
How Xbox One finally won E3 – an interview with Microsoft's Matt Booty

As this year’s expo comes to a close GameCentral analyses the winners and losers of E3 2018 and talks single-player games with Microsoft.

Nyxus2150d ago

"But it’s not just that there are a lack of single-player-focused games on the Xbox One, but that Microsoft execs have openly complained about the ‘complicated’ economics of making single-player games and hinted that they are no longer as economically viable as they used to be, despite Sony proving otherwise.

‘Let’s acknowledge it: those games are doing great, and people love playing those games’, says Booty. ‘For us, and I want to be very careful to clarify this, we see both. We see people loving single-player games, and it’s why you can sit and work your way through Forza solo if that’s what you want to do. But we also know that more and more gaming is about community. More and more it’s about people playing together, and we’re gonna chase that. If that’s what our players are doing and where they want to go."

So his idea of supporting single player games is 'you can play Forza solo'?

Eonjay2150d ago

The didn't win though. I mean if all it takes to win is declare yourself the winner then what is the point of actually asking consumers for their viewpoint?

Kribwalker2150d ago

majority of the media have been declaring them the best of the platform holders E3 conferences. So you could take that as a win

MuddyWaters2150d ago

"majority of the media have been declaring them the best of the platform holders E3 conferences. So you could take that as a win"

N4G is all the media coverage they need and why Sony will always win. They have their own panel here, didn't you know?

gamer78042150d ago

Well currently only platform holders stock that didn't take a nose dive after e3. Sony and Nintendo did, so objectively if you use that as a marker , they did win. Which i would agree with this time

mrmikew20182150d ago

When it comes to gaming journalism as a whole you have to a open mind and learn to take their "opinions" exactly what they are........opinions.

Sony, Nintendo, Ubisoft, and especially MS didn't win anything at E3. MS had a good conference and that's all.

Aceman182150d ago

People, people let the MS fandom have their day in the sun. Lord knows they've been taking Ls like crazy from the start of this gen lol.

bluefox7552150d ago

@gamer7804 That would be an idiotic view to take, considering MS makes the vast majority of their money from products that have nothing to do with consoles.

nucky642150d ago

kribwalker, i'll look at sales and who's actually producing great games as far as who is winning. having the media say someone is a "winner" means nothing.

Kribwalker2150d ago


didn’t know they sold E3 conferences.....🙄

j15reed2150d ago

So you Sony fans go by what the critics say when it comes to metacritic, but they can't be right when they say good things about Xbox.

Zeref2150d ago

uhm Xbox is winning all the "Who won E3" polls on twitter. So no they didn't declare themselves the winner. Gamers did. Just because this cesspool of Sony fanboys thinks Sony somehow won doesn't mean the entire gaming community does.

fiveby92150d ago

MS and toadies in the press declare them a winner. A winner of what? This is just hype machine trying to drum up enthusiasm for an average at best product in the X1. 6 months from now we'll all still be waiting for something significant from MS. This time last year they touted SoT and SoD. So they finally release them and you could just hear the air let out of the balloon. Both games were met with a collect "meh". Suddenly, MS thinks they have momentum based on 3rd party multiplat content and a cpl studios acquired through purchase who have no releases scheduled. Let's face it, this is all about retaining their dwindling customer base before next gen by ginning up faux enthusiasm. They've lost so much in the past 4 years they may never recover. X1 is clearly only a Gears, Forza, and Halo box. And each of those titles are not exactly lighting it up.

Ceaser98573612150d ago

MS had a great presentation But PS had the Great game which everyone is talking about.. So Hopefully Sony stick with their old presentation format and hope MS does something different with those newly acquired dev specially Ninja and do something different other than Forza HAlo

PUBG2150d ago

Microsoft won this time people, game over!

Nu2150d ago

Gears of War has eclipsed Halo

+ Show (11) more repliesLast reply 2150d ago
2150d ago Replies(6)
gangsta_red2150d ago

You can also play SO, QB, Gears, Ori, Halo, State, etc etc solo too.

It's cool to have options of playing alone or with others.

Nyxus2150d ago (Edited 2150d ago )

I have already played SO and QB years ago. I will be getting Gears 5. But the point is that these are his words. His answer to legit complaints about a lack of pure single player games on Xbox One is 'you can play Forza solo'. That's not a good sign.

Jinger2150d ago


It was one example. They have plenty of SP games, just very few SP ONLY games.

BlackTar1872150d ago

The problem with those games is almost all of them lack actual depth in character and story.

gangsta_red2150d ago


That's pretty subjective. Exactly how are they lacking? Ryse, QB and even Ori had some in depth character moments.

Not every game has to be deeply impactful. And even then it's different for everyone, I personally never found any game so deep to where it was emotional. Except for maybe Limbo and Silent Hill 2.

We seem to keep switching up the argument here. From more games, to SP games, to SP only games, to character driven, emotional, cinematic triple A SP games.

Zenbaby3692150d ago

What are the "etc?" I don't really know anyone that wants to play halo or gears solo, or even sod2. I mean sure those people exist, but the solo aspect of those games is not what's selling them.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2150d ago
darthv722150d ago (Edited 2150d ago )

Nyx, MS has always been about bringing people together. Is it wrong their games support both SP and MP? You want SP only games then go back to the PS2 days as even PS4 games are both. you choose to play them how you like. LoU is a great game in SP but I hear it is really fun in MP as well. So you don't think the new Forza can be the same??? You build up your career how you want in SP but can also play MP with others.

When MS said they dont see the same ROI in SP only games like they do MP they are right. SP only games are usually one and done unless you are serious into trophies / achievements. An average SP only game may get a few play throughs but a game that also has MP may get played a lot more and that is what MS wants. They want to see people enjoying games for months and years to come. Not the once in a while pick up a copy of Gears 3 and beat it and then put it away. Pick up that copy and continue playing in MP and just have fun.

they are not opposed to SP gaming at all. They just see the trend is going towards more MP than SP. The quote from Phil of SP being dead is taken way out of context becuse you know damn well that it isnt dead. But can you at least understand how its not the main focus like it was when that was the ONLY thing around???? No internet for consoles meant SP was the ONLY way to play (aside from local MP) but the internet came... and people flocked to online to play with others.

I enjoy SP gaming as much as the next person, but I also enjoy MP as well.

Nyxus2150d ago

It's not about being in favor of or against multiplayer. Of course they can offer both, that's fine. But just playing Forza alone isn't my idea of dedicated singleplayer support. If they can offer pure MP games, they should also offer pure SP games, because some people just prefer to play those (like me). I mean, people say SP is 'one and done' and you can play MP for years, but for me it doesn't work that way. I usually get bored of MP more quickly than the time it takes to go through an SP game, let alone multiple playthroughs. I just find it too repetitive to play for a long time, certainly not years. Besides, I value going through a good story, with interesting characters and themes, a message the developer has to tell us, rather than just a competition about who can rack up the most kills. Both things are not comparable and it's not just about how long you can play it, it's an entirely different experience.

darthv722150d ago

So you want to play forza but you don't want to play it alone??? I don't get it. A SP racing game encompases a career mode, its been like that for years. You get new cars, new tracks... its what a racing game is about. If you want story then play Need for Speed the run or payback.

Maybe you are just hung up on his using Forza as the example instead of Gears. But then again Gears in SP is a given because they have always had a compelling story mode in addition to MP. Same goes for pretty much all the games shown by MS including Crackdown 3. You can play that in SP and there is a story too. So which is it? Is it SP gaming (games that offer SP mode) or the story? Because I can play both. I play games like QB and Gears for the story and games like Forza for the SP so I know it can be done.

BlackTar1872150d ago

Gears story is not compelling.

gangsta_red2150d ago (Edited 2150d ago )

But they're not legit complaints are they? They're overboard reactions the same way I keep reading about crossplay. Can we apply the same defense here?

I just named off games that have a solo option and yet for some reason the complaint has been goal posted to wanting a game that has no trace of MP at all. As if somehow that would change the game completely.

Xbox gamers are not complaining about SP only games. There's no concern about SP games only especially since all of their games with probably the only exception being SoT are SP with a MP option

darthv722150d ago

I think Nyx is hung up on the use of Forza as the example when really he can just as easily replace that with any other game that offers a SP mode that MS showed.

Crackdown 3, Gears 5, Ori, Forza.... pretty much all of the ones shown offer a SP mode with the exception of SoT but even that you can still play by yourself if you wanted. It's not as fun but it can be done.

Muzikguy2150d ago

A Forza game solo is nothing like a single player game made strictly for that. Hard to compare it though since it’s a racing game. I’m not entirely sure where he’s getting his information. Maybe it’s bevause it’s easy to track multiplayer stats like “shots fired”, but single player games will always be a big part of gaming.

seanpitt232150d ago (Edited 2150d ago )

I would say for them to have won E3 for me is that they would have convinced me to buy a xbox but sadly after watching there conference they didn't do it..

neutralgamer19922150d ago


There is just so much wrong with that statement they deserve to be 45 million behind. His idea of single player is a racing game and not even a new racing game the same FH every 2 years

darthv722150d ago

Thing is.. that's NOT his idea of a single player game. That is his example, just replace it with Ori or Gears or Shadows die twice. 99% of the games MS showed (theirs and 3rd party) all support SP.

imtiyaz62150d ago

MS fans using all the mental gymnastics to justify the lack of quality games on their console. If they don’t think it’s a problem, why bother? They’ll continue to be 3rd place and they don’t wanna do anything about it. Who cares? Most people around the world prefer PlayStation because its diverse library of games caters to everyone not just the dudebros. MS has lost to PlayStation every single time, “winning” an e3 by showing Multiplatform games will not change anything.

trooper_2150d ago

Lol, this is too funny.

Since when is E3 is about formats instead of games?

Muzikguy2150d ago

That’s what I’m trying to figure out too. Nobody “won” E3

darthv722150d ago

E3 is like a fashion show. It's about the presentation and the models. It's been like that for a long time.

Muzikguy2150d ago

You must watch a different E3. Why would people be excited to see a fashion show?

Germaximus2150d ago

This is the perfect example of how people go out of their way to misunderstand what is said.

He makes it very clear: "We know people love single-player games. So do we. But we also see MORE players want to play in a community."

It's spelled out and you still don't wanna get it.

Muzikguy2150d ago

Many times even what is said doesn’t matter. Turns out to be lies in the end anyway. These people that talk don’t speak truth half the time

Zenbaby3692150d ago

Sounds pretty clear that he is saying, "Fk single player games because we don't care about the minority. We just want to make what sells even if we ourselves don't like it as much."

LandoCalrissiano2150d ago

Yeah, it is. Just remember, 4 million+ concurrent BR players. That can absolutely not be over looked. Ninja missed out on 40k subscribers by not streaming for 2 days. At 5 bucks a piece that's 200k dollars. Huge amounts of money in trends and fads. So if the trend is one thing and the consumers opinion is another, trend will probably win out. But that's the thing about trends, they're short term. I doubt people will be playing fortnite 5 years from now but people will be going through God of War and the Halos again.

AmUnRa2150d ago (Edited 2150d ago )

"More and more gaming is about community, more and more people gaming together and whe gonna chase that".

And that says it all, they will not change, they will put out more and more online (only) games out there and you will see not munch AAA singleplayer only games out there.

If you wanna play singleplayergames Microsoft is solving this problem, for you.
Microsoft: "If you wanna play singleplayer games you can play Forza solo.".

Well there you have it there is your answer
All smoke and mirrors, and but hey thats Microsoft.

thisismyaccount2149d ago (Edited 2149d ago )

Then you have endless "are you happy with your Xbox" threads at resetera every month ....

Microsoft has accomplished Jack shit in 17 years. Thanks to them the focus swapped from offline/singleplayer/arcades to broforce broadband online multiplayer lobby freaks picking up weapons to kill each other for pointless numbers/killdeath ratio bragging.

Thanks to them Sony and soon Nintendo are charging $$ for you online play as well. Without their never ending funds, Microsoft would have never come this far.

Microsoft without money equals Sega but without any of the Sega IPs and/or history/charisma.

What's funny that Phil said he still sees himself as the head of Xbox during the giant bomb interview I think (jokingly though, but still).

The future? Halo 6, Gears 5, Gears Mobile? and tactics, Forza horizon 4/5/6 ... Forza 8/9/10 ...

+ Show (10) more repliesLast reply 2149d ago
KingKionic 2150d ago

Yup Microsoft gave everyone this work this year.

It was a pretty clear cut win.

Imagine this though...Microsoft could of revealed playground is working on Fable but decided to just wait on that.

We know its coming that`s all that matters.

We should of known after Lord Phil delivered the most power system he would set eyes on crafting the warriors dynasty of first party.

He even said the next Xbox will be the most powerful again.

The gloves are off.

OffRoadKing2150d ago

Huh? People still do cocaine?

2pacalypsenow2150d ago

Cocaine's a hell of a drug.

Legatus2150d ago

Just when you think you seen it all here at N4G, Kionic posts this...

My God you can't even read first two sentences and not cringing over 9000.

"gave everyone this work this year"

"crafting the warriors dynasty of first party"

"the next Xbox will be the most powerful again"

"The gloves are off"

WTF am i reading here, it looks like you got seizure in the middle of writing this post ?!

gangsta_red2150d ago

Go over to any ND article or Death Stranding to read even more cringe worthy shared ass tickling.

It's way worse than what you'll read from Kionic.

UCForce2150d ago (Edited 2150d ago )

@gangsta_red Nope. He is way worse than Death Stranding trailer and any other ND articles. Kionicwarlord222 is way more delusional than I am and he is lack of self control in every ways.

2pacalypsenow2150d ago


Nah but nice try.

gangsta_red2150d ago (Edited 2150d ago )


"Kionicwarlord222 is way more delusional than I am and he is lack of self control in every ways."

You slay me.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2150d ago
Razzer2150d ago

lol.....Phil Spencer could have walked on stage and taken a dump and you would talked about how great it smelled.

Lovable2150d ago

You mean like the last couple of years? lmao

Kavorklestein2149d ago

Neil Druckmann could show you a poop covered dildo, and you and half the other Sony fans on this site would gladly be willing to bid over $10,000 on eBay because you believed that it had been up Ellie's ass.
All Because Naughty Gods are sooooo good at character development that you think a digital character exists and is alive now.

Meanwhile Neil gets an extra 10 grand boost to his income because he wants to know how it feels to be a woman, and you guys lap up every drop of crap any sony dev says, and anything sony says, but criticize MS for

Then you guys hide behind the fake comments like: "We just want to see MS do better, or Make better games, or be More consumer friendly.. etc..."

Even if Microsoft never made another game from this point forward there are still going to be people out there who don't give a shit about your opinions, and they're going to enjoy the games that they can play on Xbox regardless of what games are on PlayStation, or maybe they own both and enjoy games on both systems, or maybe they own all three systems and a really nice gaming PC..
You guys spend so much time trying to make us face the reality of how crappy MS is, now it's your guys's turn to face the reality that people only give a shit half as much as you think they do, and your opinion only matters half as much as you think it does in the first place.
Can you guys live and let live yet?
Game and let game?
You'll let your fave characters kill, betray, steal, or do whatever they want... including be full blown lesbians (;

Yet you won't let REAL people have mercy from the endless onslaught of hate, just for buying a different Gaming Box?

Now it's Big picture time.

Being haters all the time is WAY WORSE than people deciding to spend their money on something that is not a Playstation.

Grow up and move on already.

Razzer2149d ago (Edited 2149d ago )

Bitchfest above. Don't you love it when some moron posts broad generalizations about "you guys". Just easier to paint with a broad brush rather than have to use your brain. But the hypocrisy is what is really amazing. This post above is somehow preaching on "hate". lol......let that sink in a little. Like saying "wish all you f*ckers would stop with all the f*cking bad language". lol.....moronic post of the day.

Kavorklestein2149d ago (Edited 2149d ago )

You literally used a poop to be a hater. so I 1-upped you using your style and topic.

Overall though, my point is it's wave after wave after wave of people hating on Xbox on this website.

Does you not liking what I had to say disqualify the fact that the hate is unreal? And basically one sided?

You don't see me in article after article hating on Sony or PlayStation or the things that they do... it takes me trying to defend Xbox to bring out the ugly comments...
That's the real difference between us.

Besides, it's really easy to point the finger at me just because I took it up a notch.
You generalized everybody who watched the Microsoft conference and said we would love to talk about how Phil Spencer's shit smelled.

Hypocrisy and denial all in one!

Razzer2149d ago (Edited 2149d ago )

“You generalized everybody who watched the Microsoft conference and said we would love to talk about how Phil Spencer's shit smelled. ”

No Einstein, I said that about Kionic and Kionic alone. You really are not very smart. Not wasting my time with idiots.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2149d ago
spektical2150d ago

in what world is any of this true?

manabyte772150d ago (Edited 2150d ago )

Where exactly did Spencer say the next Xbox would be “the most powerful” again? I’d love a link to that quote.

Muzikguy2150d ago

Clear win how?

Don’t know that’s coming or even when

Lord Phil? 🙄

Another example of people not telling the truth. He doesn’t know the next system will be the most powerful. One sure way to be though is to release later than the rest. Does he think he can pull what Sony did with the PS3? 🤔

TKCMuzzer2150d ago (Edited 2150d ago )

Sometimes its best to say nothing at all if you really have nothing to say.
I think people are getting confused about 'winning E3', I think its the general perception that Microsoft had the better setup and presentation, which automatically for many equals win.
Sit back and look at if for a minute, if you own an Xbox One (yes they still exist for those 'x' owners who have forgotten about them) what games from Microsoft did you see running that you will be playing anytime soon?
Saying we have bought so and so is fine but its quite obvious these are in their infancy in terms of the projects they will be working on under the 'owned by Microsoft' banner. If you don't like Forza then thats it for this year in terms of exclusives for you.
Microsoft also reeled off all the games PS4 owners will be playing, for both companies showing loads of 3rd party games does nothing really for their own system and just hides the lack of dedicated software.

If I'm honest I would have like to have seen more from both companies, less smoke and mirrors from Microsoft and just more gameplay from games only available on Xbox and less fannying about by Sony when it comes to presentation. If they hadn't had that stupid interlude it would have been an easy win, showing gameplay from games you will actually play on the that hardware. This is what gamers always say they want to see, gameplay footage.

On the plus side, i'm not a big Spiderman fan but I am now sold, so they did something right.

Kavorklestein2149d ago

Spiderman did look amazing.
Insomniac did some fantastic work on that game!

Aenea2150d ago (Edited 2150d ago )

5 'new' studios, 2 of which were already only working on Xbox titles, one is actually new the other 2 are smaller Indie devs one of which only has released ONE game so far.

It's a step in the right direction, especially Ninja Theory is a win for MS (and loss for Sony fans), also the completely new studio is good. The other 3 tho.....

And he can say what he want about the next Xbox, but he can't already know if it will be more powerful, UNLESS, they release a year after Sony does like with their mid-gen upgrades...

And is Fable actually confirmed or are they just rumours?

Besides, Sony still has unannounced exclusives as well...

And a 'clear cut win'? Really? They put up a good show, they are getting better at it, finally, after many years of boring shows. The only thing that would make it even better is showing exclusives and not 45 multiplats out of the 50 games...

TheTony3162150d ago (Edited 2150d ago )

MS had a better format and that's about it. Everything else was the same as usual. Halo, Gears, Forza, 98% multiplats and future promises. Sony botched their presentation this year but delivered in spades with their exclusives.

SixFragz2149d ago

"The gloves are off."

The gloves are off.
The gloves are off.
The gloves are off.
The.... Gloves.... Are.... Off....
The gloves are off.

I'm having trouble understanding how the gloves are off? How are the gloves off? Saying that the gloves are off means that there is competition, right? So, does this mean that now Sony somehow has competition when they've never had worthy competition this entire generation? Does this mean that the behemoth that has been Sony first party and this entire consoles existence is now threatened despite it having reigned supreme since the start of this generation?

The gloves are off... hmm... i'm confused... can someone help me?

+ Show (9) more repliesLast reply 2149d ago
corroios2150d ago (Edited 2150d ago )

Microsoft keeps "winning" every year. But is in Last place this gen in every chart. Except shoot fired and laps taken. While others keep breaking records and making full games.

Muzikguy2150d ago

It’s a new age delusion of some sort. Seems to be common these days all over the place. Even politics 😬

G3ng4r2150d ago

I identify as a winner.

TKCMuzzer2150d ago

Its because of the perception of winning. You can win a presentation but if you don't follow it up, that presentation quickly fades.

AmUnRa2150d ago

You forgot how many chickens where caught...😜

Gunstar752150d ago

I haveno issue with SP games but would prefer not to play interactive movies.....

2150d ago Replies(1)
Lightsbane2150d ago

The last interactive movie game I played was on the freaking 3DO...

Where are all these movie games people keep talking about?

Goldby2150d ago

They would rather press f to pay respects than see a thought out cinematic. Of the character paying his respects.

Gunstar752150d ago

It's the whole qte thing and scripted scenes.

Muzikguy2150d ago

They forgot what single player games are so now they’re all movies? That’s my guess. Everything seems to be generalized

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2150d ago
KickSpinFilter2150d ago

Well don’t play Detroit or Telltale games and your all set.

doggo842150d ago

"I haveno issue with SP games but would prefer not to play PS4 EXCLUSIVES**" is what you meant.

Gunstar752150d ago

No. I love some ps exclusives.

TKCMuzzer2150d ago (Edited 2150d ago )

Your talking about the very small % of single player games yet completely ignoring all the other single player games. You are pretty much coming across as somebody who has not played a vast majority of the games you are trying to put down.
Its called variety, offering your customer a choice. You may not like them but others will love them. Its this variety which help breeds success, its one the PlayStation's brands strongest points, its breadth of games and lets be honest, it seems to be working and has for well over 20 years.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2150d ago
Edito2150d ago

What worries me about this Microsoft won E3 that journalists are bringing up is Microsoft believing that because if they believe that they will keep doing what they are doing and ultimately they will prepare themselves to lose the upcoming generation.

Pickledpepper2150d ago

My thoughts is they won because they listened and are trying to change and showing what they are trying achieve. Best of luck to them and hope they still keep their ear to the ground.

ClanPsi12149d ago

How? By showing short CGI teaser trailers and having multiplatform games? o_O

Jinger2150d ago

So they'll keep buying more studios and move their services and 1st party support forward? Awesome. Hopefully they keep doing exactly what they did this E3

doggo842150d ago

And do you think Sony will just sit back and watch?

Jinger2150d ago


What does this have to do with Sony? Of course Sony isn't going to just sit back lol Why would you even think that?

TKCMuzzer2150d ago

So what your saying, just buy everyone and still produce no appealing software? Buying studios does NOT guarantee successful software. Nurturing those studios and letting them grow equals successful software.

Rippcity2150d ago

Honestly MS made a huge effort at E3 to prove to it's consumer base that they are invested in first party, exclusive and single player gaming experiences. They clearly heard the feedback and are adjusting. That is why I think they did a really good job. Not to say that Sony didn't, but Sony definitely came off very cocky with their presentation. Specifically the musicians taking up too much time before actually showing the games.

AmUnRa2150d ago

And yet they are saying, "when you want singleplayergames you can play Forza solo...thats is a contradiction, but then again, that is Microsoft.

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Hasbro's $1 billion bet on internal game development

Brendan writes; "Head of digital product development Dan Ayoub tells us about the toy maker's plans to get back in the game."

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Todd Howard Has No Plans to Retire, Open to Other Studios Making Fallout Games

In a recent interview, Todd Howard revealed that he has no plans to retire and reiterated Bethesda's openness to help from other studios.

DOMination-3d ago

Oh great, now we have to deal with Anasts Bethesda fetish indefinitely.

Thanks a lot, Todd

anast3d ago

You're welcome for the free entertainment. Usually, it comes at a cost of $70 because of inflation.

Crows903d ago

That's an inflated price...

anast3d ago (Edited 3d ago )


It would be if it weren't a valuable resource.

mastershredder3d ago

"with no plans to retire anytime soon" I mean this is like a common news topic involving his name. Knock it off and do some actual newsing. This is like the biggest "No Duh" article of the day, and several sites had to regurgitate it. Geez. So lame.

OtterX3d ago

"Batman. I like the idea that if I had enough money, time, and vengeance, I could become him." - Todd Howard


This is when he'll retire.

nmbr1esq3d ago

He doesn't have to retire, just the stupid outdated garbage creation engine.

Kados3d ago

Netimmerse 4.0, presumably 5.0 for TES6. They should give the Fallout IP to Obsidian, and have it made in UE5.

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