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Sony Refusing to Comment on trICO

GOONL!NE: Sony are sticking firm and are refusing to comment on trICO after the first video leaked this morning.

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TOO PAWNED5507d ago

Why should they comment? Why do this sites keep on asking stupid questions?
Site:"Hey Sony, about that Trico? Tell me everything"
Sony:"Ok no prob ................."
Site:"Thanks Sony for revealing everything about Trico, now how about you send us your E3 list?"
Sony:"Sure sure i thought you would never ask, what is your Email?"

SolidAhmed5507d ago

they do not need to comment about anything specially if it is a leek footage.

so what we can wait until E3 we have waited since 2005 for the new game of team ico.

Mu5afir5507d ago

some of the "surprise" for E3.

Keith Olbermann5507d ago

I agree. Sony can stay quiet on this one until they are ready. For many of us, this is a major game and it looks amazing.

gamesR4fun5506d ago

no doubt its gonna b one of the best games of this gen imho
man ive seen major hollywood moovies that dont hold a candle to those graphics...
This is prob the secret game that all those guys were going on about.

Freak of Nature5506d ago

Sony's silence is like the quite before the storm....

Freak of Nature5506d ago (Edited 5506d ago )

No this is not that secret PS3 game... This game has been known to be in development for years now....

The game I am assuming you are talking of, was the one the BBC reporter Mr.Waters saw last year...

Hot tip of the day....Look no further than Sony London or Liverpool studios for the mystery BBC game....Big blink of the eye inserted here...

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Ninver5507d ago (Edited 5507d ago )

This is totally random but i have an extra inFAMOUS promotional demo code for any Sucker Punch fans out there. just pm me and the code is all yours. It is a really awesome demo. From the looks of it the retail game will be great.

All you have to do is create Aus account and access the demo from the redeem section at the top of the ps store. Happy gaming.

5507d ago Replies(2)
slave2Dcontroller5507d ago

is already speaking for itself. I'm sure the only thing SONY is thinking is- Wait til they see what it really looks like.

GVON5507d ago

And to think it's around 17 months old

mastiffchild5506d ago

Yup, 17-18 months old is what we were thinking and it does seem about right. Thinking exactly what it looks like now, with the big possibility that this "leak" appeared now just so Sony and Team Ico can blow us all away in a few weeks is really exciting.

Ico and SotC are masterpieces in the game world-immersive, addictive and groundbreaking with consummate ease but even with great artstyle they were never graphically amazing. The new game is shaping up to put that extra string to it's bow and will be even more amazing than it once looked and I, for one, cannot wait. I just hope MS and Nintendo have the kind of teats in store for us that we alreadu KNOW Sony have-and that's even if they decide not to reveal anything new(i.e unannounced) to us!

Aggesan5507d ago

As long as they show more of a more recent build of the game at E3 I'm happy.

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Ico Creator "hates and loves technical limitations"

Fumito Ueda, creator of Ico, Shadow of the Colossus and the upcoming The Last Guardian talks about the importance of visual fidelity and technical benchmarks.

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No link, no dupe. Approved.
Johnny Cullen5458d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
Duplicate story
techie5458d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
SolidAhmed5458d ago

“It's thanks to that my games have a very special aesthetic profile. It's a way to make the player forget about technical limitations and focus on the gaming experience.

that is so true

gamesmaster5458d ago

exactly, SOTC didnt have the best textures and what not, but the atmosphere and landscapes where epic and beautiful enough to completely overshadow those technical limitations.

i hope the last guardian will be as epic as sotc. with the ps3's capabilities i can't imagaine what atmosphere and scale this game will have.

Elimin85458d ago

“If a player sees a beautiful landcape or pretty light effects that's probably what he will remember and not the bad texture next to it.”

I like that.

AssassinHD5458d ago

I like is as well, but you know it isn't really true. It was true last generation, but not in this Gametrailers/Lens of Truth pixel counting generation. These days people bend over backwards to see graphical flaws at even microscopic levels.

Elimin85458d ago

You are right too but you must admit good graphics sometimes detract from the bad even if for a moment or little bit..

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Fishy Fingers5458d ago

Source: (more information without the spoon feeding) http://www.develop-online.n...

asyouburn5458d ago

thanks for the link (much better read)

SevWolf5458d ago

Thanks for the link fishy, that was a great read, man this guy is amazing, he brought up a very good point

KilZoneGeneralStrife5458d ago

Ive been waiting. . .I'll keep waiting.I want this game so bad!

likedamaster5458d ago (Edited 5458d ago )

LOL. I really enjoyed SOTC. With that said, I really wasn't impressed with TLG showing at E3. Gameplay & graphics were mediocre. Of course it is far from being finished and Team ICO are masters of their craft but unless they show some gameplay/art style/story element that blows me away, I won't be thinking about this game let alone buying it. Cheers.

IrishAssa5457d ago

I hope it's not a platformer, look's like one in the trailer

Jihaad_cpt5458d ago

I love the way he said about the bad texture, it was funny and true

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Project Trico vs. The Last Guardian: a picture comparison

The first Project Trico footage leaked onto the interwebs still has gamers awestruck. But although beautiful, mysterious and artistically striking in the style of ICO and Shadow of the Colossus, the action on display is at least 18 months old. Well, now Trico has a new name, The Last Guardian, and the trailer debuted at Sony's press conference shows just what Team ICO have been doing since then. Below, you'll find a picture comparison between the Trico and Guardian videos and the new trailer provided by What a difference a year (and six months) makes.

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Dir_en_grey5493d ago

I hope Ueda switch the designs back cuz IMO both the boy and the bird look cuter in the original. Both were younger in the original and that is probably easier for a wider audience to feel compassion about.

Maybe both are gonna grow up throughout the game and Ueda is just showing us that. Wonder what he has in mind for online also, cuz he's been wanting to do online since Shadow of the Colossus but couldn't bad in the days.

Can't wait to play this...

solar5493d ago

i can not wait to play this either. easily my most anticipated game for my Ps3.

N4U5492d ago

If by "cuter" you mean "lacks a lot of detail in comparison", then I agree with you.

The first design of the creature has blurred features (eg lacks subtle details like a pupil and nostrils), and the shading is far superior in the re-designed creature. It's this blurred effect that gives the early design of the creature a photo-shopped look in screen shots (and even somewhat during video footage). IMO, the greatest examples of improvement between the two designs can be found in comparing their ears and fur.

I do realize that these graphical improvements could have been made without changing so many of the features in the earlier design -- to me, the earlier design looks like a cross between a bird and a mouse (or small rodent), while the later version has features more inline with a puppy, or a small dog -- but, I for one, welcome both the graphical touch-ups (which aren't very subtle) and the new interpretation of our amiable sidekick.

For some reason, the creature used in the latest trailer seems more believable (for lack of a better word), graphics aside. I guess maybe it's because the creature from TRICO (earlier trailer) reminded me of a bird and birds tend not to be very intelligent -- with a couple of exceptions like ravens and parrots. Many breeds of dogs, on the other hand, are quite intelligent and, at the same time, a caring and lovable creature. It just makes more sense to me that the creature be associated more with a lovable pet than a personality-less, brain dead passerine.


Fumito Ueda Talks Trico

Although it was surrounded by two hours worth of major announcements and unveilings, the trailer for Team Ico's first PS3 project, The Last Guardian was, for many, the highlight of Sony's E3 press conference yesterday. In fact, we're sure many have been watching the trailer over and over non-stop since the conference.

Well hit the pause button! IGN has some actual details on the game thanks to a lengthy Famitsu interview with director Fumito Ueda.

First, some naming issues. The game that eventually came to be known as The Last Guardian has been referred to by fans for some time now as "Trico," as it's the third project from the team that gained world attention with ICO on the PS2. You might also start hearing about the game by another name: "Hito Kui no Oowashi Toriko." That's the official Japanese name, as listed in Famitsu. It literally translates to "The Giant Man-Eating Eagle Toriko." More on the word "Toriko" in just a bit.

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Trey4Lyfe5493d ago

Who else could head the creative geniuses at Team ICO?

Freak of Nature5492d ago (Edited 5492d ago )

Who else could head the creative geniuses at Team ICO?

Keep things as they are,he is a mastermind...

This is beyond a game,it is an event!

5492d ago
UnwanteDreamz5492d ago

Man I'm ready for this game but I can wait for something truly original to play. I love KZ2 and MW2 is cool but I need something creative to play. Games like this are really why I chose PS3 over the other guys.

jcgamer5492d ago

I already get goosebumps from the trailer...masterpiece in the making...

rockleex5492d ago

Best title ever!!! :P

Anyways, the BBC guy has confirmed that this game was the game he saw years ago. ^_^

boodybandit5492d ago (Edited 5492d ago )

I don't think I blinked once.
I never played ICO or SOC but this game is an absolute must buy for me day 1. I don't think there is a word to describe what I saw in that trailer. All I know is I fell into a state of tranquility while watching it.

Blu Ray35492d ago

so overwhelmed.

This game will be the ultimate this gen.

Hands down.
If this don't sell a butt load of Ps3s,
it will hair lip the pope.

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Antan5493d ago

"For this third project, Team ICO is making use of some advanced technology. Different from their past titles, they're using real physics. As an example of this, Ueda made note of a scene where the creature eats a barrel. This is not done with motion capture, but with actual physical calculations involving the barrel and the creature's mouth."

Its all in the details. Top drawer!

eyeDEVOUR5492d ago

my most anticipated game....

eagle215492d ago

I am in complete awe by this game. This reminds why I'm a proud gamer. :)

pippoppow5492d ago

This along with Heavy Rain are my most wanted. The vids released for both games look amazing. Nice to see Devs pushing the envelope from time to time.

_Q_5492d ago

Ueda has made some awesome games. I have no doubts this will be equally as great.

moeqawama5492d ago

would everyone stop calling this damn game trico?

Freak of Nature5492d ago (Edited 5492d ago )

Did you read the last sentence in the article....?

"He did not mention that the word can also be transcribed as "Trico." Yes, it appears that we've known the name of Team ICO's newest project for some time now."

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