
Nintendo Fan Mathematically Challenges Ubisoft’s Statement “Wii U Owners Don’t Want Mature Games”

Earlier this week, Ubisoft’s CEO, Yves Guillemot, stated that the company would stop producing mature titles for the Wii U after Watch Dog on the basis that “Wii U owners don’t want mature games”. This has riled up the Nintendo community with many fans taking to forums and Youtube to voice their disagreement. On the heels of that video, the Youtube channel Strictly Nintendo has released their own video which takes a calmer and more mathematical approach to challenge Yves Guillemot’s statement.

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Pisque3546d ago ShowReplies(15)
imXify3546d ago

I would change that to "Nintendo console owners don't want to buy Mature games anymore".

Because there has been a "second class citizen" trend where devs were giving incomplete ports on the Nintendo Wii back in 2007/2008. Slowly, people started backing out to go play the PS3 and 360 versions instead.

I mean come on, the first Call of Duty games on Wii were million sellers.

People just changed ship before it sinks, now that sadly Assassin's Creed and CoD wont be on WiiU anymore.

acekaze3546d ago

we all know the wii u isnt as powerfull has the other consoles, so people with more than 1 console will always buy the version for the stronger console,

But when publishers arent even making an effort on dishing out a well optimized port, or give it the same perks as the other versions in terms of dlcs and so on, offcourse they will sell poorly.

LaWiiG3546d ago

It's the lopsidedness of the industry: Millions sold, a game is a failure. Popular AAA games go to most powerful console. Which, to those who say graphics are not everything, doesn't make sense.

It's kind of like that "popcorn" movie genre. Rambo games (ones you turn your brain off and shoot stuff) are fun to play, period. Not giving these games to the most casual console is really only a disgrace to the CoD genre, not the gamers themselves, I guess.

And, I like turtles.

Army_of_Darkness3546d ago

Ubisoft is probably right considering the fact that they have all the sales statistics from all the games they released for the wiiu since console launch! have wiiu owners forgotten? or maybe just didn't notice cause they never bought their wiiu games like ubisoft implied...

Assassin's Creed III
Marvel Avengers Battle for Earth
Splinter Cell Blacklist
Rayman Legends
Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag
Child Of Light

theshonen88993546d ago

I'm a Wii U owner and I'm insulted by Yves Guillemot's statement. Of course I want mature games. I just buy them on PC and PS4.

C_Ali883546d ago

Army, the only game I failed to purchase on your list is Marvel Avengers but I'm not the majority, I can only speak for myself and I definitely tried to support Ubi so I'm utterly and thoroughly disappointed at this news...

I've never purchased a "just dance" title Yves!!!!

ShinMaster3545d ago (Edited 3545d ago )

I agree 100% with what the guy in the video said. The problem is NOT Wii U owners not buying mature games.

However, the problem is
1) Nintendo fans not putting their money where their mouth is and not buying a Wii U.
2) The Nintendo fanboys that hate on mature games because they somehow associate them with other consoles and the 360noscopeMLG crowd.
And 3) Nintendo themselves for making a console that the rest of the gamers consider secondary to the Xbox One and PS4.

UltimateMaster3545d ago

Yes, people actually want 3rd party support on a Nintendo home console.

UltimateMaster3545d ago

However, given the strength of the Wii U, and the fact that it's not a X86 architecture-type cpu, it makes it difficult for software engineers to make a port to the Wii U.

It needs extra time and effort and Nintendo, unlike Sony, didn't optimize their system with the latest drivers to simplify the work for 3rd party.

It was just "here's your box, make games", then you have to program your software tools to make it compatible with the Wii U, it takes additional time and effort and the number of people buying those games are insufficient.

The online is also bad, it barely has the same things as the PS3 when it started 8 years ago.

UltimateMaster3545d ago

What Nintendo needs to do is come out swinging, making a console stronger than the next Xbox "not the Xbox One, the next one".
Offer a great and compelling online experience.
Drop the Miis, they are annoying.
Make new type of Miis more realistic like in PlayStation Home, PS3 Sport's Champion, Xbox One kinect Rivals.
A controller like the Wii U pro controller.
New type of motion devices and games (not touchscreen)
Publicity like crazy and there you go, you make a great console.

Make it a easy to use interface that'll appeal to the hardcore, and the casuals, without the annoying Miis in the background.
The Wii interface is better because of the lack of Wiiverse on your TV,(but the Wii U version is better if it did not have the Wiiverse and talking Miis gimmick)

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 3545d ago
LAWSON723546d ago (Edited 3546d ago )

Sadly despite the poor ports, even Deus Ex a great port only has sold like 50k copies. I kind of agree with Ubisoft, despite their terrible effort on the system. The big numbers only come from the 1st party titles. It is not necessarily mature games just games not exclusive to the system.

700p3546d ago

And i think its a good thing that there 1st party games sell. People are making it seem like its a bad thing they're losing third party support from games that probably wont sell on there.

tinkypop3546d ago

Yeah got that game. When the price was right., but you think its more to do with the fact, it cost full price $50 on the wii u and $20 ish on other.

GordonKnight3546d ago

I think RPGs will sale well on the Wii U. The gamepad makes the Wii U my preferred platform for all RPGs.

Come on Ubi!!!

The Wii U needs the Stick of truth and Valiant Heart ASAP. I would purchase those games day of release, but only on Wii U.

randomass1713546d ago

To be fair the Deus Ex port was priced higher on Wii U. It still had something holding it back basically. I think a lot of Wii U owners have other systems and that plays into their decisions with buying third party games. I feel like while some games were not bad there was not a lot of incentive to get them on Wii U.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3546d ago
lefty3546d ago

Good point but that was when next gen was gameplay, Sony and Microsoft brainwashed everyone into believing its now about graphics. They couldn't then and still cant compete with Nintendo when it comes to innovation. Second to keyboard and mouse shooters are more fun with a wii mote.

3546d ago Replies(3)
Muzikguy3546d ago (Edited 3546d ago )

Of course Nintendo fans want mature games. Ubisoft has to have realistic expectations though too. They're as bad as someone releasing a game on WP8 and complaining they don't get one million sales. Cater to the audience. That's the biggest problem right now. Everything gets overly generalized and dumbed down to play on the lowest common denominator. Create one game, and release it on 8 platforms. Why was it that back in the day companies like Rare ONLY released on N64 and were perfectly fine? These big companies are too big and it's their own fault, not ours. If they can't make enough money to be successful then rethink the strategy.

All my opinion of course

zeuanimals3546d ago

I mostly agree with you, but Rare was able to release on the N64 alone because development was a lot cheaper back then and they were able to be sustainable without being multiplat. Nowadays, 3rd parties being exclusive to a platform is seen as a bad thing by consumers and it also might not be cost effective unless the 1st party is paying for exclusivity.

As for companies being 'too big'. Well, what do you expect them to do? Layoff thousands of people? Because that's good for the industry and people's lives. No, I like that they are able to hire so many people. Sure, they end up being 'just a number', but atleast they've got jobs in the industry they wanted to be in rather than being 'just a number' and cleaning up kids puke at a Chuck E Cheese.

I don't, however, think that there needs to be 1000 people working on a single game. Great games with great graphics and tons of depth are made with significantly less people. Ubisoft could instead be allocating their staff to more projects and simply putting out more content, which in turn makes more money than just having them all on a few big projects.

Muzikguy3546d ago (Edited 3546d ago )

I also mostly agree. Production should have gotten cheaper as they years have gone by. I don't think they should go and fire people, but they should grow and be able to sustain that growth. Not just grow to say they are. I think more projects would be a better solution. No reason it should take so many people to make one game (and still mess them up (WD)). It's insufficient and that's where they lose money IMO. Creativity should have a price and if you can't do the job... May seem harsh but that's how capitalism works

C_Ali883546d ago (Edited 3546d ago )

Rayman was delayed, AC in every incarnation sucks ass, Watch dogs hasn't come out yet...

I purchased two copies of AC4 to support Ubi and it was total shit! Although I did enjoy Splinter Cell it was clearly a mediocre port! No enhancements very little extra features! Way to generalize when you continually shit on the fan base!

Oh yeah and I bought zombie u at launch, horrific graphics, it's as if they never even tried!

LucasRuinedChildhood3546d ago

AC4 was great, not 'total shit'. No need to get childish.

C_Ali883546d ago

Am I allowed to have an opinion? I bought the game and am entitled to call it how I see it. It's beyond childish to try and call a subjective opinion "childish"...

Biggest3546d ago

Hyperbolic terms used to label a game that was bought and enjoyed by millions is childish. You may not have enjoyed AC4, but your label of the game you didn't enjoy is childish. Opinions can be childish.

C_Ali883546d ago (Edited 3546d ago )

Biggest, do I care what millions of people have enjoyed? Millions of people enjoy Mcdonalds doesn't make it not shit! Smarty! So don't talk about hyperbolic terms when you're crying about a game I didn't enjoy, as I said I'm
entitled to call it how I see it... And I saw it as shit, from graphics to gameplay pure shit. Try not to get too butthurt child. If you were to say it's a great game I wouldn't refute your OPINION.. Get it?, got it? Good! Now be calm and carry on!

What are reviews? Opinions, so hypothetically if ign gave it a 9 and Gamespot gave it a 4 are you going to refer to the millions of people who purchased it and enjoyed it? What about the millions who didn't? Don't try to argue subjectivity you'll get burned every time.

LucasRuinedChildhood3546d ago (Edited 3546d ago )


I'm pretty sure you'd think most are childish for calling Nintendo games 'kiddie', or saying that Mario or Metroid are 'total shit'. Well, those people are being childish, and so are you. Just because you're getting mad at Ubisoft, doesn't mean you need to turn into an asshole. It seems that you're the one who needs to calm down. We're perfectly calm and you seem enraged.

'Try not to get too butthurt child'. You're 26, and you actually talk like that? lol. Thanks for the chuckle you mighty internet warrior.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3546d ago
Justindark3546d ago

agreed in zombie u a one of them went up a ladder with no arms.... so what purpose was taking out the arms? sound glitches lol getting stuck in walls, falling into the ground and uno what ubo said? its not important enough to fix the glitches.

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Zelda Replay: Majora's Mask

VGChartz's Evan Norris: "Is Ocarina of Time as legendary as I remembered it? For the most part, yes. In spite of a handful of missteps — a few obtuse puzzles, some tedious backtracking, and a clunky stealth sequence — I don't believe the last 23 years have been unkind to it. Ocarina remains a brilliant example of the medium, a landmark game that shaped the future of its own franchise and 3D gaming in general. After more than two decades it retains its inventive dungeon design, challenging puzzles, dynamic combat, wistful storyline, unforgettable music, and empowering open-air freedom. I feel confident calling it one of the greatest games of the fifth generation, even if I'm no longer prepared to list it among the five best games ever made."

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Crows909d ago

Pure unadulterated fun. They don't make them like this anymore...especially not the triple A industry.

FinalFantasyFanatic8d ago

Back when video rental was a thing, I rented out Majoria's Mask, I never finished it though. I did buy the 3DS version before the eshop shutdown, so maybe one day I'll finally play through the whole thing, it's amazing how well these games hold up though. I briefly played Ocarina of Time for a while and it was really fun.


Wii U games that still haven't been ported to Switch

The Nintendo Switch is potentially nearing its lifespan, and several Wii U games haven't found their way over as ports yet.

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Vits16d ago

I think it's better to leave games like AC: Amiibo Festival and Mario Tennis: Ultra Smash forgotten on the Wii U. Best case, they are mediocre games; worse case, they are very bad. It was a dark time for the Wii U, and the first only exists to sell Amiibo cards, whereas the second was put together in a couple of months with a shoestring budget, and it shows.

The rest of the list does have some really cool games, though. I would love to see a remake of Star Fox Zero with decent controls, and Xenoblade X doesn't require that much modification to work.

Z50116d ago

How would XCX work without dual screens functionality?

Cacabunga16d ago

Same as Paper Mario color splash. One of the best wiiu games and getting even better with dual screen. Same reason why i prefer Splatoon 1

Profchaos16d ago

This article leaves out Nintendo's most controversial game to date devils Third.
I personally found the cover system really fun in that one compared to at the time most fps games completely lacking one.

Stevonidas16d ago

Devil's Third is HIGHLY underrated.

repsahj16d ago

They should remake Starfox to the switch 2. Very beautiful game during gamecube days.

Chocoburger15d ago

Kirby is always ignored or forgotten by people, so good to see it mentioned here.
Play Kirby Canvas Curse on DS, and then play Rainbow Curse on Wii U, they're really fun and unique 'platformers' without any actual jumping.

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Nintendo's Massacre Of The 3DS And Wii U Is Finally Complete, Regrettably

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