The Finals Season 3 Trailer Reveals the New Arena

Screenshot during a match in The Finals

After much speculation, the trailer for Season 3 of The Finals dropped on June 7. Thanks to some cleverly placed easter eggs, some fans have already deduced that the Finals are going to Japan. Now, we know that the new arena is Kyoto 1568. It will be spectacular. The Arena for Season 3 of The Finals was shown in the new trailer and it blew away the players.

The Season 3 Trailer Leaves Players Burning With Anticipation

The trailer revealed a lot. Players can look forward to playing in a new arena, as mentioned, but the new season will also bring Terminal attack (a new ranked mode), new load-outs (weapons and gadgets), as well as Weekly tournaments (as part of the World tour). The Finals account on Steam went into even more detail.

The statement reads: “Starting in Season 3, THE FINALS will emphasize a more tactical and competitive experience by introducing Terminal Attack as the Ranked game mode. In Terminal Attack, attackers deliver a Decryption Key to one of two terminals, while defenders guard the terminals and prevent the transfer from completing”.

DKSpammer said: “I think ranked TAs is where the real competitive side of The Finals will come from. Either way, I can’t wait to play it without people dropping within the first round”. Unfortunately, several players pointed out that it seems Terminal Attack will be the only Ranked game mode, but the confirmation of that theory is yet to come.

Obviously, fans had a lot to say, especially about the new weapons and gear, inspired by feudal Japanese combat tactics. A Recurve Bow, a Thermal Bore, Dual Katanas, a Spear, and a Winch Claw were named as new additions to the arsenal. Players were quick to pick the Bow and the Katanas as their favorites.

Exosolar_King raved: “Personally really looking forward to Winch + Sledge for heavy. Also, light getting a new way to breach walls should be great for improving their team utility”. ShyGuySkino added: “The Katana for the shield/riot gear medium rocks is such a sick idea. World-class devs working on the battle pass/skins stuff. For real”.

Screenshot of arena carriable during a match in The Finals
Image via N4G Unlocked

Fans Will Soon Get to Enjoy the New Finals Arena Firsthand

If you’ve watched the trailer, you know, the arena is mesmerizing. As per the official statement on Steam: “Nestled against a steep mountainside in the lush Kyoto Valley, the new Kyoto 1568 arena features a network of interwoven 16th-century temples, gardens, and dense bamboo forests — in contrast to the modern urban arenas The Finals is famous for.”

It also teases: “Intense terrain height variation, and interconnected, layered buildings with hidden traversal options underneath, encourage free-flowing, fluid, and sneaky player movement. Traditional Japanese Shoji paper walls that players can shoot through dial destruction up to eleven”. Many fans were overjoyed by the design and everything it could offer.

Finally, the trailer states that Season 3 of The Finals and the new Arena arrive on June 13. We believe that players can expect much more than what was announced. One thing is for sure, everyone will enjoy the juxtaposition of modern and old, it will give this season a special je-ne-sais-quoi. Hopefully, we’ll see you there.


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