What is Advantage in Baldur’s Gate 3? – Explained

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Curious how Advantage works in Baldur’s Gate 3? We’ve got you covered. Read on to learn more about the term and how its mechanic functions in the game.

Baldur’s Gate 3 has expertly brought the lore of Dungeons & Dragons to PC with the third installment to the fantasy RPG series. From its turn-based format to extensive character builds and party selection, BG3 has delivered a true D&D experience. However, those unfamiliar with previous entries or the tabletop game on which the series is based may not fully understand the mechanics used in the new title. Much of your adventure is determined by the hand you’re dealt — or, in this case, your roll of the dice. Moreover, your roll and its outcome may be influenced by either advantage or disadvantage. While the effects of each are fairly intuitive, advantage doesn’t necessarily guarantee victory in Baldur’s Gate 3.

What Does Advantage Mean in Baldur’s Gate 3?

Advantage is a mechanic with the opposite function of disadvantage in Baldur’s Gate 3, referring to the act of rolling two D20s and taking the higher of the two rolls outside of combat, or simply increasing your chance of landing an attack in combat. Needless to say, this does give you an advantage on an ability check, saving throw, or an attack roll. However, it doesn’t always guarantee a win. Advantage simply turns the odds in your favor by essentially doubling your chance of success.

For example: If you roll a 4 and a 17, then the latter will be used to determine the outcome. The lower of the two rolls will have no effect. In this case, the 4 will be discarded.

Another example of advantage is taking the high ground in Baldur’s Gate 3. At an elevated position, your party has a better chance of landing attacks against opponents, lending you a +2 bonus.

How to Get Advantage in Baldur’s Gate 3

Advantage can typically be acquired by positioning yourself and your party members on higher ground than your opponents in Baldur’s Gate 3. Certain abilities, actions, and spells can also grant you an advantage under the right circumstances.

This exemplifies why your character build plays such a key role in the game, as honing your individual skills as well as those of your party members can seriously help your success rate by giving you an advantage. For instance, Rogue characters can deal additional damage with advantage on sneak attacks, giving you the upper hand. Playing to the strengths of your party and against the weaknesses of your opponents will ultimately prove advantageous in Baldur’s Gate 3.

For more reference guides on Baldur’s Gate 3, check out these related pieces from our team: Baldur’s Gate 3 – What is Disadvantage and what does it mean? and Baldur’s Gate 3 Ultimate Spell List.


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