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Starfield’s largest update since launch is coming on May 15

Bethesda has announced the release date for the biggest Starfield update since launch, which will bring map improvements, Xbox graphics options, and more.

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TechRaptor146d ago
Zeref146d ago (Edited 146d ago )

40fps and 60fps modes on Xbox is huge! Honestly didn't think it would be possible.
Too bad it wasn't there at launch but this and land vehicles definitely gets me way more excited to jump back in when Shattered Space drops.

darthv72145d ago

Very nice. I will jump back into it at 60fps like I did with Fallout.

helicoptergirl145d ago

The real thing here is... why didn't they have 60 FPS at launch?

I remember so many people defending them saying that it must not be possible to have 60 fps for that game. So many people defending Bethesda. Saying its too hard for 60 fps. I hope a "journalist" goes back and looks at all the excuses made for Bethesda releasing only 30 FPS. Go back and look ath all their excuses and the fans' excuses and do a write up of it all. Bethesda keep messing up and getting a pass imo.

Releasing 60 fps now for this game is simply not good enough

I'll tell you one thing, if I had bought and played Starfield at launch on Xbox SeriesX I would be so damned angry right about now.

Futureshark145d ago (Edited 145d ago )

I remember Phil Spencer announcing that Starfield was to run at 30fps as a 'creative decision'.

This is one of the reasons why I'm no longer a Xbox fan, yet another example of Mr Spencer treating the public and their customers as idiots, feeding them basic marketing bullsh!t that anyone can actually see straight through.

And now their is an update over 6 months later to that game that has since lost all it's momentum it had at launch that not only improves performance but apparently adds all the QoL fixes that should have been there at launch (city maps for example).

What a load of baloney, going to wait until all this customer beta testing is finished and will get it on PS5 when on sale.

LordoftheCritics145d ago

60fps loading screen is still a loading screen.


Same. Very excited to hop in!

obidanshinobi145d ago

"40fps and 60fps modes on Xbox is huge! Honestly didn't think it would be possible."
Really? Have you played Starfield on the Series X ? It's not really a looker, many parts of it look very last gen, there's no doubt a base Xbox One could run it at 30fps if they toned down the resolution and some of the detail.

There are already better looking open world games that run at 60fps like Cyberpunk 2077, on the Series X.

The Series X could easily run Starfield at 60fps, it's just the developers couldn't be arsed to prioritise it.
Seems to be a recurring problem within Xbox Studios, Redfall and the upcoming Hellblade 2 are other examples.
And let's not forget that Aaron Greenberg tweeted in 2020 (around March I think) that 60fps would be the standard for the Series consoles.

Zeref145d ago (Edited 145d ago )

I'm not sure what game you've been playing but the Starfield I've been playing looks amazing. Only the characters don't look that great but everything else looks amazing.

Goosejuice144d ago

I don't think he said starfield looks bad, cyberpunk looks better though and has wayy more going on. There was no reason for starfield to be 30 fps. It was an unfinished game when they released it. You could tell just with the do u release a game with the maps they had for cities? In was terrible.

Tacoboto146d ago

Way to bury the best news here! Thanks Zeref for already sharing.

"You can now select your own frame rate target for Starfield if you're on a VRR display, allowing you to choose between 30, 40, 60, and Uncapped."

I'm glad I've waited to finish it. The PC version with frame gen feels great but I'll happily play it on my Xbox again away from my desk

darthv72145d ago

I just started fallout 4 for the first time and did so because of the new patch that was released. I play it in performance mode from my SX through my g cloud and it works really well. I plan on doing the same with this one when it drops.

Snookies12146d ago (Edited 146d ago )

What happened to the 30 FPS lock on consoles being a "developer choice"? I refused to touch it on console because of that. I honestly got pretty bored of the game after about 15-20 hours, but maybe I'll go back after a lot of updates. Still sad to see things like the map being fixed, and FPS options that should have been there in the first place. Being added in so much later.

darthv72145d ago

the 30fps lock was the developer choice because they could not get 60 to be consistent (at that time). They could have offered 40fps as a trade off but I guess they were wanting to do more work to get 60. And now they got things working to support both 40 and 60 (on the SX) so you can rest easy now and enjoy it.

helicoptergirl145d ago

That isn't good enough. Other devs work hard and launch with 60 FPS. But it's Bethesda right? They always get a pass

Neonridr145d ago

@helicoptergirl - so either have something available at launch or don't improve a game moving forward.

That's quite the rationale you got going on there.

Eonjay145d ago

It seems pretty obvious just looking at the game that expecting it to run at 60 should definitely be achievable. We saw a similar thing happen with Redfall and now with Hellblade. The games are being pushed out too early. Its great that they are now getting 60 FPS... I can saw for sure that this makes me a lot more likely to buy the game when it comes out on PS5.

Lightning77145d ago (Edited 145d ago )

I agree 100%. These devs need to be up front about why console is 30. In fact I don't believe for a second HB2 was a dev choice but ran out of time. Despite having plenty of time already.

Makes no sense how much dev time does a game need to be in a pipeline in order to be 60 at launch? Even after delays its still 30. MS needs to get this sorted out with their next batch of games but I doubt they will. I think Indy might be 30 despite it being another linear experience and Avowed might be as well going by MS feature incomplete track record.

Tacoboto145d ago

I'm confident with Avowed and Indiana both being 60.

Avowed has the 60fps gameplay footage, after their commitment to do better after Redfall.

Indy's footage is 60fps too and runs on id Tech.

chicken_in_the_corn144d ago

Because it was exactly that. Their choice.

andy85145d ago

Remember all the excuses from 'fans' about why 60 fps wasn't possible on Xbox consoles. It obviously was they just couldn't be bothered.

CobraKai145d ago

Im still hoping for the landing cutscenes for previously visited planets

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One Year Later, Will Shattered Space Save Starfield?

At the end of September, Shattered Space will finally be released, but will it be enough to save the future of Starfield?

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TheNamelessOne17d ago

Still a very healthy playerbase on Steam and Xbox. I'm looking forward to the expansion.

Obscure_Observer17d ago

"Didn't know SF needed saving."

It doesn´t.

pwnmaster300017d ago (Edited 17d ago )

Starfield was the biggest disappointment for me this gen coming from a huge Bethesda fan.
Put countless of hours into morrowind, oblivion, Skyrim, fallout 3 /4/new Vegas. Even played all the dlc for those games.
But Star field was the biggest piece of crap I played from Bethesda. I didn’t even play it on gamepass . I actually bought the game to support Bethesda.

Now I’m scared for the next elder scroll.

Obscure_Observer17d ago

"Now I’m scared for the next elder scroll."

Sure... Starfield was your biggest disappointed this gen and now you´re scared for Elder Scroll which is a game that will be directed by the exact same person?

If you really feel that way, you should just drop your act while you skip upcoming games from Todd Howard entirely.

pwnmaster300017d ago (Edited 17d ago )

“I agree, I can’t wait for Bethesda’s next game so they can shut all the haters up..
Been a fan since playing Morrowind on the original Xbox. Good times.

I like Obsidian and I think their next games will be good but let’s get real“

Me from this article 1504d ago.

Go ahead and keep talking.
We arnt all bias like you.

Oh here is another one

“I don’t remember being able to use spell and sword in obilivion.
But at the same time I played as a wood elf archer..
Still pretty excited for it.
Say what you want with Bethesda but their elderscroll game is on point and hope this game can match it.“

I’ll wait for your reply. Knowing you won’t lol

pwnmaster300017d ago

“This is major acquire for MS.
Tbh I’m not really sure what Bethesda make besides elderscroll and fallout, but that alone made me a big fan. If you weren’t investing a PC, Xbox is looking to good to pass up next gen.

I hope this helps Bethesda make a come back.
Literally yesterday if anyone mention them, they would of shitted on them and that was coming from both sides.
I had a feeling they were gonna get purchased.
They been loosing a lot of steam from there fans and this is a great way to regain some back.
Sony was slacking and now they are hurting.

If they don’t acquire more studios, they will lose to MS in the future“

Another one.

Don’t ever doubt me again.

Gamingsince198117d ago

You don't need to justify your opinion to obscure observer , this is the guy that makes 15 alt accounts a week to troll people and complain about n4g being biased lol

15d ago
Obscure_Observer17d ago (Edited 17d ago )

"I’ll wait for your reply. Knowing you won’t lol"

Why wouldn´t I??

A lot of people got disappointed on Starfield for a lot of reasons. Empty planets, loading screens, lack of content, NPCs, exploration, world building, ship building, combat... you name it; and that´s fine!

If you don´t like the game, nobody can blame you if that´s not your cup of tea.

That been said, you called Starfield a piece of sh!t. Literally a 0/10 trash game.

So I ask you: How on earth can *you* expect ANYTHING from Bethesda´s next RPG?

I mean, by your own admission, you have a POS as director, a POS team of developers and a POS engine behind the next Elder Scrolls.

So pardon me if you own comments makes you sound like a hypocrite, because imo, you shouldn´t be "scared" for TES VI at all, you should just give it a hard pass since you know the team behind it. Would you? No. I don´t think you will. And that´s the reason why I told you to drop the act.

Got it?

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Starfield's Series S performance modes are worthwhile - but not as impactful as Series X equivalents

Digital Foundry reviews the new Starfield performance mode upgrade for Xbox Series S.

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Community19d ago
darthv7220d ago

432p.... wow that is low. But hey... they got it done. Personally I wouldnt play it that way as it would be too soft but for those who have no choice (other than buying an X) at least get something more than the 30fps cap at launch.

just_looken19d ago

It has a better framerate but lower resolution that fallout 3 on xbox 360 just remember that.

Gamingsince198119d ago (Edited 19d ago )

432p ?? Wtf 🤣 that would look muddy on a switch screen let alone a TV.

Luc2019d ago

432p that's worse than PS2. What were they thinking when designing this console

darthv7219d ago

Weren't most PS2 games 480i... (aka 240p)?

Christopher19d ago

Woof. They got there, but that is a very heavy cost. I hope there are gamers out there that are happy with this? But, honestly, that machine? I'm not a fan. Haven't been. I really wish they had just released the single hardware. I wouldn't pay to play at that level in this day and age.

darthv7219d ago

...that's the power of sliders

Christopher19d ago

I'm fine with sliders up until a game like Last Epoch is so hungry for power that I have them all at low while I'm playing BG3 at very high. *grumble grumble grumble*

19d ago Replies(1)
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cloganart18d ago

I'll be a happy dev when Series S is discontinued. 😭

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Knightofelemia4d ago

The Series S is a mistake that a room full of drunks thought was a great idea. Again I can understand affordability but at what cost? Microsoft fumbled the ball and should yet again follow the path Sony took. Same machine same specs one has a disc drive the other doesn't. Personally I would go with the machine that has the most horse power hence the Series X. I don't know about other people but I don't like nerfed down games just so they can run on the Series S. Where I live nobody wants the Series S there have been some pawn shops that have said no to the Series S it doesn't sell.


Starfield's Creative Producer On Shattered Space, Mods, And Fan Feedback

Starfield's creative producer, Tim Lamb, reflects on the game one year later, telling us that Bethesda is its own harshest critic.

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anast21d ago

"telling us that Bethesda is its own harshest critic."

If this is actually true, games from this company will never be at current standards.

Christopher21d ago

It's a thing people say to make them feel better. Pretty sure their biggest critics are unrelenting gamers who love to hate for longer than it's worth.

anast20d ago

This is true. And I would like to add their critics are also people that liked their games but had to begrudgingly move on because of the drastic drop in quality.

mkis00720d ago

Fyi all they had to do for space and planet transitions is what outlaws did.