
5 Fun Facts and Secrets About the Nintendo Switch You Probably Don’t Know!

Regardless of how one felt following the announcement of Nintendo’s next console there is no doubt that the Switch has been the hot topic in gaming over the past month. We have learned a lot and still have many questions remaining, but here are 5 small details about the Switch that are cool yet largely unknown!

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Community2714d ago
Derceto2714d ago (Edited 2714d ago )

Ya, 4th cheapest console in pricing. Also the barest system in the last 15 years, and additional costs on that "4th cheapest console ever". Try and spin it any way you can, but this thing is going nowhere.

Secondly, who cares if that ARMS garbage is made by the MK8 team. I mean, really. Are these guys Naughty Dog, or Rockstar or some other studio with multiple great games to their name? Let's see what else they're credited to... Hmmm.... oh, Nintendogs. Oh boy. Oh, and more Mario Kart. Ya, I didn't think so.

In Nintendo's own words..... "Here's a TV that looks like an Apple."

Now, here's a toaster that looks like a console.

blady_man2714d ago

If you dont want to buy the switch, fair enough, but dont try to downgrade it just because you dont like the thing,

2714d ago
2714d ago

Dragon Ball's Toyotarou Inks the Lead Character From a Beloved Super Nintendo Classic

Dragon Ball Super's official artist Toyotarou offers his illustrative take on a classic Super Nintendo character by the late Akira Toriyama.

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Community1d 8h ago
Exvalos13h ago(Edited 13h ago)

Im still confused as to why we never got a remake.


Hex Phantom - Review | HexGaming's Anti-Drift Controller

The Hex Phantom is a modified PlayStation 5 controller, created by HexGaming, with several advanced features.

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Wrong story type
Should be Opinion piece
anything being reviewed thats not a game goes under opinion, which also means no site name in title
Emilio_Estevez3d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
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Nook3d ago
Nook4d ago

As a note, this is topical because it's currently on Kickstarter for funding.


NVIDIA's Generative AI-Powered Modding Tool Is A Gamechanger For The Industry

The NVIDIA RTX Remix tool is redefining the gaming industry and the modding community in the best way possible.

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Einhander19722d ago

"NVIDIA's Generative AI-Powered Modding Tool Is A Gamechanger For The Industry"

True, the especially for all the industry that gets put out of work by it.

generic-user-name2d ago

Have you ever used a self service checkout in a store? Should we ditch alarm clocks so that we can hire people to shoot peas at our bedroom windows to wake us up like they did in the 1800s?

Einhander19722d ago

Working at a grocery store as a checkout clerk used to be a respectable job that could support a family.

romulus232d ago

I try to avoid them at all costs, why should we do a cashiers/clerks job without any training and without being paid for it? Comparing people losing their jobs to A.I. to people from the 1800's shooting peas is hilarious, good try though.

just_looken1d 13h ago

Gues you never saw the fast food joints that had ai everything even cooking was done by robots.