Baldur’s Gate 3 Who are all the Companions?

Baldur’s Gate 3 Companions stood around main player

There are 6 main Baldur’s Gate 3 Companions that you can travel with throughout your gameplay experience. Below is a look into each of them and how they will benefit you as a player and work for any class you choose to play be it Human Ranger, wood elf druid, or drow paladin.

Baldur’s Gate 3 is a role-playing video game with a massive cast of characters, including hundreds of non-player characters (NPCs) and companions with a range of survivability. This article focuses on the main companions and storyline-focused characters.

The game is set in the Forgotten Realms campaign setting of Dungeons & Dragons. Players create a party of up to four characters and explore the world of Baldur’s Gate, interacting with NPCs, solving puzzles, and fighting monsters.

Who are Baldur’s Gate 3 Companions that can be added to your party?

The main companions in Baldur’s Gate 3 are:

These companions are all important to the storyline of Baldur’s Gate 3, and they each have their own unique personalities and abilities. Players can choose to recruit any of these companions to their party, and their decisions will have a significant impact on the game’s story.

In addition to the main companions, there are hundreds of other NPCs in Baldur’s Gate 3. These NPCs can provide players with information, offer quests, or simply be interacted with. Some of these NPCs are important to the storyline and are found from the start in the nautiloid ship, while others are simply there to add depth and flavour to the world.

Baldur’s Gate 3 is a massive game with a lot to offer players. The large cast of characters is one of the game’s strengths, and it allows players to create a party that is truly unique to them and if they want to play as good or evil.

Who is Astarion?

Baldur’s Gate 3 Companions - Astarion
Image by N4G via Larian studios

Astarion, a high elf rogue transformed into a vampire spawn, possesses a captivating blend of charm and wit, accompanied by a shadowed history. Once a servant to a sadistic vampire lord, he eventually found his freedom and now seeks a new purpose under a different master. Astarion’s prowess in combat and proficiency as a rogue makes him a formidable ally, augmented further by his vampiric abilities.

This enigmatic character is a fascinating mix of desires and fears. Drawn to the allure of power and immortality that vampirism offers, he also grapples with the potential loss of his humanity. A survivor at heart, he prioritizes self-preservation above all else, yet surprises others with displays of kindness and compassion.

Astarion Skills table

Here are some of Astarion’s strengths and weaknesses


  • Charming and witty: Astarion is a natural charmer. He is quick with a witty remark, and he knows how to use his words to get what he wants. This makes him a valuable asset in any social situation, and it can also be helpful in negotiations.
  • Skilled fighter and rogue: Astarion is a skilled fighter and rogue. He is proficient in a variety of weapons and skills, and he is able to use his vampiric abilities to his advantage. This makes him a valuable asset in combat, and he can also be helpful in sneaking around and scouting ahead.
  • Able to use his vampiric abilities to his advantage: Astarion’s vampiric abilities give him a number of advantages, including enhanced strength, speed, and regeneration. He can also use his bite to drain the blood of his enemies, which can give him a temporary boost of power.
  • Survivor: Astarion is a survivor. He has lived through a lot in his life, and he has learned how to adapt and overcome. This makes him a valuable asset in any situation, and it ensures that he will never give up.
  • Cunning and resourceful: Astarion is cunning and resourceful. He is always thinking ahead, and he is always looking for ways to get ahead. This makes him a valuable asset in any situation, and it ensures that he will always be able to find a way to survive.


  • Dark past: Astarion has a dark past. He was once a servant to a sadistic vampire lord, and he was forced to do things that he is not proud of. This dark past continues to haunt him, and it is something that he will never be able to fully escape.
  • Fears the loss of his humanity: Astarion fears the loss of his humanity. He knows that he is becoming more and more like a vampire, and he is afraid of what he might become. This fear is something that he struggles with on a daily basis, and it is something that could potentially lead him to make some dangerous decisions.
  • Can be manipulative and self-serving: Astarion can be manipulative and self-serving. He is always looking out for number one, and he is not afraid to use people to get what he wants. This can be a problem in a party setting, as it can lead to conflict and distrust.
  • Prone to violence: Astarion is prone to violence. He is quick to anger, and he is not afraid to use his fists or his weapons to solve problems. This can be a problem in a party setting, as it can lead to unnecessary violence and bloodshed.

Who is Gale?

Baldur’s Gate 3 Companions - Gale
Image by N4G via Larian studios

Gale, a human wizard with ambitions to become the foremost spellcaster in Faerûn, wields formidable magical abilities. Yet, his self-assured nature and preoccupation with his own studies often make him appear detached and disinterested in those around him. Despite this, Gale surprises others with occasional displays of kindness and compassion, proving his worth as a valuable member of any adventuring party.

Born into wealth within Waterdeep, Gale displayed exceptional magical talent from an early age. His enrollment in the city’s most prestigious wizarding academy swiftly propelled him to the top of his class. However, disillusionment struck when he grew weary of the institution’s emphasis on tradition and rigid rituals. Determined to forge his own path, he ventured forth to explore the world.

Undoubtedly, Gale’s inclusion in any adventuring party proves invaluable, and it comes as no surprise that he is poised to become a fan favourite for years to come. His multi-faceted nature offers a captivating blend of strengths and flaws, promising an engaging and enduring presence within the world of Faerûn.

Gale skills table

Here are some of Gale’s strengths and weaknesses

Gale’s Strengths

  • Powerful spellcaster: Gale is a powerful spellcaster with a wide range of spells at his disposal. He is able to deal a lot of damage in combat, and he can also provide support to his allies with his healing and utility spells like Grease.
  • Skilled diplomat: Gale is a skilled diplomat. He is able to talk to people from all walks of life, and he is able to find common ground with even the most hostile individuals. This makes him a valuable asset in any social situation, and it can also be helpful in negotiations.
  • Able to learn new spells and techniques quickly: Gale is able to learn new spells and techniques quickly. This makes him a valuable asset to any party, as he is always able to adapt to new situations.
  • Fascinated by the arcane arts: Gale is fascinated by the arcane arts. He is always eager to learn new things, and he is always looking for new ways to improve his magical abilities. This makes him a valuable asset to any party, as he is always coming up with new ideas and strategies.

Gale’s Weaknesses

  • Arrogant and self-absorbed: Gale can be arrogant and self-absorbed. He often believes that he is the smartest person in the room, and he can be condescending and dismissive of others. This can make him difficult to work with, and it can also lead to conflict with his allies.
  • Can be condescending and dismissive of others: Gale can be condescending and dismissive of others. He often believes that he is the smartest person in the room, and he can be quick to judge others. This can make him difficult to work with, and it can also lead to conflict with his allies.
  • Not always the most practical or down-to-earth: Gale is not always the most practical or down-to-earth. He is often lost in his own thoughts, and he can be forgetful of the practicalities of life. This can lead to problems in a party setting, as he may not be able to keep up with the pace or be aware of the dangers.
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Who is Lae’zel?

Baldur’s Gate 3 Companions - Lae'zel
Image by N4G via Larian studios

Lae’zel, a formidable githyanki fighter, exemplifies unwavering loyalty towards her people. With exceptional martial skills, she proves herself as a skilled warrior, yet her demeanour can often be described as distant and strategic. Driven by an unyielding determination, she strives to earn her place among her kin, unafraid to employ any means necessary to accomplish her objectives.

Lae’zel’s character unfolds as a fascinating tapestry of traits. Her loyalty to her people burns with an intensity matched only by her calculative nature. Every action she takes is driven by an unwavering determination to achieve her goals, leaving no stone unturned in her pursuit.

As a complex and intriguing character, Lae’zel’s unwavering allegiance and relentless drive make her a force to be reckoned with. Her willingness to go to any length to attain her objectives ensures her place as a captivating addition to the world of Baldur’s Gate 3.

Lae’zel’s Skills table

Here are some of Lae’zel’s strengths and weaknesses

Lae’zel’s Strengths

  • Skilled warrior: Lae’zel is a skilled warrior who is proficient in a variety of weapons and armour. She is also a powerful psionic, which gives her a number of additional abilities.
  • Determined and focused: Lae’zel is determined and focused on her goals. She is not afraid to put in the hard work necessary to achieve her goals, and she is not easily discouraged.
  • Loyal to her people: Lae’zel is loyal to her people, the githyanki. She is willing to do whatever it takes to protect them, even if it means putting herself in danger.

Lae’zel’s Weaknesses

  • Cold and calculating: Lae’zel can be cold and calculating. She is not afraid to make difficult decisions, even if those decisions mean sacrificing others.
  • Can be ruthless: Lae’zel can be ruthless in her pursuit of her goals. She is not afraid to use violence or intimidation to get what she wants.
  • Not always the most open-minded: Lae’zel is not always the most open-minded. She is often set in her ways, and she can be resistant to change.

Who is Shadowheart?

Baldur’s Gate 3 Companions - Shadowheart
Image via Larian studios

Shadowheart, a high half-elf cleric who reveres the goddess Shar, possesses remarkable healing abilities. However, her character is shrouded in secrecy and an air of distrust. Haunted by a troubled past, she harbours a strong determination to carve her own path in the world.

Shadowheart’s complexity adds an intriguing layer to her character. While she exudes an aura of secrecy and evokes caution in others, she also demonstrates unexpected moments of kindness and compassion. As a valuable member of any adventuring party, her unique blend of abilities and personality ensures her enduring popularity among fans.

Shadowheart’s enigmatic nature, combined with her extraordinary healing skills, makes her a compelling addition to the world of Baldur’s Gate 3. With her future shrouded in uncertainty, her story promises to captivate players and leave a lasting impression in the years to come.

Shadowheart skills table

Here are some of Shadowheart’s strengths and weaknesses

Shadowheart’s Strengths

  • Skilled healer: Shadowheart is a skilled healer who is proficient in a variety of healing spells. She is able to keep her allies alive in combat, and she can also provide support with her utility spells.
  • Powerful cleric: Shadowheart is a powerful trickery domain cleric who is able to deal a lot of damage in combat. She is also able to buff her allies and debuff her enemies.
  • Resourceful and cunning: Shadowheart is resourceful and cunning. She is able to think on her feet, and she is always able to find a way to get out of a sticky situation.
  • Determined to find her way: Shadowheart is determined to find her way in the world. She is not afraid to fight for what she believes in, and she is always willing to help those in need.

Shadowheart’s Weaknesses

  • Secretive and untrustworthy: Shadowheart is secretive and untrustworthy. She keeps her cards close to her chest, and she is not always honest with her allies, you can initially obtain a small level of trust be freeing her from the Mindflayer pod.
  • Haunted by her past: Shadowheart is haunted by her past. She has a dark secret that she is keeping from her allies, and this secret is starting to weigh on her.
  • Can be manipulative and self-serving: Shadowheart can be manipulative and self-serving. She is not above-using people to get what she wants, and she is not always concerned with the consequences of her actions.

Who is Wyll?

Baldur’s Gate 3 Companions - Wyll
Image by N4G via Larian studios

Wyll, a human warlock, finds himself bound to the demon lord Mephistopheles, a pact that forever altered his life. While possessing exceptional swordsmanship, Wyll also possesses a tendency towards recklessness. His charisma and charm add to his allure, but beneath his affable façade lies a concealed dark secret. His grip on arcana and use of Eldritch blast in fights comes in very handy.

Wyll’s character encompasses a captivating blend of traits. His charm and charisma effortlessly captivate those around him, concealing the haunting secret he guards within. Struggling to reconcile his pact with Mephistopheles, he grapples with the daunting question of redemption and his place within the world.

This intricate interplay of Wyll’s multifaceted nature adds depth to his character, making him a compelling and enigmatic figure. As he battles his inner turmoil, players will bear witness to a riveting journey of self-discovery and the eternal struggle between light and darkness.

Wyll Skills table

Here are some of Wyll’s strengths and weaknesses

Wyll’s Strengths

  • Skilled swordsman: Wyll is a skilled swordsman who is proficient in a variety of weapons. He is also a powerful warlock who can deal a lot of damage in combat.
  • Charming and charismatic: Wyll is charming and charismatic. He is able to win people over with his words and his personality.
  • Resourceful and cunning: Wyll is resourceful and cunning. He is able to think on his feet and come up with creative solutions to problems.

Wyll’s Weaknesses

  • Prone to recklessness: Wyll is prone to recklessness. He is often willing to take risks that others would not, and this can sometimes lead him into trouble.
  • Dark secret: Wyll has a dark secret that he is keeping from his allies. This secret is starting to weigh on him, and it is making it difficult for him to trust others.
  • Struggling to come to terms with his deal with Mephistopheles: Wyll is struggling to come to terms with his deal with Mephistopheles. He is not sure if he made the right decision, and he is worried about what the future holds.

Who is Karlach?

Baldur's Gate 3 companion - Karlach
Image by N4G via Larian studios

Karlach is a Tiefling Barbarian companion in Baldur’s Gate 3. She is a powerful fighter with a variety of abilities that make her a valuable asset in combat. She can deal damage with her axe, she can cast spells, and she can even summon a wolf to fight alongside her.

Karlach is a well-developed character with her own backstory and motivations. She is interesting to talk to and she can provide valuable insights into the world of Baldur’s Gate. She is a Neutral Good character, which means she is generally good-aligned but is not afraid to do what is necessary to protect herself and her allies. This makes her a good fit for a variety of party compositions. She is found on the Risen Road near one of the waypoints.

Karlach is a great companion for players who are looking for a powerful and versatile fighter with a good backstory and motivation. She is also a good choice for players who are looking for a companion who is not afraid to get their hands dirty.

Karlack Skills table

Karlach Strengths:

  • Powerful fighter: Karlach is a Barbarian, which means she is strong and durable. She can take a lot of punishment and dish out a lot of damage especially when buffed with her soul coins and infernal iron.
  • Versatile abilities: Karlach has a variety of abilities that make her a valuable asset in combat. She can deal damage with her axe, she can cast spells, and she can even summon a wolf to fight alongside her.
  • Good role-player: Karlach is a well-developed character with her own backstory and motivations. She is interesting to talk to and she can provide valuable insights into the world of Baldur’s Gate.
  • Good alignment: Karlach is a Neutral Good character, which means she is generally good-aligned but is not afraid to do what is necessary to protect herself and her allies. This makes her a good fit for a variety of party compositions.

Karlach Weaknesses:

  • Low Intelligence: Karlach has a low Intelligence score, which can make her difficult to reason with and can lead her to make rash decisions.
  • Reckless Attack: Karlach’s Reckless Attack ability can be a double-edged sword. It can be a great way to deal a lot of damage in a single round, but it can also make her vulnerable to attack.
  • Feral Instinct: Karlach’s Feral Instinct ability can be a great way to boost her combat prowess, but it can also make her more aggressive and less likely to listen to reason.

NPCs that currently cannot be added to your party in Baldur’s Gate 3

Below is a list of significant non-player characters (NPCs) that play crucial roles in the storyline of Baldur’s

Below is a list of significant non-player characters (NPCs) that play crucial roles in the storyline of Baldur’s Gate. A mention is needed for Jaheira, Minthara, and Halsin the Druid as they are characters who can join your party later in the story but aren’t within the first act. It’s essential to note that the game features numerous other characters, but we’ve highlighted a select few who are particularly important:

  • Krull, a tiefling merchant and leader of the druid’s grove. He possesses both kindness and generosity, coupled with impressive combat skills.
  • Silda, a resourceful and cunning human noblewoman held captive by goblins. She showcases proficiency in combat.
  • The Illithid, a mind flayer responsible for the infestation of tadpoles in the characters. This powerful and dangerous creature has its own agenda and seeks control over the characters.
  • Minsc and Boo, is a kind-hearted but somewhat addled warrior who is always eager to fight for good. He is fiercely loyal to his friends and companions, and he is always willing to put himself in danger to protect them. Boo, on the other hand, is a silent but loyal companion miniature giant space hamster who provides Minsc with comfort and support.
  • Withers – The Skeletal Necromantic mage who joins you from the Dank Crypt entrance by the roadside cliffs waypoint and can be useful for hirelings.

These NPCs, alongside countless others, populate the vast world of Baldur’s Gate 3, each offering unique interactions and stories. The game presents a diverse range of intriguing and immersive Baldur’s Gate 3 Companions throughout its expansive map.

The choices players make when engaging with these characters carry lasting consequences. Trust must be carefully considered, as it can shape the fate of not only the game world but also the city of Baldur’s Gate itself.

The well-developed and captivating Baldur’s Gate 3 companions breathe life into the game world. Players will naturally find themselves drawn to certain characters while feeling repelled by others. The choices they make in their interactions hold significant weight, genuinely impacting the narrative and gameplay experience. You can also change which companions you keep with you in Baldur’s Gate 3.

The developers of Baldur’s Gate 3 have crafted a compelling cast of characters, ensuring that players form genuine connections, romance, and care about their fates. The rich character-driven experience sets the game apart, making it a memorable adventure for all who embark upon it.

If this has been helpful for you in choosing which companions to adventure with then you should check out our other helpful guides such as How to turn off those pesky arcane Turrets or How to Change Party Members in BG3.


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