
PS4 and Xbox 720 graphics engine being worked on by ‘Just Cause’ developer

Shuita, for Examiner, writes, "Avalanche Studios, the developer behind the “Just Cause” series, posted several job ads on Gamasutra this past Wednesday. The listings mention that the studio is currently developing a “next-generation graphics engine” for what possibly may be the PS4 and Xbox 720."

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Pillsbury14194d ago

No doubt ps4 will bring amazing visuals and great exclusives.

Enemy4194d ago (Edited 4194d ago )

Exclusives and all the multiplats. It'll bring everything and more, yet again. Safe to say Sony will be reviving some of the old PS1 IPs everyone wanted this gen but didn't get.

DarkBlood4194d ago

better be a fricking legend of dragoon going on for ps4 lol

showtimefolks4194d ago

i sure hope so, with all the IP's sony owns along with a much more easier to develop for console ps4 could be a killer machine. when xbox720 and ps4 launches wii-u sadly will be a forgotten machine and that's not good cause wii-u does somethings really good.

nintendo is gonna find itself in the middle of no where and its gamecube all over again(great 1st party games not great support from 3rd parties)

4194d ago
Riderz13374194d ago

@carrotin, They've missed out on a lot of exclusives? Boy then I wonder what Microsoft has been doing with their exclusive title department. Sony's gaming division is one of the few profitable divisions, would it not make sense to invest money into that? You have to spend money to earn money and I wouldn't be surprised if they dropped their TV division. Also do you want to come up with a list of "superior" 360 mutliplats? I bet you I could come up with one that has a larger amount of games that perform better on the PS3. Stop talking out of your ass buddy.

Godmars2904194d ago

Not the way 3rd party devs were complaining about production cost this gen. Maybe 1st party will do most of the lifting again, but I want to see more than 1st/3rd person shooters.

SonyPS3604194d ago (Edited 4194d ago )

Christ, already nuthugging a console before it's even released. Remember what the Ps3 had going for it when it was first released this gen? Neither do I.

If you should have learned something from this gen, it's to stay grounded until you see what a console has to offer on release.

I'll buy whichever offers the better all round package at a fair price. Then if the other develops nicely I'll get that one too, just like I did this gen.

If it's anything like this gen, it'll probably be an aditional 3-4 years before I'll want a Ps4. I'm hoping Sony learned from the losses the made this gen, thanks to the arrogant marketing when the Ps3 first launched. Microsoft may be greedy, but claims made by Sony early on, combined with the cost, were insulting to most gamers.

That said, I'm also hoping M$ stop being so freaking greedy and let me play with my friends for free, stop charging extra for a wireless adapter, and stop asking for more money just for sufficient storage.

What you certainly can be sure of next gen is:

-More cloud storage.
-More "free to play" games with micro-transactions.
-More "season pass" behavior from publishers, with regards to DLC.
-Much more paid-for DLC.
-A rip-off priced Call of Duty, that millions of people will still buy.
-More gimmicks aimed at the casual gamer, like Move and Kinect, that will never do as well as the Wii.
-Right now it's impossible to say which will be more powerful, given that the previous gen xbox was 5x that of the Ps2, and that this gen was pretty much neck-and-neck. The same can be said for sales, which the Ps2 killed with, but the 360 had this time.

Stay grounded, that's all I'm saying.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4194d ago
Sandmano4194d ago

Just cause 2 was a great game loved it.

iNFAMOUZ14194d ago

No doubt x720 will bring amazing visuals and great exclusives.

4194d ago
IAMERROR4194d ago

oh yes, timed exclusives because MS doesn't have any first party devs... oh wait! They actually have more than Sony and Nintendo! lol

IAMERROR4194d ago

proof that this site is infested with Sony fanboys. I state a fact and people get mad and disagree! But they agree with some anti-MS troll bait comment! haha you guys are too funny! Never change

Snookies124194d ago

@IAMERROR - Then why is it that Sony alone beats them out with first party exclusives...?

I'm not saying you're wrong, just saying Microsoft needs to start doing something for their gamers...

SonyPS3604194d ago

It's funny that the word "timed exclusives" is used here, when the amount of time you had to wait for a decent ps3 exclusive was nearly coma inducing.

IAMERROR4194d ago


A lot of them are newly formed, prepping for the NextXbox, remember we're talking about Next gen here. There WILL be (real) exclusives, to imply anything else is ridiculous. Look at all the 1st party devs making games for the Nextbox. It's going to get very interesting next year. Same goes for ps4 :)

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4194d ago
Shuyin4194d ago

Yes, no doubt the next Xbox will bring great graphics. Multiplats will look very good and exclusives like Halo 5 will be friggin astonishing BUT; Sony has like 3 times the exclusives MS does and that's a FACT, rofl.

PS4 and Steambox all the way for me.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4194d ago
BuLLDoG9094194d ago

they only developing the engine now ?, would rather hear they half way through making a damn game already..
after the engines finished, i wonder how many years it will take them to make just cause 3..
the more i think about it, it seems less and less likely that we'll see a next ps or xb before this time next year.

besides maybe watchdogs and a couple other possibles, there aint no content ..

Riderz13374194d ago

This is old news buddy they have been working on next gen for a quite a while. Possibly ever since they released Just Cause 2.

Heisenburger4194d ago


*Just 'Cause*

I have logged one hundred and one hours into Just Cause 2. It was also my first 'plat'.

I think Just Cause 3 has become one of the proverbial "system sellers". Well, for ME at least.


Sandmano4194d ago

I played it too it drove me Mad in the Process though

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Xbox's Matt Booty implies Tango Gameworks closure was partly due to leadership change

Eurogamer: "Xbox's Matt Booty has spoken more on the closure of Tango Gameworks earlier this year."

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The Wood1d 3h ago (Edited 1d 3h ago )

I call BS on this. All metrics were met apparently or was that another lie. There's something deeper happening within xbox's management

GamerRN19h ago

You have an inside scoop? Well don't hold back, share with us your knowledge!

AsimLionheart16h ago

He is referring to this tweet by Greenberg which Spencer retweeted.


Wood is arguing that MS was either lying then when they claimed the game was a success or they are lying now by giving excuses for shutting down the studio.

The Wood15h ago

What part irks you sir? My opinion that xbox has a management problem or stating xbox heads said metrics were met and the game was a success. They closed the studio that released one of xbox's most successful new ips in a very long time. There's a lie somewhere don't you think or are you the eyes wide shut type

StormSnooper12h ago

I think we all have an inside scoop at this point. MS has lied so often that we all know what to expect from them.

Cacabunga1d 2h ago

It’s xbox DNA to lie and U-turns

GamerRN19h ago

I love fanboy analytics too...

Thank God Sony has never lied to us! /s

Cacabunga19h ago

There is a difference between lying all the time and saying fake shit and anyone else

GamerRN10h ago

Ok I'll bite, what's the difference between lying and saying fake shit

DarXyde1d ago

I don't know that he's lying. The heads at Xbox tend to be forthcoming in painfully indirect ways.

The article notes the exit of Shinji Mikami which I also believe was a factor, but Arkane is a different situation.

Perhaps the issue with everyone's assessment is that, because they closed around the same time, everyone assumes the reasons are the same.

Occam's razor here: Tango lost its value to Microsoft with Mikami out and Arkane just dropped the ball spectacularly.

All being said, Booty is clearly lying about one thing: the notion that anything mentioned in this interview was done "out of respect for the staff" is a bold faced lie. They closed the studio while the staff were on vacation in Japan.

Miss me with that, Booty.

Cacabunga22h ago

You said "I don't know that he's lying."

And later you said:

"All being said, Booty is clearly lying "

Are you ok?

DarXyde20h ago(Edited 20h ago)

Spare me the pedantry.

I'm very clearly talking about two different things:

When it comes to telling you about the future or actions taken broadly, they're indirect, but technically not lies. The go-to example is Rise of the Tomb Raider "coming exclusively to Xbox One in 2014." That wasn't a lie, but if you don't read between the lines, you'll think that's a lie. More recently, they tout new Xbox "hardware" which is incredibly ambiguous. It's sketchy, and intentionally vague, but calling it a lie is a bit too heavy handed. In reality, they say things in a way to get you to draw incorrect conclusions and they can blame you for misinterpreting.

I'm saying I don't know how much of what Booty is saying is truthful, intentionally vague, etc.

But on the very specific issue I cite (i.e., wanting to be respectful of staff), he's being dishonest—and it is very clearly a footnote to the broader point being made.

I shouldn't have to explain that in such explicit detail, but clear enough?

SonyStyled17h ago

‘Best lineup in Xbox history’ advertised during holiday season -cancels Scalebound and Fable after holiday season.

Not a lie. They had a good lineup. They just flipped the scripped after holiday season sales. What they advertised isn’t what the customer receives. Bait and switch

LoveSpuds19h ago(Edited 19h ago)

I recall seeing interviews where Shinji Mikami said he had no involvement in the development of HiFi Rush, it was a European guy who directed the game I believe.

So even if its true that Shinji leaving was a loss, closing the studio still doesn't pass the sniff test to me. They shut a great studio who had just put out Xbox' best game in years which had no input from Mikami.

MS can't help but lie, they always have, scummy company.

1d 2h ago
MrDead1d 2h ago

The gaming media better get on board with these sort of articles as MS buying up the industry means you guys won't get review copies or exclusive news unless you push the MS narrative.

The MS narrative "it's everyone else's fault."

1Victor1d 2h ago

WARNING ⚠️ SARCASM AHEAD WARNING ⚠️ sure they have an awful management with sexual harassment and embezzlement of funds so let’s close the studio we just purchased and leave games in the table. END OF SARCASM
( insert here a comic strip of guy thrown out of window for suggesting firing the management )

Eonjay14h ago

Right. If management is an issue hire new management.

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Fortnite Summer Event: Release date, free rewards, map changes, and more

Another Fortnite Summer event is around the corner! Its release date has been leaked, and once again, it will bring new skins and rewards.

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AA Games Deserve More Attention Than AAA Titles

While AAA games make headlines all over the internet, AA games are quietly and profoundly impacting the gaming industry with their creativity.

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isarai2d ago

No sh!t, like that's one thing that I will give the modern game industry is the re-uprising of the mid-tier. It's not as big as it was during the PS2 like Golden era of the mid-tier, but it's pretty damn good at the moment.

Inverno2d ago

Can we even call half of these games mid-tier when they're just 10 dollars short of full price? And if we're talking about indies that charge around 30 bucks, do many of these games honestly deserve the praise when so many chose the E.A. approach? They mention Hellblade 2 in the article, how can a game that took 5 years to make be considered "mid-tier"? Who knows what that budget was with how much work went into the visuals and sound design and mo-cap.

Michiel19892d ago

what's wrong with the early access approach? Supergiant games got so much help from the community and took the feedback to heart and created one of the best roguelikes. The early access that you pay 40 bucks to play the game earlier is awful, but this is actually super beneficial for the devs and also the gamers. Same with DoS2 and Baldur's gate 3.

Inverno2d ago

There are few exceptions in E.A. but let's look at The Rogue Prince of Persian. Why in the factual is an Ubi funded game in E.A.? There are games that are in early access for years, I'm talking 7-8 years. Look at 7 Days to Die, apparently it's coming out of E.A. and they're charging 54 bucks for the 1.0 version on consoles. Crowd funding also brought in a lot of problems, with many games funded turning out crap or then later signing a deal with a publisher regardless. The "mid-tier" market has a lot of shady business practices.

isarai2d ago

Well im not talking these games but the mid-tier in general, games like the sniper elite series, RoboCop, Alan Wake 2, Lies of P, Stellar Blade, Alone in the Dark, etc it's far better than it was a gew years ago where everything was either a huge AAA game or a simple lo-fi indie game, and there was very little in between.

StormSnooper2d ago

I have enjoyed some amazing AA gaming this gen, and the Portal has been a surprising catylist for me getting into these.

jznrpg2d ago

I give good games attention. AA or AAA doesn’t matter to me.

Eonjay2d ago

This. Why does everything have to be this vs that? Good game is good and deserves attention.

Abnor_Mal2d ago

War, war never ends.

War! Huh yea good gosh y’all,
what is it good for?
Absolutely nothing!

LucasRuinedChildhood2d ago (Edited 2d ago )

I suppose the general point is that *overall* AA games deserve more attention right now because of how much good stuff they're putting out. Doesn't mean that you shouldn't give good AAA games attention. The point about attention stands even if you remove the whole AAA vs AA angle.

Indie and AA games just don't count for a huge swathe of the audience. They ignore them or the lack of marketing never drags them in. And many who praise the PS1 and PS2 for smaller, original games and proclaim games to be bad now also don't play these games. The hypocrisy of that is starting to really irritate me, tbh, especially as quality 3D indie games have become common.

Supporting AA games can also slowly give those studios a higher budget to work with while still being creative, and you eventually end up with things like Larian becoming AAA.

The_Hooligan1d 23h ago

@ abnor

Everytime I hear that song I can't help but picture rush hour lol

On topic - there will always be this v that because ppl on both sides of that argument are blinded by their own bias

VersusDMC2d ago

Hades sold 7 mil on steam alone. Disco Alysium 2.7 just on steam. Plague tale Requiem(is this even AA?) is at 3 mill. How did they not get attention?

And Forespoken is on the attention getting side? It bombed! What a idiotic thumbnail.

SMTVengence is a game that is getting overlooked. Put that on the thumbnail.

LucasRuinedChildhood2d ago (Edited 2d ago )

Here are some examples of some smaller games that I'd recommend people give a go:

- Metal Hellsinger
- Katana Zero
- The Talos Principle 2
- Bomb Rush Cyberfunk
- Rollerdrome
- Trepang2
- Tinykin
- Another Crab's Treasure
- Sifu
- Ghostrunner
- Penny's Big Breakaway
- The Pathless
- Kena: Bridge Of Spirits
- Midnight Fight Express
- Jusant
- Solar Ash
- Outer Wilds
- Furi
- Superhot
- The Forgotten City
- Crow Country
- Signalis

And obviously stuff like Hotline Miami but that's an obvious choice. Great game

Demetrius2d ago

Thanks for the recommendation the forgotten city looks fun

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