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PS4 and Xbox One graphics disparity continues: Trials Fusion runs at 1080p on PS4 and 900p on Xbox


"Ubisoft is about to release the next entry in its motorcycle-platforming series on consoles and PC next week, and — like other multiplatform games — it has a slightly higher resolution on the PlayStation 4 than on the Xbox One.

Trials Fusion hits Wednesday for the PS4, Xbox One, and Xbox 360 (and PC on April 24), and developer RedLynx promises that it runs at a smooth 60 frames per second on all of those systems. It will not, however, run at the same resolution. Ubisoft has confirmed to GamesBeat that Fusion will run at 1080p on PS4 and 900p on Xbox One. Those numbers refer to the number of horizontal lines the game is rendering for every frame of animation."

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Community3815d ago
NYC_Gamer3815d ago (Edited 3815d ago )

Wow,MS really needs to get those updated drivers[they claimed fixed performance]to developers..Its crazy when an indie game can't be full HD on a 500 dollar console.

3815d ago Replies(27)
lelo3815d ago (Edited 3815d ago )

I agree. Like it or not, being a fanboy or not, most people should admit that the X1 is not worth 500€. It's a overpriced piece of hardware... Microsoft is trying to imitate Apple with it's overpriced products. At this moment the X1 should be priced 350-400€ and (if existed and if Microsoft were smart) a Kinect-less X1 should be priced at 300€.

I know the most important thing that defines a console are it's games, but it's inadmissible that a game like Trials Fusion runs only at 900p on the X1.

Gozer3815d ago

If you don't own an X1 you really cant credibly comment on what the X1 is worth. Sure you can state your opinion but I would listen to someone who owns one more closely than some random poster stating their opinion. I own an X1 and it has been great. I actually bought 2 at launch, one for me, one for my son and I have no regrets.

T23815d ago

Totally agree and price cuts this early such as titanfall plus xbl for 449 proves that it's overpriced because price is set by consumers, and at 499 they said hell no

MysticStrummer3815d ago

@Gozer - MS themselves has admitted XB1 was overpriced by dropping that price and including what was supposed to be their biggest system seller for free.

I bought a launch PS3 for full price and never regretted it, but even I know it was priced too high for the market's liking.

Tempest3173815d ago (Edited 3815d ago )


I understand you giving more weight to the opinion of an owner vs non owner, but you cant really say non owners cant credibly comment on what its worth. I know All the functions and I also know and understand the hardware is my opinion not credible? The reason I havemt bought one is its not worth the price youre saying for my opinion that its overpriced to be valid, I would have had to bought one at full msrp? Just so I can credibly say it wasnt worth the money? Seems a little ridiculous to me.

Edit: if the price was $400 id probably get one...if it was $350 Id have one for sure

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Sethry1013815d ago

I have yet to see any solid proof of anything that will improve the graphical power output of the Xbox. I have no doubt drivers will help in the long term, but not to the extent that is being claimed.

fr0sty3815d ago

Then there's also the fact that Sony has its own team of coders typing away creating new PS4 drivers as well. Both systems will benefit from software upgrades over the course of the generation.

Sethry1013815d ago

Exactly, I have never understood the argument that drivers will help one consol catch up to another.

Firstly software can never compensate for hardware.

Secondly, both console will see driver updates, not just one.

Jumper093815d ago

SDK updates wont fix missing Hardware power. People still forget that the Memory Setup is worse and the GPU is way weaker than the PS4 GPU.

People have to accept that Xbone Hardware for what it is.

u got owned3815d ago (Edited 3815d ago )


"People have to accept that Xbone Hardware for what it is."

I think people already accepted and are enjoying their boxes it is the PS4 fans who keep talking and keep bringing the same thing over and over

TitanUp3815d ago

software tools can get better for X1 and ps4 but when it comes to hardware being as they are closed they cant get any better.

Kayant3815d ago

@u got owned

"I think people already accepted and are enjoying their boxes it is the PS4 fans who keep talking and keep bringing the same thing over and over" - The recent hopes of supposed 2X improvement and cloud rendering possibilities says otherwise.

u got owned3815d ago


Having hopes of the box improving (which it will and if you think otherwise then you are blind) and enjoying their boxes is completely different. Its like saying "i dont want my ps4 to improve because im happy about how it performing right know)

scotmacb3815d ago

Anyway you get a really good game now on uour system xbox owners have been playing these for years

Kayant3815d ago (Edited 3815d ago )

@u got owned

Good point I can't disagree with that I should have been more clear before. I was more trying to say that some people still have it in their minds that there the disparity between the two consoles will end given we know the specs, we have seen how launch games and post launch games have performed, both consoles will see improvements as time goes on yet they believe a API(software) update will somehow make the XB1 more powerful than the PS4 or on par with it in every title because that's what that supposed 2X performance will do.

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TomShoe3815d ago

misterxmedia must be throwing a fit right now.

MasterCornholio3814d ago

Didn't Mr.X say that Microsoft wanted to hold back the Xbox Ones power to surprise Sony later on in the generation?

In my opinion he is crazy and his followers (like Truefan,georgeenoob, green powers) are crazy as well.

amazinglover3815d ago

Agreed also with the rate at the updates have been coming it would seem the MS wanted to have a release of November this year and only brought it out last year as to not give Sony a year head start.

k3rn3ll3815d ago

Well that's common knowledge man. Its not really a secret. Also why d12 isn't out yet is it was suppose to coincide with launch or shortly thereafter.

lifeisgamesok3815d ago (Edited 3815d ago )

It goes back to the statement Microsoft made

They said they are giving developers the option of better quality of pixels or more pixels

These developers were probably just lazy

If Forza is 1080p this game could be too and have great quality pixels in 1080p

900p and 1080p is the most subtle difference anyway

gameslayer24113815d ago

I still don't get how people who sink multiple hours out of their lives, of spending time with family, to fully commit to working ridiculously hard on a project, can be called lazy. You can't say that somebody who's whole pay check revolves around the success of a game, would be lazy in their job. That is plain stupid, and an utterly rude statement. Grow the hell up dude, before you call someone lazy, you got out there, and you make a game and pour your life into it, then when it doesn't match up to fanboy standards, deal with being called lazy when you did your best. Man...Shove off....

Kayant3815d ago

"They said they are giving developers the option of better quality of pixels or more pixels" - Looooooooool this is golden. Seriously better quality *pixels*. Yh right the magical upscaler fixes everything doesn't....

"These developers were probably just lazy" - So lazy that this isn't the first time we have seen a disparity between both consoles when a game is 60fps or 1080p.

"If Forza is 1080p this game could be too" - That's true but it sacrificed a lot of visual effects to get there.

HeWhoWalks3815d ago (Edited 3815d ago )

Forza 5 is an anomaly, as evidenced by the disparity between how many games run in 1080p on the PS4 (both exclusive and 3rd party) and the ones that do on the X1. Besides, without a shred of proof, your claims of "laziness" sound more like a deterrent and a "please understand" attitude more than anything else.

Make no mistake, I have no doubt that the X1 can output games (in specific situations, given what we know about the hardware) in 1080p, but it's having trouble matching the PS4 because, well, weaker hardware is weaker hardware.

Applejack3815d ago (Edited 3815d ago )

First of all, to say the developers are just lazy when you don't have a clue about the process is ridiculous. Second, everyone knows the only reason Forza 5 ran at 1080p was because it was majorly downgraded (look at Sethry101 and The_Infected's comments). Finally, you downplay the difference between 1080p and 900p so with that logic, you wouldn't mind Forza 5 to be at 900p since you apparently can't tell?

Sarcasm3815d ago (Edited 3815d ago )

Ah yes, when all else fails. Say the developers are lazy.

So I guess all these developers are Lazy then,

Crytek - Ryse
Capcom - Dead Rising 3
Respawn - Titanfall
Konami - MGS GZ
Infinity Ward - COD Ghosts
Rare - Killer Instinct

Need I go on?

ger23963815d ago (Edited 3815d ago )

If its subtle, Microsoft should just make all games on xbox1 900p. Problem solved.

ger23963815d ago (Edited 3815d ago )

Double post

GarrusVakarian3815d ago (Edited 3815d ago )

I disagree, MS isn't giving the devs anything but the hardware, the devs themselves make the options in terms of resolution based off of said hardware.

"Quality of pixels" doesn't mean what you think it means. The quality of pixels completely depends on the panels that manufactures use for TV's and monitors.

And calling a group of people who's bills are paid by putting thousands of hours into making games lazy is just plain rude and ignorant imo.

Why o why3815d ago

Arghh, the good ol 'run to forza' retort......ill call this the 'jimmy falon'

I've heard many tout ms as the software dons but even they can only do so much with the weaker hardware. Things will improve but they will also improve on the ps4

mixelon3814d ago

Hahahaha! "better quality pixels". XD


esemce3814d ago

Microsoft were they lazy and disrespectful ones as they knew they had their loyal fans by the balls deeply invested/hooked on Xb live and could get away with skimping costs on the hardware to cater to to the casual multimedia crowd. The hardcore gamers came last to them.

Kryptix3814d ago (Edited 3814d ago )


"They said they are giving developers the option of better quality of pixels or more pixels"

They never said that, provide the link.

"These developers were probably just lazy"

You just called every developer lazy. Respawn must be lazy because Titanfall isn't running at 1080p. Your logic is completely flawed because most multiplatform games run better on PS4.

"If Forza is 1080p this game could be too and have great quality pixels in 1080p"

If Forza is that really the only game on Xbox One that runs at 1080p? What about, if Dead Rising 3...wait, let me try that again. If Ryse...nope, you can't use that.

"900p and 1080p is the most subtle difference anyway"

Then why are you here complaining? So there is a difference then. 1080p is better than anything lower, let's just leave it at that and you need the more powerful hardware to run it.

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Jumper093815d ago

drivers wont fix missing hardware power. When will people finally accept that?

Zombro3815d ago

I have but a console that has my friends on it is better then one without friends

Omegasyde3815d ago

@ Zombro -

Good point, but who out of your friends was the first to go Xbox only? Now if they chose the console due to the kinect, do you enjoy the kinect? Did they choose it because of Achievements, what about your Achievements? Can you use your achievements to win/bid on real items? Does yjr Xbox live rewards not require either a survey or that I purchase something?

Do you all play the exclusives Xbox one games together, and if not, why did you all choose the Xbone?


TL:DR Don't be a follower, be a leader.

Jazz41083815d ago

The xboxone is a incredibly fun console to play and own and that is what matters. Bicker on about resolution now.

randomass1713815d ago

Not that I feel the resolutions are a big issue, but Microsoft would be smart to help make development better on the platform. A smaller game like this should run at the same resolution as PS4.

AgentSmithPS43815d ago

It's known that one console is less powerful but could the difference in resolution be partially related to how Ubisoft feels about things that don't sell enough product? Like the "1 million Morpheus'" comment

Since the PS4 sells more?

It's a complicated issue, of course parity shouldn't be forced but should a company have to spend more than half the time on a weaker system because that's what was given to them? Don't Ubihard on the underdog Ubisoft!

OrangePowerz3815d ago

Doubtful, the AC ports for.the WiiU are quite good and that one sells really bad.

andrewsqual3815d ago

Updated drivers to correct the very basic and simple thing that is the eSRAM bottleneck? Whatever you say.

MeLoveRamen3815d ago

For everybody saying that it isn't the xbox1's fault, it's the developers, You have to remember that the xbone couldn't run killer instinct at 1080p, its 720p and thats a 2D fighter and titanfall is a 6vs6 fps that can only output 792p so really i could totally see the bone struggling to run this game at a full crisp 1080p if it couldn't run a 2d fighter in full HD.

quenomamen3815d ago

Drivers no fix em, weak hardware.

mark3214uk3815d ago

why wont the devs come out and say why they cant go above 900p on games? we can all speculate and say its not powerfull enough but it would be nice to hear from a dev thats had the exp with it,do the fps drop dramaticly when they go above 900p?

showtimefolks3815d ago (Edited 3815d ago )

i don't know why we need so many articles, let me say it once and for all. This generation PS4 is the console you want to play all games. Exclusives,3rd party games etc,

xbox one needs to offer more exclusives so people will have a reason to buy one for exclusives

3rd party games were generally better on xbox360 now 3rd party games are better on ps4. No amount of made up stuff like cloud gaming or Dx12 will make xbox one more stronger then ps4. Just wait till ND do a game on ps4 and it will be all but over

GDDR5 memory will come into play big time in few years. Also this shows sony got a lot of feedback and made the best possible console. Mark Cenry deserves a lot of credit

Kiwi663815d ago

not everyone will agree with you about the ps4 being the console to own for all games as believe it or not there are people that prefer the xbox for all their gaming needs so no the ps4 is not the console for all games as you say

Hroach6163814d ago (Edited 3814d ago )


Well said. I have both systems, and I played all my multipat games last gen on my 360. Used the PS3 for exclusives. This gen I switched it up and only use my X1 for exclusives. As a gamer, not a fanboy, I don't understand why people deny the truth. I love both systems. But the PS4 is better all around. Mark Cerny and Sony did a great job.

Pablo184743815d ago

Wow! You can tell the difference between 1080p 60fps and 900p 60fps. I would say that's a bigger WOW!

HacSawJimThugin3815d ago

Yea all if a sudden EVERYONE can tell the difference between 900 and 1080....who cares. I said it once and I will say it again, as long as it plays smooth I'm good 900 or 1080.

Section8uk3814d ago

You can definitely tell the difference on a 55" screen.

Having said that, I would be quite happily play a game at 900p without complaining if I had nothing to compare it against.

Zombro3815d ago

It's not 500 it's 399 with a free game now

Hroach6163814d ago

Not everywhere, only in some markets or retailers. As soon as that is dropped everywhere then it's an official price drop. Retailers are doing it to recoup losses, like target for example. And certain markets are doing it because they were falling too far behind in sales compared to the PS4. Where I live even on amazon it's still $499. Granted it does come with Titenfall.

headblackman3815d ago

this is a small development group which more than likely has an older x1 sdk kit. that's why they are having resolution issues.

OrangePowerz3815d ago

Right they don't have internet to download the latest SDK.

iceman063815d ago

Or, based on the information that has been out since the beginning of the generation from many developers, it is just more difficult to optimize code on the Xbox 1. Thus, creating a longer timeline for development and eating up funds that a small development group doesn't have to waste. Remember, PS3 suffered from the same issues and multiplats often came out "sub-par". Not because it couldn't do it. But, because it cost too much to achieve that benchmark for most developers.

kenshiro1003815d ago

Wow truefan, you just gave delusional and crazy brand new names.

It's really sad that an expensive console like the XB1 can't even display impressive graphics in this day and age of technology.

BattleTorn3815d ago (Edited 3815d ago )

$500 console struggling with indie hehe

imt5583814d ago

It won't happen.

It’s physically impossible for Xbox One to match PS4 performance.

Deal with it, Xbone fans. DX12, cloud...etc ( :rolleyes:) won't save Xbone. NEVER

gamer78043814d ago

by putting "never" at the end of your sentence negated everything you said, just fyi.

Matt6663814d ago (Edited 3814d ago )

Who cares aslong as you enjoy the game for what it is, that the problem with a lot of "gamers" these days they only seem to care about graphics, as long as you got a nice balance of graphics and gameplay I don't see the problem. Graphics give it that unique feeling, like mincraft, the wolf amoung us etc, while gameplay gives you a good story.

Fanboys make me laugh few years ago they would of been mocking Sony's PS3 how the resolution wasn't the same as the 360's, now they suddenly jumped ship and try to make out that they been Sony fans all along.

If your going to call yourself a gamer, respect other peoples opinions and respect the other consoles for what they are.

gamer78043814d ago

why do you have so many agrees, trials is not an indie game... that says it all

3814d ago
Soc53814d ago

Yeah, that's kind of sad

avengers19783814d ago

Simple one machine was built for great games, the other was trying to be an all in one device, thus gimping all aspects.
PS4 will always have the better games they put the effort into making a great game machine witch is what consumers and devs wanted

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ColManischewitz3815d ago

Who can really tell the difference? Let's argue about mechanics and quality, not about resolution differences that you can't really see.

GarrusVakarian3815d ago (Edited 3815d ago )

It depends completely on the individual, i can clearly tell the difference between Titanfall (792p), BF4 on PS4 (900p) and 1080p games like Infamous and Tomb Raider...and that's from sitting 10 feet away from a 42 inch TV. Other people genuinely can't tell the difference though, i don't suppose that's a bad thing tbh.....

I agree that there are more important aspects, i'm just giving my two cents on the whole res thing. 900p or 1080p, this game looks fun. Can't wait to play it.

@meditate this

"Yeah sure you can."

I don't need internet strangers telling me what i can and can't see on my own TV own my own consoles. You don't believe me? Great, good for you. But i can tell a difference between 720-900-1080p. Easily.

I don't see your point about BF4 on the PS4......ive played it on my PS4 for 140 hours at 900p....and ive played it on my friends gtx 680 setup at 1080p and the 1080p version looks much sharper than my PS4 version. So what exactly are you getting at?

Why does it upset you that i can tell differences between resolutions? When i think about it...the less able you are to notice resolution differences, the less disappointed you will be when you play games at a lower res.

Ask any PC gamer on this website if he can tell the differences between those 3 resolutions. I bet you he/she will say they can.

mediate-this3815d ago

Yeah sure you can. You can tell the difference when its ps4 vs x1 but not when its ps4 vs p.c, any graphicly demanding game on ps4 that can do full res n framerate? Bf4 by far the best game on both systems, the most demanding and again ps4 can not play it at full res or frame rate

Bathyj3815d ago

Who said we couldn't tell the difference between consoles and pc?

Just cos we choose to game on console doesn't mean we don't know pc's are better looking.

GarrusVakarian3815d ago (Edited 3815d ago )

In addition to my above comment, i will even go one step further...i can also tell the difference between a 1080p game with poor AA and a 1080p game with good AA.

I won't mention which games im talking about in case i start something, but some people in a certain camp have to accept that others can easily see resolution differences and that they are only saying otherwise because of their version being the "lesser" version in terms of resolution. Or they are being sincere in saying they can't tell a difference, but there are a few people here saying that it's a *fact* that there is no difference. Which is a lie.

If there wasn't a noticeable difference, devs simply wouldn't run anything above 720p, they would save the processing power for elsewhere. It would make no sense to waste power on non-distinguishable resolutions.

DigitalRaptor3815d ago

@ mediate-this

If you can't tell the difference as clear as this, you must have severe visual deficiency:

RealtorMDandDC3815d ago

Totally agree with you. People that say they can't tell the difference between 1080p and anything lesser is so full of it.

Play COD on PS3 then play it on PS4 There's a very noticeable difference...

Play AC4 on PS3 and then PS4..the game almost looks next gen..I was in awe at times with AC4...and I never ever purchased an AC game in my life until PS4....

1080p makes a big difference at least for me.

scott1823815d ago (Edited 3815d ago )

People can see a resolution difference between Titanfall 792p on X1 and sub 720p on 360. But somehow the same people can ever see a resolution difference when it comes to PS4 vs X1. Kinda strange.

GribbleGrunger3815d ago

Why is it always the people who can't get the 1080p version on their console that can't see the difference? Serious question.

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Visiblemarc3815d ago

Getting kind of tired of this one. No offense to those who can't see the difference, but to many, if not most, it's super obvious. That is why 1080 is pursued for films, television and games to begin with.

Kayant3815d ago (Edited 3815d ago )

What's the story here? Resolution not how well/fun or whatever the game is. I really wish we would stop with these excuses everytime.

As there are lots of people who can tell the difference between resolution, framerates, etc. So I don't see why it shouldn't be discussed just because some people can't tell the difference. If that's the case we would all still be using sub HD Tvs/monitors none would people even bother about full HD yet alone HD.

Visiblemarc3815d ago

Exactly. It's sort of like good headphones. Some people can't tell a $5 pair from a $500 pair.

Do you see forums talking about high end headphones full of people saying "who can hear the difference anyway?!" Nope.

If being picky about graphics doesn't suit people, why do they read articles about being picky about graphics and comment on them?

The whole argument makes no sense to me, period. Graphics are part of immersion and immersion is part of fun, for many, along with gameplay, which of course, is king.

Yet, a car's key feature is transportation, yet is there something wrong about talking about the comfort of it's seats?

Same applies to gameplay vs graphics. Remove the "vs" it's never either/or.

k3rn3ll3815d ago

The reason I feel this way is because of the "console war" this is what most discussion has turned to on the internet. I mean really how many times can we have the same argument?

In this day in age it sucks that every new game 95% of the press and message boards are about resolution differences. And we only fuel these articles by debating them. Therefore we end up getting less and less actual news before a release because the main news sites know people will click these stories.

I've said it before but I flat out feel bad for devs. To put years of work into a project just to have it ripped apart in the fan wars due to a number on the back of a case. Only to have that be the closest thing to appreciation your going to get from fans because they are just going to move on to the next resolution story when the next news cycle begins.

At least that's what I think/hope some people mean when they say "can we stop having this discussion". Thanks for letting me rant for a bit guys

RealtorMDandDC3815d ago (Edited 3815d ago )

Totally agree....If resolution did not matter We will still be using VHS and CRT TV's.

Resolution and frame rate DOES matters...frame rate is mattering more in even movies.

Look at the smart phones...

Blu-rays sells more often than DVD's.

All Camcorders record in 1080p some even record in 4k

IMAX has expanded in the past 10yrs

Netflix shows are in 1080p

Youtube gets trashed because of the compression tech they use because the resolutions sucks..

GoPro records in 1080p

We live in a Full HD world...that's why there's Lasik eye surgery...

Brazz3815d ago (Edited 3815d ago )

I can see the difference clearly, Ps4 costs $ 399 and gives me 1080p the other costs $ 499 and gives me 900P!
can not see the difference of 180p, ok, no problem ... but if you can not see the $100 difference then we have a serious problem ...

brich2333815d ago

the difference is really 633600p's

aerisbueller3815d ago (Edited 3815d ago )

That's a silly thing to say. Do you think XBox games will have better gameplay every time the resolution isn't up to snuff? Are you saying every 1080p or 60fps game is going to have bad gameplay. Mechanics have nothing to do with the price/performance of the XBox One. It's a red herring.

quenomamen3815d ago

Lets argue about the $100 difference that I can see.

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Kayant3815d ago (Edited 3815d ago )

Oh man... I don't know what to say. Esram issues? Has to been the game doesn't seem to be a graphical show piece in anyway. Am going to guess dev had issues using Esram IMO.

iceman063815d ago

This really reminds me of the PS3 launch. Remember when only Sony internal studios knew how to use the foreign architecture? It only got better when they made the decision that they had to start sharing information. The issue here is that MS has a limited amount of studios and, thus far, they don't seem to be making any progress. Initially, optimization was just much faster and easier on PS4. Until that changes, if it changes, I expect that this will be the multiplat compromise. Much like that on the PS3.

UsUcK3815d ago

No surprise then. Glad i moved to ps4.

RiPPn3815d ago

Intelligent bubble for making an intelligent purchase.

kingduqc3815d ago

if you wanted preaty you should of moved to pc... just saying.

bloodybutcher3814d ago

Whai, aperently it dosent haf awtokorekt

r2oB3814d ago

Maybe he wanted pretty AND less expensive.

slazer1013815d ago

Okay okay we get it, one has a different resolution than the other. Can we please stop with these type of articles? It is getting old now. Thanks

nyobzoo3815d ago

didn't stop last console generation, not going to stop this console generation

Sethry1013815d ago

Also people who own both console want to know these things, if one version is better then the other, you're going to want to by that one.

3815d ago
ZeroX98763815d ago

got to keep potential buyers informed. getting the better performing hardware for your money is really important to some users who can't afford a PC and want the most out of their console of choice.

Not a problem for me, both PC/PS4 and the Wii U is a possible buy after mario kart releases and E3 2014 :)

blackpanther253814d ago

No lie Mario kart 8 got me wanting a Wii U......never thought I would say that

Bathyj3815d ago

It's about letting people know and stay informed. It's like, ok battlefield looks better on Ps4, but I want to know about COD too. Should we not talk about it because the subject as been talked about before but for a different game?

I guess on the information super highway, you'd be a speed bump.

Omg, you're ESRAM

Sci0n3815d ago

greatest comment mankind has ever witnessed on the internet. Bubbles for you sir.

MeLoveRamen3815d ago

Actually its not getting old, these two consoles just came out 4 months ago and people wanna see which console has more bang for the buck, I am wondering if it was the other way around and the ps4 was the one that was weaker if these kinda articles would be getting old, my guess is it wouldn't.

thoract3815d ago (Edited 3815d ago )

Even if the PS4 was weaker I would still buy it. Sony has a better track record in terms of games I like to play.

MS on the other hand uses there money to buy 3rd party games and call it there own, for a while.

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Community1851d ago
lxeasy1851d ago

a 50% discount on Assassins Creed Odyssey is a great deal. The game is really good.


10 Ridiculously Difficult Xbox Achievements

Jacob writes: "Every achievement hunter knows that there is nothing more satisfying than finally unlocking that one achievement that has bothered you for hours. Occasionally though, you’ll happen to stumble across an Xbox achievement where you’ll have to bring your A-game. These are the achievements that separate the boys from the men. They require focus, extreme patience and tons of practice and are definitely not for the faint hearted. This list details ten of them."

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Community2005d ago