for reach u can expect nothing less than 4 player coop i might be 5 the way things are looking .. not the games u guys hold so dear dont even carry coop in the campaign .. yes i am looking at u KZ2 .. as for uncharted2 its a really tightly scripted game so no openness to see flaws.. if u get what i mean..

3 halo has custom maps.. and all.. gezz ..this is just plan sick..

FOR all u who say .the 360 is maxed out .. how do u feel now.. pretty stupid i bet.

DatNJDom815339d ago

but to say it passed PS3 is jumping the gun a little dont you guys think? Im not a Halo fan, but I must give credit where credit is due. This game looks damn good graphically. Now my question is the following: is this in game engine? if it is then DAMN! it looks real good!

green5339d ago (Edited 5339d ago )

Read my last comment above. What you see in the trailer is what the game will look like when you are controlling the character.

@ below: That is guerilla games and not bungie so just because GG used pre rendered assets does not mean that Bungie is doing the same. Bungie have never ever lied about what in their cinematics, teasers or trailers is touched up, in game graphics or CGI. If you go to, they have confirmed this video to be the opening cinematic for Halo Reach which is completely represntative of the quality of the in-game graphics just like the screenshots i posted above.

What i even find baffling is that the Halo haters criticized Bungie for not pushing the hardware enough - and now that they're doing it, the same people are saying it's a trick?

@ BELOW: Why dont you go any Halo CE,Halo 2, Halo3 or Halo 3 ODST and point out which cinematic in any of those games was not 100% in-game graphics?Until you can do that, your argument is completely baseless.

ZombieNinjaPanda5339d ago (Edited 5339d ago )


I'll believe that once I see gameplay of some sorts. Until then, this is a very good looking cinematic trailer using the in game engine.

Basically, what it reminds me of is this:

As you can see, it's using the in game engine, but it's still a cinematic trailer.


I love how I always get singled out as a person who criticizes Devs like Bungie, yet I've never done anything of the sorts.

As I said, they GG used the in game engine to make that Trailer. As with Bungie, they used the in game engine to make their trailer also. It's representative of the engine, but that doesn't mean that's the exact same graphics we're going to be getting in game. Is it that difficult to comprehend?

TheDeadMetalhead5339d ago (Edited 5339d ago )

I'll wait for some actual gameplay, but right now...It doesn't seem to look much better than Halo 3. Plus, it's pre-rendered, so there's no way to tell if the game will really look like that or not.

ZombieNinjaPanda5339d ago


Now you are being a fool. This game is Halo Reach, not ODST, not Halo CE not Halo 2, not Halo 3.

This is Halo Reach. We have not yet seen gameplay from the game, so we cannot tell if this is the exact same graphics we shall be seeing while playing in the middle of firefights.

It's not hard to make a base camp and make it look real pretty with some troops around. Wait until we see some action going on, then we'll be able to say if these graphics are the greatest on a console yet.

TROLL EATER5339d ago

wooow the graphics will get even better come release. halo reach will own 2010

Nikuma5339d ago

Wow, looks really good. Disappointed there was no action in the trailer but oh'll come in time. Graphics definitely set the bar for the 360. It's tough to say weather I'll look better than KZ2 from what little we've seen though. Character models in KZ2 are obviously superior, but Reach could give it a run for it's money everywhere else. Time will tell. :D

7thNightvolley5339d ago

for those who have a 360 go download it from the game video marketplace.. its even awed me even more.. gezz its sick... to watch it on ur hd tv.. F***ing HELL.

7thNightvolley5339d ago

LET NO SDF EVER SAY THE 360 IS WEAK...NEVER!!! should we ever here that statement again... IF U DO.. U SURELY WITHOUT A SLIGHTEST DOUT I TOTAL A**H*LE WITH THICK FANBOY GOGGLES of stupidity..(pardon my french)...

now i bet that cheap ass console is more than a bargain

pain777pas5339d ago

I've downloaded the trailer and can see that this looks like a good looking Halo game. This better that KZ2 thing though... needs to stop. Its about even with Resistance 2 with some great cloud effects. I am sure it will play great with the elites as antagonists and all that hopefully no flood in this version they are annoying. I am getting exited but I have a feeling this is going to come out of the oven way too soon just like Batman AA 2. I really would like the game to be good not just a better looking Halo game cause that means that your getting a Halo game a year will get Call of duty5 like campaign and a phenomenal online multiplayer which is well and good but I would be annoyed if its the same old game unless its third person or something and changes the game completely.

3sexty rulzzz5339d ago

it only makes all the sense in the world. Lekgolo
December 14th, 2009 at 10:26 am
"Sorry but this is really the most stupidest ps3 fanboy argument ever made. Maybe if you actually knew your information on CG and real-time rendering, could you have made a valid argument. Killzone 2’s lighting systems are completely done by illuminate labs. See here: http://www.illuminatelabs.c... So saying that bungie is actually using illuminate lab’s lighting in halo’s rendering system? I don’t think so. Second of all, the real time character lighting systems is done by a shader process called Point Lighting. The effects of point lighting can be seen here. http://brooknovak.files.wor...
Something that bungie has mastered since halo 3. Killzone 2’s real-time lighting systems uses the oldest form graphics computing on a count of ps3’s limited graphical processing. And guerrilla games seem to enjoy covering them up with a barrage of pixel shaders to make things seem “pretty”. As for your argument on the blurry textures. It is a method called dithering. All ps3 games have this too. And killzone 2 has an extremely large amount of blurry textures, that are covered up by having grainy noise textures and vignetting. Snap out of this ps3 fanboy act of yours and learn your sh!t before you start spitting out this crap."

Ownejj5339d ago

Game looks amazing im sure like always they will make it amazing.

+ Show (50) more repliesLast reply 5339d ago
blue7xx75340d ago

Wow the game looks amazing in HD definitely a huge improvement over Halo 3.

beans5339d ago

Can't waitto see gameplay.

Ldubbz5340d ago (Edited 5340d ago )

I first saw this in shoddy SD quality, but the HD straight from Bungie is pretty incredible. It obviously looks ridiculous, but its such a tease, as we all want to see some actual action.

Bungie is notorious for not showing any gameplay for Halo games right up until before release, and this probably wont be any different...tho we may get lucky and they may leak some more stuff here and there.

Im actually more interested in seeing what changes they may have made to the battle system...Im hearing the rumor is the BR has iron sights. Also interested in seeing what the squad play will be like.

EDIT: And ignore the "Duplicate Story"reports; those stories linked to the vid from the VGA's, not the actual Bungie vid. And this is from another story that site with the other Halo vid has up on the front page right now...

"Immediate reactions to the trailer released at the 2009 Spike VGA's are that fans are not overwhelmed by the graphics of Reach. Although pretty, the question has got to be asked : Is Halo: Reach using a new engine?"

Seriously? "Fans are not overwhelmed?" Thats pretty terrible writing, but besides that what did you gauge that from? What reactions? The vid JUST premiered! Please...such BS, we all know its a new engine and its quite evident. Of course it still looks like Halo, its HALO.

jdktech20105340d ago

by the way, gametrailers has it in HD too and it's obvious jump over previous versions so feel free to check it out

Just sharing the

Ldubbz5340d ago

Share it brother! I happened to link to this vid from a live tweet update on Google...I had never even seen those

I checked GT first, but they didnt have anything...I think they put it up right as I posted this. I just want people to see it how it was meant to be seen, no fluff.

BWS19825339d ago

is available "in HD" that's the first one I watched of it, and I know I watched their HD one. But the one off Bungie's site is leaps and bounds better. The size difference should tell you that. The Bungie site offers a version more than double the file size, and I watched the GameTrailers one and THEN watched Bungies...let me tell you, the Bungie one makes the GT one appear in SD, even though it's "High definition"....

Don't judge the GT one, judge the Bungie one, by far the best one. 125 MG vs. 58 can tell right there there's a difference. The GT one is compressed, and artifacts are obvious, even in their "HD" one.

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6 Friendliest Characters in Games

GF365: "Oftentimes, video games have characters who are antagonistic and really not very pleasant. Here are some of the friendliest characters in games where you might not otherwise expect to find them."

Read Full Story >>
thorstein338d ago

Dogmeat: *bark!*

Translation: you are dead to me.


You can probably add Karlach to this from BG3


10 Best Lore-Rich Video Games

Talented writers can build worlds that are as wondrous as real-life. Here are the best lore-rich video games for you to get immersed in.

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shinoff2183574d ago

How'd fallout not make the list. Atleast over cyberpunk, tales , and halo. Fallout been around since what 96 98 and has 5 6 games into it. It's full of lore when you play it. I'd even add star ocean to a point.

robtion573d ago

Agree Fallout should be on there.

MadLad573d ago

And somehow Planescape Torment doesn't even make the list.

Crows90573d ago

Hollow knight surpasses these.

shinoff2183573d ago

In lore? I must be missing something

Crows90573d ago (Edited 573d ago )

Yes in lore. Easily missed... absolutely. Never played a game that had me loving the world and lore behind it as much as that one. Most of course wouldn't be able to experience it since it is a more difficult game.

DarXyde572d ago

I can't speak for all titles on this list, but by the time you get to Dark Souls III, the lore is a bloody tapestry of intricacy

Crows90572d ago

Played them all. Im not saying the games on the list dont have good lore...I just think hollow knight had more lore that is hidden but present and more easily explored and accessed. The souls games have tremendous lore but theyre mostly hidden and stay that way unless you look for it and research it. The lore is not very accessible.

DarXyde572d ago


I think that's a somewhat fair assessment. For me, the Souls games are less upfront about the lore, but it does invite your fascination through NPCs, items, locations, bosses, etc. There's this kind of natural progression where the picture becomes just clear enough by doing the essential tasks, but it really makes you want to explore every inch of the world.

TheColbertinator572d ago

Suikoden and Legend of Heroes also have massive lore setups.

agent13572d ago

narration is more important than lore i'd rather watch the story and characters in a more cinematic way instead of searching for notes and stuff that's why i love sony exclusive games like uncharted and gow and hate from software games

shinoff2183572d ago

The article was top ten lore in video games. I think they did a bad job picking games out. I know what you mean though. I just like a variety of games and genres.

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Halo’s best Bungie campaign has its worst feature fixed after 12 years

Halo’s best ever campaign mode developed by Bungie has had its most annoying feature fixed after more than a decade, making the sci-fi FPS game better than ever

Read Full Story >>
SullysCigar658d ago

Awesome news - so can we look forward to playing Halo: Infinite with no online issues circa 2033?

just_looken658d ago

"You can download the improved Reach AI mod at Mod DB" This was a mod 343 did nothing so the online will be fixed in our dreams.

SullysCigar657d ago

Par for the course with 343.

Profchaos657d ago

They did say they had a 10 year plan for infinite we just all assumed it would be DLC could of been a 10 year netcode rollout.

But seriously this is a mod the community won't be able to modify infinite in the same way

Cikatriz_ESP658d ago

Combat Evolved was the best campaign, and it's not even close.

just_looken658d ago

You should have tried this version of reach when it first came out remastered for a year there was no sound because 343 could not locate the sound files.

It was a special challenge.

badz149657d ago

more like the bunch at 343i are simply mentally challenged


Well I guess 12 years is faster than most fixes. I guess this is a cheap way to "remaster" something just fixing something that used to always be broken.

zidane1341657d ago

Did you even read the article? This is a mod to improve AI from back almost 2 gens ago. Nobody is claiming this is remastering anything. Yeesh.

Crows90657d ago

Halo is dead. Microsoft has other shooter franchises it cares more about now. 343 are no longer Xbox golden studio. They are likely to shift things around or even close it all together and give the IP to someone else.

343i decided to pummel the IP into the ground...and when they see it didn't quite look like Glenn's face they decided to just keep on pummeling. Not sure if Glenn is the IP or the fanbase in this case though.

Profchaos657d ago

343 were never the golden studio they were a hastily thrown together b team when bungie said we want to do something else cya

Crows90657d ago

Well ...I didn't want to say it but I agree. Makes you wonder why Microsoft gave them the IP and didn't keep Bungie or any of the talent they acquired from any studio.

CobraKai657d ago

“ Halo Infinite, Halo 3, or Halo: Combat Evolved. It’s hard to say which of the sci-fi FPS games offers the best experience all round.”
He lost me with Halo Infinite.

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