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Where's Our Ridge Racer Launch Title?

PlayStation Beat: Since the original PlayStation, Namco has always put out a Ridge Racer title at launch. There’s no PlayStation 4 game to be seen. Don’t we need one?

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Community4058d ago
FrigidDARKNESS4059d ago

This is one racer that has been overdone time to put it out in the pature.

Software_Lover4058d ago

He missed a hooked on phonics vid. Can't skip a single one or you're screwed.

Donnieboi4058d ago

Namco saw DriveClub, and realized that ridge racer wouldn't stand a chance.

chadwarden4058d ago (Edited 4058d ago )

Don't be shy.


lucaskeller14058d ago


andibandit4058d ago (Edited 4058d ago )

no no no, you're doing it all wrong, let me show you:

"It's Ridge Racer!.."
(awkward silence)
(even more awkward silence)

-Gespenst-4059d ago

Unbounded 2!! I actually bought Unbounded the other week on the cheap, haven't played it but it looks like the most fun ever. They should continue in that direction.

ssbains4058d ago

Rrrrrrrriddddddge Racerrrrrrrrrr, Rrrrrrrriddddddge Racerrrrrrrrrr

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Ridge Racer DS - A Brave but Flawed Racing Revolution

Ridge Racer DS was part of a campaign to have the Nintendo DS' touchscreen redefine input, with mixed results.

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Community68d ago

Five Racing Game Franchises That Need a Revival

From the carnage of Burnout to the underground street racing culture of Midnight Club, Nexus Hub explores five racing game franchises that are in need of a revival today.

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Community1256d ago
Terry_B1256d ago

I agree absolutely with Ridge Racer, but would prefer what Namco did with Ridge Racers on the PSP. Basically pull Ridge Racer 1-5 together, make it all about drifting and create new tracks with the same oldskool Arcade Feel. Wipeout however? Redout and Ballistic NG replaced it for me. I miss Rock N Roll Racing in this list

darthv721256d ago

RR 6 & 7 were both good on the 7th gen but it is surprising there wasnt an 8th gen RR8. Ace Combat got a release on 8th gen but not RR of all things (unless you count the stripped down vita version).

I'd love to see the return of PGR and Tokyo Extreme Racer.

Terry_B1256d ago

Yeah..PGR was awesome...RIP Bizarre Creations

CYALTR1256d ago

I would love to see Rockstar put another Midnight Club out. I remember that game fondly, the customization was top notch at the time. It had a nice arcady feel to the driving, but looking at the cars was the main point.

xPAULIEx1256d ago

Wreckfest is solid and a good alternative to Destruction Derby.

Gardenia1256d ago

It's a good game, but nothing like Destruction Derby.

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The 10 Best DLC Packs on Vita

VGChartz's Adam Cartwright: "In this article, I’m aiming to look at 10 of the best DLC packs on Vita – ones that offer a compelling additional experience for a reasonable price and so are well worth checking out. There were a whole load to sift through in writing this, so don’t be too disheartened if your favourite isn’t here, but do let me know in the comments what you think!"

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Community1638d ago