
Will The Xbox One X Outsell The PS4 Pro?

ThisGenGaming says "The PS4 Pro will have had a one year head start but can power and hype of the Xbox One X beat the cheaper and earlier release PS4 Pro?"

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Gazondaily2522d ago

What in the States? Maybe for the first few months but at that price point; it will struggle post launch I reckon.

Worldwide; no.

2522d ago Replies(18)
2522d ago Replies(3)
alb18992522d ago

Forza7 ir Shadow of War bundle could happen too.

tyasia02522d ago

That's unlikely to happen at launch.

2521d ago
Ju2521d ago

Not when those bundle price will elevate this thing into the $600 region...

Orpheo2522d ago


Ultimately both will sell well below the current install base of their original models. I think both are rather pointless as 4k gaming still isn't popular. Lets focus on getting every game to run at 1080p 60fps first, then we can talk about 4k.

Bigpappy2522d ago (Edited 2522d ago )

I think it will in the U.S by a substantial amount. In fact, I expect the X to sell so well in the U.S that the total Xbox sales in NA will exceed those of the PS4 in just 1 year. But I will wait and see... could be wrong. to be continued in a year.

P.S. Perception of Power, with strong 3rd party support, will win the day over exclusive with weak hardware.

tyasia02521d ago (Edited 2521d ago )

Strong 3'rd party support... Oh you mean like Sony with Destiny, Call of Duty and Red Dead Redemption 2, not to mention Japanese games.

P.S. Xbones perception of no games.

Bigpappy2521d ago

they are just deal. those games will be better on the X

Dark_Knightmare22521d ago

That isn't going to happen lol and yeah the pro is weak compared to the x1x but not substantially so and it's not weak in general. Ms isn't going to have 3rd party support that is any stronger then what Sony is going to have not to mention Sony gets all the big third party marketing deals. The exclusives don't matter much argument from fanboys is getting redundant especially since this last year as shown that to be ridiculous. A 500 dollar system isn't going to outsell the 400 dollar one regardless of power difference and that's ultimately why the x1x isn't going to outsell the pro

Dark_Knightmare22521d ago (Edited 2521d ago )

Yeah those games will be better on x1x but just like the pro that will be such a minuscule population of the gaming market compared to owners of og PS4 and x1 that people aren't going to care especially since most gamers don't even have a 4K tv to take full advantage of both systems. Oh and yes there's supersampling on all games for people who don't have a 4K tv but that isn't something that's worth 500

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2521d ago
XanderZane2522d ago

Has Sony even told us how many PS4 Pro's have sold yet? I thought they announced it had sold over 1 million, awhile back, but I haven't seen any new numbers. I doubt Microsoft will provide any sales numbers for the XB1X either. Maybe right after launch, but that's about it.

Aenea2521d ago

1 in 5 PS4's sold is a Pro, find the sold numbers right from before release and from right now, subtract, divide by 5 and you have the number....

notachance2521d ago (Edited 2521d ago )

oh believe me if it outsell PS4 they will provide it in every media they can think of

S2Killinit2521d ago

It will sell for a few months then it goes back to normal xbox sales tragectory.

gutteranthems2521d ago

I agree. I don't think MS will ever outsell PS in Japan.

US, and Eastern Europe, for sure. But Sony will still have better worldwide sales.

Dark_Knightmare22521d ago (Edited 2521d ago )

Except sony is ahead by about 2 million in the us right now and even more in Europe so yeah

2521d ago
LordMaim2521d ago

The real question is will Microsoft start releasing sales figures? Outlook not so good.

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OB1Biker2522d ago ShowReplies(2)
FallenAngel19842522d ago

Who really cares about the sales comparisons of iterative consoles?

Besides that it was difficult for XO to outsell PS4 even when it had a cheaper price during 2015, so it's unthinkable an even more expensive XO could outsell the iterative PS4

Miss_Weeboo2522d ago

I think not. Too expensive, more expensive than the pro and no real reason to get one (exclusives), you could argue that you'll get a better 4K experience or whatever, but that's not reason enough for a casual (let's call it not-hardcore) to get one. You can't surpass your competition only with your loyal hardcore fans.
I remember 3 years ago thinking that the TV/Xbone/kinect reveal was a disaster, and the Xbox fans calling me crazy. But here we are, three years later Xbox completely lost the one market they absolutely dominated in the 360 gen... not even worth to mention worldwide.

As with all things, Time will tell. We'll see. I don't own the truth, and if I'm wrong, it won't be the first time

Krysis2522d ago

If casuals are your argument then exclusives don't really play a part. Very few casuals buy exclusives, they buy the biggest names and the highest rated, if that happens to be an exclusive then I'm sure it gets picked up by the casual crowd. Like uncharted. I bet not many of those people picked up Nioh or Persona, those are for gamers with more refined tastes.

bluefox7552522d ago (Edited 2522d ago )

If it's not exclusives, then why do you think Xbox is getting beat so badly this gen? You could argue price and E3 in the beginning, but they have remedied those things, and have not even come close to catching up. If it ain't games, then what is it? Last gen, PS3 had some similar issues in the beginning, and had a very rough first year or so, but after they fixed their issues, PS3 came back with a vengeance and ended up outselling 360. Xbox is not having a similar comeback story this gen though. If it ain't the games, I don't know what it is.

Elda2522d ago (Edited 2522d ago )

I highly doubt the PS4 is in first place worldwide because of multi-plats.It's the PS4 genre of unique exclusives that is selling the console.

Miss_Weeboo2522d ago

Why the PS4 outsells the Xbox One, 2:1 (or even more)? . Do you think those 60 millions + are all hardcore? Most of them are casuals... Then What made them choose PS4 over Xbone. I can't see any other reason than the exclusives... Both consoles kind of perform with the same quality (slightly better in the PS4?), you can play 3rdP in both consoles... So, what made the PS4 desirable for them?
You mention nioh and persona (and I totally agree those seem to be hardcore exclusives, a jrpg and a Dark Souls type of game? idk about the "refined tastes" thing) But that same people that bought Uncharted are also probably going to buy exclusives like Spiderman and God of War... Sony has exclusives for different kind of gamers

ElementX2522d ago (Edited 2522d ago )

PS4 started strong with early adopters and after the first year it's selling because people want to play with their friends. The biggest selling games are multiplat online shooters. A lot of the exclusive single player games don't even sell 3 million

zerocarnage2522d ago

Yeah unless it's a well known exclusive with a built name your majority of casual gamers won't buy many exclusives they don't know. Your casual gamer is sticking with big sale well known big developer games that sell more than most exclusives do.

Krysis2522d ago

If I had to guess I would say obviously the games first, but most importantly is friends and word of mouth. I'm sure most every casual has a hardcore gamer as a friend and listens to their advice and through that word of mouth. It's why the 360 was successful. And it takes many years to recover from a disaster like the Xbox reveal, MS knows this and that is why we steady improvements to their brand because they know over time they can win some back but it will be next gem before they are able to compete with Sony again if they ever can again.

343_Guilty_Spark2522d ago


For the very reasons you and your buddies ignore:

1) $400 PS4 vs. $500 Xbox

Oh isn't that the same argument on why the X won't sell as much....price...how convenient

2) PS4 performed.better out the game and was easier to program

Look at ever gen...if you can nail price per performance, ease of development then there is a good chance you'll succeed. If you stumble out the gate good luck.

rainslacker2521d ago

Casuals do buy things like Halo, Gran Turismo, Forza, COD, Battlefield, AssCreed, Destiny, Madden, etc. While some may like the idea of better looking, for things like GT, it'll sell the PS4 regardless. Halo and Forza probably already captured most of the people interested in them, and some of those people will upgrade. COD, BF, Destiny, they'll probably go where the content is, and not worry so much about the power. Madden, will probably go with the cheapest console, although given that PS4 has significantly more users right now, it's more likely people will pick up a PS4 to play with friends.

X1X's more power is not really going to help it with the casuals, but Sony has most of the deals which will secure the casuals, and GT is one of those games which attracts casuals. Given the rather small difference in price between the PS4 and PS4P, there is a chance many will choose to pay a bit more....either because they don't know the difference, or don't feel the price difference is signfiicant enough to not just get something a bit better.

Chevalier2521d ago (Edited 2521d ago )

Casuals do buy the big games though. Who has the advertising rights and the chance to bundle those games? Sony.

Fifa 18 (Huge in Europe)
Destiny 2
Starwars Battlefront 2
Red Dead Redemption

As for your 'not much' people bought comments, Nioh sold over a million in a month, Nier Automata over 1 million, Persona 5 over 1.5 million and Horizon ZD over 3.4 million. Which Xbox One exclusive in the last year moved over a million copies in one month other than Gears 4? Seems you shouldn't bet or gamble. You'd probably lose as those games play heavily to statistics. It all adds up. The game system with all the multiplats and more exclusives i.e. options make it a better purchase. Also playing multiplayer with your friends is another reason too.

Dark_Knightmare22521d ago

Lol nice comparing 60 dollar games to a 500 dollar console that makes total sense

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 2521d ago
OB1Biker2521d ago (Edited 2521d ago )

I mostly agree with what you said.
What I was trying to say is we might know only PS4 and BX1 numbers if approximates. I'm not sure if Pro vs X numbers debate is relevant if even we would ever know.
They are only a fraction part of their console 'family' PS4 and XB1 after all
Some media tend to see it like the start of a new gen competition and some people run with it.

Major_Glitch2521d ago

MS "absolutely dominated" a market last gen? What, the US? No they didn't. They had a good head start, but at the end of the gen, Sony was outselling it here too.

Shadyceaser2522d ago (Edited 2522d ago )

If developers push the thing and we see all the best looking multi platform games on the one X... It will sell a lot. Imo

trooper_2522d ago


XBox1 needs enticing exclusives to draw people in.

JackBNimble2521d ago

I hope it sells as well as you think , but sadly the only people who would care to buy it already own an xbox .

Condemnedman2521d ago

so only people who own an xbox wants to purchase an xbox one x. where did you pull those made up facts from. you haven't go a clue who will buy it.

JackBNimble2521d ago

Even MS will tell you the target group is the hard core gamer and not the casual. Are you going to tell me hard core PS4 gamers or PC gamers are going buy an X1X? Maybe some will ... but most won't , so that only leaves you with excited Xbox fanboys 😁

Dark_Knightmare22521d ago (Edited 2521d ago )

Lol yeah because graphics are the most important thing to gaming. How about the fact that a very very small percentage own a 4K tv to even take advantage of the x1x and that gamers don't care about graphics as much as price,playing with friends,games both third party and exclusive etc. Graphics when it comes down to it are low on the priorities of what's important to gamers and like every other gen as shown power doesn't matter one bit.

Shadyceaser2521d ago

I for one don't care that is $500 as people seem to forget that the ps3 was $600 .. 10 or 11 years ago ... Fact right there.
Graphics are important to me maybe not to you...... It's not the most important thing ... But half a k for the most capable console is a steel.

4k TV's are getting cheaper by the month ... I will buy one at the same time I am thinking.
But every one is different so whatever.

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Great review coming from famitsu! 9/9/9/9 is hard to get from them.


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Babadook77h ago

Just finished TRI and started my playthrough of TRII. Great games and great remakes.

just_looken6h ago

You mean decent made for modern audience version's they keep altering the game as time goes on fingers crossed the disc version is version 1.0 but i doubt it.

Here is just some videos showing changes altered clothing/artwork and blood trying to make it T rated.

The new tomb raiders are also trying to make them E rated




