
The Time is Right for Nintendo to Offer a Cheaper Wii U Bundle Without the GamePad – Good For All

Zelda Informer: "Late last night Nintendo decided to release a rather hefty update to the Wii U firmware. The update allowed for system transfers exactly like the 3DS, but more interestingly it made the eShop usable with a Pro Controller and Wiimote. This means the only thing currently not able to be done on the Wii U without a GamePad is changing system settings – an update that should be rather simple to implement whenever Nintendo feels like it. This simple change got my mind racing – could Nintendo release a bundle without the GamePad? It seemed like a rather simple concept, but it spurned a completely unintended debate.

Through this debate it made me realize something – yes, Nintendo can release a bundle without it. More importantly, they should release a bundle without this holiday season. The time is right for it, or as right as it can be right now, and it would actually benefit all Wii U owners. How is that possible? Wouldn’t currently GamePad users be left in the dust?"

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admiralvic3582d ago

While Nintendo could certainly release a Wii U without the gamepad, I also feel like that would be a step back for the Wii U. In its current form, my favorite feature is the offscreen play and I don't think I am in the minority saying that. I like having a controller that I can effortless control my TV, play without having the input on my Wii U and has, well I don't know how to phrase it in a way that wouldn't make the Vita look bad, but I tend to have a better experience* with the gamepad than Vita via cross play.

I also thought that the touchscreen offered new options** (like some of those Nintendoland games are pretty fun with people) that helped me get into the idea of owning it. One of the most interesting uses was Rayman Legends murphy mode thingy, which offered a nice change of pace and were some of my favorite challenges to do online. Anyway, while none of this would change if they removed the gamepad, I do feel like it would be an open invitation for developers to ignore it / opt out of supporting it in the first place. Considering a few have gone on record saying they don't know what to do with it, I get the distinct impression that more games will completely ignore it / give us straight ports, which isn't terrible, but a lot of neat stuff can be done with the second screen in the right hands.

* This might just be me, but I can play on the Wii U 1:1, where as I had lag issues playing something simple like Towerfall. Please do not reply if you want to nitpick this aspect as I really don't want to debate about it.
** I don't bring up the Kinect because I have zero experience and have no right to comment on it.

cyguration3582d ago

That's not to mention that certain modes in some games become completely non-functional for the Wii U, such as the asymmetrical multiplayer or the head-to-head mode in ZombiU.

It would be a huge step backward for Nintendo to remove the GamePad and would be a serious showing of their lack of confidence in their own product.

deafdani3582d ago

The entirety of Zombi U becomes non-functional without a Gamepad, actually. Nope, Nintendo would be stupid to remove the Gamepad from the system.

randomass1713582d ago

You would also lose some considerable functionality without the gamepad. Amiibos would not be compatible anymore and you lose whatever perks come with the system's UI. I can see why people would desire a gamepadless bundle, but I don't see Nintendo doing it if it gimps the games you can buy.

Thatguy-3103582d ago

I agree with you 100%. I myself don't have one but when my nephew brings it over I just love how effortlessly I can play without messing with my TV. Believe it or not I actually prefer it.

Bubbamilk3582d ago (Edited 3582d ago )

The off tv play with the gamepad is underrated. Sometimes it's looks even better than on the tv(assassins creed 4) there is nothing like being a pirate while my girlfriend plays battlefield 4 online.

And that's another thing rarely talked about. If multiple people love games in the house but want to play different consoles. Or a quick game of Mario kart 8 in between taking turn on an online shooter. The gamepad plays perfectly. If it wasn't as good as the tv I'd understand these articles. But it looks and plays perfectly.

Game and wario is rarely talked about but it utilizes the gamepad well especially with groups of people. I loved the idea of the camera showing ur face in the background on one mini game. It wasn't perfect but since it just catches ur face it should be taken further. Knowing Nintendo they could make that feature into some really funny moments if done right.

You just don't know how great the gamepad is until u try it. And people out there can't say that there wasn't a time when they wished they had that option on their other consoles. It's kinda ruining me. I would hate not having the option now that I've experienced it

admiralvic3582d ago

"Game and wario is rarely talked about but it utilizes the gamepad well especially with groups of people. "

I feel the same way about Nintendoland. When I got to play it at E3 they had Luigi's Mansion / Sweets Day available for play and forced people to play in groups of 4. I think Nintendo got that Sweets Day was a solid game, since they made every person play 4 games (this was so everyone got a shot at the gamepad role) and it was crazy how much more enjoyable the game became once you knew how to play and were in a group.

With that being said, I even enjoy the more trivial aspects of the gamepad. Like you can interact with items in the background in Super Mario 3D World. Say you see a snow covered tree, you could poke it and the snow would get knocked off and maybe a couple of coins would drop. It showed a nice attention to detail that many games lack.

"You just don't know how great the gamepad is until u try it. "

I would have to 100% agree with this, mostly due to how easy it's to go from one mode to the other. Like some games do it by default, where as others have a button, but most titles make it a 2 or 3 second action that is quite intuitive. There is just something great about being able to both change the TV to suit your needs and convert the game (if needed) with one device in a matter of seconds.

N4g_null3582d ago

Nintendo land needs an expansion. It was the most fun with game pad content. I think the graphics not being drop dead or hardly any eye candy turned people off.

I really think that should be a digital pack in along with the wii sport subscription for a month or two.

desy643582d ago

Indeed, off tv FTW!! That's my fav feature, playing while my wife watches tv. Priceless

3-4-53582d ago

Anybody who suggests this DOESN'T GET IT.

You literally NEED the Gamepad. It's pretty essential and it's honestly one of the most comfortable controllers I've ever used.

* Yes half the cost of the Wii U is the gamepad, but I have a feeling that MOST of the people who would buy a Wii U without a Gamepad, within 3-4 weeks you would wish you had a gamepad, and then you'll have to go spend $140 to get one.

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crusf3582d ago

I love the gamepad I can take the console out on trips and not need a TV!

ZAF3582d ago

It's not like the wii u gamepad is xbox's one kinect, the gamepad is great and it doesn't feel just like an extra acessory.

-Foxtrot3582d ago (Edited 3582d ago )

The gamepad is marmite

Theres some who live it and some who hate it

I think it comes to how comfortble it is in your hands, some people like myself, because of the size of your hands, its not comfortble and after a while playing you might get a pain or cramp.

Really its not an all rounder controller. It would open up more people's interest if you COULD buy it without the game pad but with a pro controller instead.

The more options the better. People like choice.

Hopefully in their next console Nintendo don't use the gamepad again, they'll go back to the gamecube controller

Metallox3582d ago

And apart from that, the price it's really important. I'm pretty sure many people want to buy a Wii U, but find the 300 dollars a bit expensive. Like you say, giving to them the option wouldn't hurt anyone and it would also benefit the image of Nintendo.

-Foxtrot3582d ago

Yeah exactly. People keep going on about how the gamerpad is the Wii U's identity but if more people will buy it does it matter. Even with Nintendo putting more of a focus on the gamepad in games you can still give people a choice, if they dont get to experience gamepad functions for games then thats there fault, they chose to have a pro controller instead. Long as they can play the game still I don't think they'll care about unique gamepad experiences.

Giving people a choice is not going to hurt them or hurt people with gamepads

Bubbamilk3582d ago

I can understand the comfort issue. But the cramps shouldn't happen with a company that add little snippets ever 20 minutes reminding u to take a break.

But I agree to an extent. The pro controller is really nice and would draw in a lot of the haters and so called (hardcore gamers) or whatever. The gamepad has been a big issue with the public. With that said the pro controller should just be included for the same price as it is now along with the gamepad.

And amiibos haven't even released yet. Or the possible fatal frame if it comes to the west. Pretty much every game uses it in one way or another. Doubt they'll go back to the GameCube controller. But speaking of the choices u said people like. How about the adapter coming out. Wii u has lots of choices.

Next gen they will do a new gamepad of sorts or something completely different and weird as always. For sure wouldn't be the GameCube controller again. Atho it will be an option down the road I'm sure

Chrischi19883582d ago

Well, I dont know anyone, who owns a Wii U and doesnt like the Gamepad. All that hate the gamepad, are people, who hate the Wii U in general or hate nintendo in general.

Then again, why do you people alway claim the Wii U costs $299? You can get it way cheaper and for $299 you get 1-2 games with it.

If we count this way, the other consoles are around $50 more expensive, like you guys say. The gamepad actually offers something. This is not like the Kinect, it doesnt nearly cost as much as the Kinect.

You speak about choice, but the so called choice actually means killing it, not because it is bad, just because if not everyone has it, nobody will use it for their games, because you will severly cut into your games install base. This is not a matter of choice.

Look at the extra peripherals of the PS4, all huge successes^^ not!

N4g_null3582d ago

So you need a thinner game pad because you get hand craps... do you need one 3ds xl size? What doesn't crap your hands?

I have big hands, everyone I know does also and I don't hear the Japanese complaining ethier. I would love for you to elaborate on this cropping issue.

Loosing the game pad is just bad advice in order to hurt sales since you can not guarantee that people will buy it. The fact that it can now be used with both the pad and pro controllers means you already have choices.

That is the thing about the wiiu you have ultimate choice. You have a xbox like controller , the game cube now, along with the old wii mote plus and the gamepad which is a larger 3ds layout.... with the joysticks in the right place.

So you are trying to say a 3ds like design is not like by gamers when the 3ds is the highest selling console with a control layout very similar to the gamepad.

wonderfulmonkeyman3582d ago

There are too many logical reasons to keep the controller.

-Ditching it would increase brand confusion all over again by offering no noticeable physical difference between it and the wii.

-It's more expensive to buy the pad separate, and if people can afford to pay for $400 systems plus online subscriptions plus new controllers for them, they can afford a $199 refurbished wii u and a pro controller.

-It's the only controller on the market that can do what it does while still offering all the necessary buttons, sticks, and triggers as other core controllers.

-It's too integral to the system to be removed at this point, especially considering their amiibo plans.

-Ditching it would be equivalent to showing lack of faith in their own ideas, which would hurt consumer trust in their ability, and/or willingness, to properly support their systems and peripherals in the long term.
"If they ditched one idea after banking so much on it, why wouldn't they do the same to others?" is a mindset they need to avoid propagating.
Destroying consumer trust is a big part of what finished off Sega's line of consoles.

-it would be smarter of them to start adding pro controllers into every bundle alongside the game pad, without raising the retail price, them use that as a "multiplayer right out of the box!" marketing hook.

-Foxtrot3582d ago


"are people, who hate the Wii U in general or hate nintendo in general."

There we go...I was waiting for that

Yeah like always anyone who has a general complaint or criticism is a "Nintendo Hater". I forgot your not aloud to say anything bad.

My mistake.

This is part of the reason why Nintendo hasn't evolved, they don't see the need to since people don't or are even scared to say anything.

ChickeyCantor3582d ago

"There we go...I was waiting for that "

Previous statement:

"The gamepad is marmite "

Yeah no, your support for Nintendo sure is dandy.

GordonKnight3582d ago


People do have choices.

They are Wii U, PS4, X1 or PC.

I don't want the internet on my cell phone, but that's almost impossible now a days.

At least with the gamepad you don't have to pay for extra services every month.

Chrischi19883582d ago

Foxtrot, you say, that Nintendo fans are like this, but what you dont get is, that you practically never ever say something good about the Wii U. You are the kind of person, who is only searching for stuff, that is bad. If something good comes up, you search for, why it is still not good, doesnt matter how dumb it is. You are a prime example of what is wrong with gaming nowadays, that people as gamers think they are somehow important. You are the type of guy, who doesnt accept opinion.

It is funny, how you come up with stuff, always try to sound like you are talking, as if what you said is the voice of the people, but actually, the only one who is agreeing with you in general, is someone like Lol_Wut and that does more harm to your comments, than good. You see, people who only complain the whole time, are no help, people who always try to make everything that is bad, look good is also bad.

People in forums gain a certain reputation for what they generally say. Many would say I am a Nintendo fanboy, because I try to see the good in things, you are the exact opposite of that.

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Metallox3582d ago

Despite de update, you can pretty much say that the bundle is never going to happen. First of all, Nintendo in one of their financial meetings clearly said they are going to support the Gamepad. The introduction of amiibo, the quick start menu, more games that approach the controller and minor things like the Pikmin 3 update are sign of what I'm saying, Nintendo won't drop and wants you to use the controller.

The update of yesterday is for those ones who:

1) For some reason don't have the controller and couldn't access to the eShop.

2) Those ones who literally just hate the Gamepad.

Nintendo launched this update for convenience, not because it's planning something. And also the company wants to unseat that argument mentioned in the article: "the Gamepad it's not the selling point of the console, we buy it for its games". I agree, but what Nintendo wants to do is that you can say: "the Gamepad it's an important part of the console and brings new experiences to the games". So, again, it won't happen.

However, I agree that Nintendo should launch a minor bundle for those ones who believe the console is overpriced or just don't want the controller at all. This is about bringing satisfaction to both belligerents, those ones who like the controller and are excited to see what is Nintendo capable to do with it, and those ones who want the traditional experience. That could help sales, but I want to focus in the fact that the console would be cheaper, not because they're going to ditch the controller. The option would be available for traditional players and Nintendo will be able to continue with its Gamepad innovation.

As always, apologies for grammar.

Venoxn4g3582d ago

but imagine if they gonna release a console without a gamepad, there are some games, who gonna need a gamepad and then we gonna see another articles where "gamers" ranting that they bought a console and they can't play games properly .. btw Gamepad is awesome

wonderfulmonkeyman3582d ago

Ditching the game pad would increase brand confusion in consumers again.
We shouldn't cater to belligerent trolls that are too cheap to buy a pro controller when they have the money to afford other systems and their online subscription fees.
There are way too many reasons why offering a no pad bundle is a bad idea.

N4g_null3582d ago

What you have to ask your self" would these same gamers buy a 3ds form factor handheld with the button layout of the wiiu?" If people would be cool with that then a portable wiiu would be the answer. Instead of making a half ars gimped console they could make a new powerful portable console handheld hybrid. Notice how the ds took off once they made it sleeker and shinier. The old wii used this trick also.

Then you could offer new sleek gamepads and a console redesign maybe even with pci express ready solid state drive support... lol we can dream!

This move would put nintendo in line with tablets and maybe even offer android as an add on for the gamepad it self? I know that really didn't help the vita.

Also networking to the wiiu from the gamepad would be easier. So you would have the tv mirroring tech for the superior local use and the some what functional vita ps4 mirroring idea for gaming with out a tv or console with you.

Then you roll out a handheld that helps build your console buisness while offering a back log of 3ds and wiiu games on your new handheld. I think nintendo will do some thing similar to this based on their core ideas.

pcz3582d ago

''Pcs and lol _ wut must be the same people.''

haha no. just because we both are critical of wiiu doesnt mean we are the same people. thats like me saying you are every other nintendo fan because you blindly defend nintendo even in the face of their defeat this gen.

'' your opinion has now be revealed as just pure hate''

lmao hate? really? just for saying the wiiu is finished in its current form and needs a re-think? i prefer to call it logic.

''People that really have buying intentions don't want you to change your product they are not your customers. Those people are called suckered or casual buyers.''

its quite clear at this point that the vast majority have no intention of buying a wiiu. nintendo can either arrogantly accept this fact and keep on floggin a dead horse, OR they can think ''hey, this product isnt selling in its current form, we need to change it to make it more appealing'' ... ie, drop the controller and the price along with it.

''no one buys blu ray disk lol, now dvd is offered with blu ray disk lol.''

blu ray has obvious benefits. so to give people a package which include both mediums is beneficial to those who have yet to move over to blu ray. its added value.

the same is not true of the wiiu controller. it has little to no benefits to include it. especially as its so expensive. outside of zombie u, i have not seen any interesting use of the controller. and that was a launch game. the controllers use just isnt implemented into wiiu games, so it is completely useless.

''This is similar to people asking for Iwata removal.''

im not sure if he should be removed, but he should at least do more than constantly apologize. he needs to take action... you know, drop the controller, redesign the wiiu to give it an identity and offer the console as a next gen machine at a very low price.

Dunban673582d ago

Good post but wouldn't t the 2 groups you mentioned only add up to a minute # of people - there can't be many wii u owners at all that don t have a game pad and I think a high percentage of Wii u owners do like the game pad- even those who prefer the pro contrôlée to game with would still refer the gamead for the e shop and mini verse

I m not saying they did the update to in bundle the game pad but there has to be so e other reason for the update than the convenience of a few people- there are too many other updates that would be a priority to this one if that were the case

I def think they have something in ,ind w this update that we will learn later - what I m not sure

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EliteGameKnight3582d ago

I love the gamepad. if anything they could just release the console with an extra pro controller to appease the people who don't like it

LOL_WUT3582d ago

But that would raise the cost I'd rather they offer a gamepad less sku at a cheaper price just think how much WiiU sells would improve. It would be a brilliant idea ;)

Chrischi19883582d ago

It is funny, that the main Wii U haters, aka Lol_Wut and Foxtrot try to sound like the voice of the Wii U community, who begs for a gamepadless Wii U, without actually getting, that this would do way more harm than good. The gamepad is not some useless peripheral, like Kinect. Kinect really had nothing special to offer for more komplex gaming, but the gamepad would open the world of MMOs, like on no other console. It is perfect for any kind of RPG, RTS, MOBA, at least better than for other consoles :)

These games are to come, like X, that will have good use, Metroid will have great use, Starfox will also have good use. I personally can think of a lot of stuff for the gamepad, for such games.

pcz3582d ago

its time for nintendo and the fans to admit defeat with wiiu, its time to go back to the table and draw up a new strategy to turn the wiiu around.

that strategy should include THE OPTION to purchase a wiiu without the useless controller. if not the option, make it standard for wiiu to come without it.

the controller was the wiius main selling point, and the wiiu isnt selling. so its time to drop the controller. a simple system update can solve any problems relating to how users interact with the wiiu without the controller.

as i said, microsoft realised quickly that the X1 didnt need kinect, and that it was a hindrance. nintendo need to swallow their pride and do the same- ditch the controller.

there has been NO good use of the controller so far to warrant the £100+ it adds to the wiius retail price.

again, the controller has GOT to go

wonderfulmonkeyman3582d ago (Edited 3582d ago )

It didn't work for xbone, and that gimmick is way less integral to the system than the game pad is.
Taking it away would also increase brand confusion all over again. Without the pad, consumers would only get it confused with the wii even more easily.
They wouldn't see any physical difference and they wouldn't buy the system, which would harm sales that are finally starting to pick up.
They're selling the system for $199 on their site.
If that's too expensive for you, you're just being cheap and unreasonable, and do not deserve to be catered to.

N4g_null3582d ago

Pcs and lol _ wut must be the same people. Pcs just goes one step farther and says the wiiu is done and the gamepad must go wtf? If it is done then clearly your opinion has now be revealed as just pure hate. If it is done then why change anything. You obviously will not buy it. I would not go to xbox one articles asking for a kinetic less skus... I would have bought it for the games and then got my own controller.

If a consumer thinks your product is too expensive then they really believe it offers then nothing.

We all bought the nes with rob the robot and never used it. Yet all we wanted was the games it had and duck hunt. People that really have buying intentions don't want you to change your product they are not your customers. Those people are called suckered or casual buyers. You offer a value platform that is different from the product so greed influences the purchase.

Example would be blu ray...oooooooohhhhhhhh I get blu ray also... then no one buys blu ray disk lol, now dvd is offered with blu ray disk lol.

This is similar to people asking for Iwata removal. It will not help, luckily nintendo isn't as gullible as ms or sony. I don't know anyone who would like Nintendo to be ran like sony or ms... then you could forget any nintendo classics from surviving that.

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pcz3582d ago

microsoft released the x1 without kinect. they were smart enough to do that and make their console more competitive.

nintendo simply dont have the sense to do the same with wiiu.

the controller has proven to be nothing but a gimmick.

marloc_x3582d ago

Pushing a cursor through menus with a thumbstick?

Typing with the D pad?

You are absolutely correct, the gamepad IS Wii U's gimmick..

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