
If You Could Play A Game Again For The Very First Time, What Would It Be?

If you could pick one game to play again from scratch, as if you'd never played it before, which game would you pick?

"The way I looked at it was to consider all of my gaming experiences and which ones really stood out. It wasn’t easy, I’ll say that. What could possibly be so good, so unforgettable that I would be willing to undergo a Men in Black style flash to the retinas in order to witness the pleasure all over again?"

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ArchangelMike3491d ago (Edited 3491d ago )

I wish I could go back to the first ever time I played a games... so that's like 1986. And then have a first time experience of playing The Last of Us. :)

Can you imagine such an experiene for an 8 year old kid back in the day. 0.o

miyamoto3491d ago

Uncharted: Drake's Fortune ... cause I played Uncharted 2 first.

madworld3491d ago (Edited 3491d ago )

GOOD choice GUYs for me I will choose from 7th generation
1-Red Dead Redemption
2-The Last Of Us
3-God Of War 3
4-Heavy Rain
5-Call Of Duty Black Ops 1

From 6th generation
1-Shadow of the Colossus
3-Onimush 3
4-Legacy Of Kain Defiance
5-God Of War 2
6-Medal Of Honor Frontline.

itBourne3491d ago

That does suck, because all the Uncharted games are fantastic, I would not want to have played them out of order.

Last of Us by far tho, I wish I could forget it so much.

But a less obvious answer. Dark Cloud 2, because there is never going to be a new one = /

3491d ago
3491d ago
steven83r3491d ago (Edited 3491d ago )

Uncharted would be great to experience all over again for the first time. The one thing i didn't enjoy about Uncharted series was the crazy monsters. The Yeti were cool but the Ghost Rider Teleporters were annoying. But i would have to say Shenmue is at the top of my list.

Dee_913491d ago

vice city
007 nightfire/ agent under fire
jet motto
crazy taxi
splinter cell
nfs III/porsche unleashed
those are mainly for nostalgia but story
7th gen

yakuza 3/4
beyond 2 souls ( i freakin loved that game, doesn't get enough cred)
heavy rain
Heavenly sword.

6th gen
driver 3
the getaway

wasn't much into story driven games much before then, I was too young.

pivotplease3491d ago

Definitely FF6&9, Pokemon red/blue and Gold/silver, Ocarina, Mario Party 1(still the best in the crappy series lol), Journey, DC2, Kh 1 and 2, Jade Cocoon 2, Halo 2, MGS3 and 4, R&C, Diddy Kong Racing, CoD 4, shadow of the colossus, U2, and perhaps unusual but persona 4. The flow and length of that story just felt perfect to me and it's one of those games that is the best the first time and more of a grind on subsequent plays. There's probably so many others. I'm getting all nostalgic.

It's hard to mention really old games unless there's some kind of time traveling aspect involved here. Like N64 games looked like real life when they came out and now...

jwatt3491d ago

MGS 1,3
Gears of war 1
GOW 1,2
Halo 2
TWisted metal black, 2
Infamous 1
Socom Confrontaion
Modern Warfare 2
Golden eye 64

UltraNova3490d ago (Edited 3490d ago )

Super Mario 64,
Ocarina of time,
007 Golden Eye(64),
RE 1,
MGS 1 & 3,

ChrisW3490d ago

Sure as hell not WOW.

Back when it came out I got a week free account and only played it for 3 days... Then promptly uninstalled it.

darren_poolies3490d ago

No question about it for me, has to be Dark Souls. Best game I've ever played, I would give a lot to be able to experience that again.

Why o why3490d ago

Shadow of the colossus

Future wars

BenRage33490d ago

Without a doubt Super Mario 64. It was the first true 3D experience I ever had, and I have yet to experience that kind of magic since.

XboxOneX3490d ago

Shenmue on Dreamcast bring me back pls

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Flewid6383491d ago

lol I was 4. I remember being around that age and horror shit my older sister would watch scared me for weeks.

TLOU would've made me afraid of the dark permanently.

Magicite3491d ago

they perfectly guessed mine with article picture, it would be world of warcraft (although not undead, I hate them, my fav is draenei female)

UnHoly_One3491d ago

I'm shocked I don't see a single mention of it here yet, but the obvious choice is Shadow of the Colossus.

Fantastic game, but once you know how to kill the colossi, it is never the same again.

breakpad3491d ago (Edited 3491d ago )

Sonic2,Shadow of the Clossus ,Resident Evil 1->1996 version

Kailios3491d ago

It may seem a shock because I never had a chance to play it. I'm guessing I should by the amount I hear of it? That or wait until the Last Guardian ;)

3491d ago
GribbleGrunger3491d ago

This is the easiest question I've answered in a long time:

The Last Of Us.

nX3491d ago

Can't go wrong with TLOU :)
Although I would probably choose either Demon's Souls or Gothic 2... both are incredibly awesome experiences the first time you play through them.

Kailios3491d ago

The Last Of Us definitely opened up a massive hole when I had finished it. And is also a very high rated game for me. When writing the article I was thinking more along the lines of the young kid experiencing a massive world that you could get lost in.

The_Devil_Hunter3491d ago

I agree 100% thats my game....

ZombieKiller3491d ago

I would love to re-live the Metal Gear series again. That experience to this day was second to none for me hands down.

From Hayters acting, to the port switch from Psycho Mantis.....


saywat2473491d ago

The Last of Us and Grand Theft Auto San Andreas

thisismyaccount3491d ago (Edited 3491d ago )


"RIDGGGGGGGGE RACERRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!" for the first time on the PlayStation 1. Yeah, you´re probably thinking what an ass, nothin spectacular about it, i say YOU´RE wrong :

Playing 8/16bit+AMiGA games for 5 years or so then do the SWITCH/JUMP and play RR on the PS1 ´95 with 3D sick phat GFX! Sounds and gameplay.... that sensation of playing something NEW like that can not be repeated anymore.

That jump from terrific good 2D games and suddenly be racing at 150mph with 3D gfx and hart-echno beats.... best of the best.... tears of joy!

That has to be the moment, everything else did add their grain of salt, but never have really managed to impress me at all since 95 in terms of gamemechanics, gameplay, graphics like that industry-changer/jump from 2D to 3D.

Project Morpheus better be good Sony.

Qrphe3491d ago

I hope not since it's a rated M game

BenRage33490d ago

Good choice! That was very memorable for me as well.

3491d ago
LexHazard793490d ago

I cant imagine an 8 yr playing The Last of Us for first time and liking it. The Last of Us is a great game but the story is to much for even an 8yr old to comprehend.

Tapewurm3490d ago

Favorite game of all time?... tough.....a lot of solid titles out over the years....but, Panzer Dragoon Saga (The Panzer Dragoon Saturn Series all together actually) was one of my favorites.... that and Sega's "Shining" series ("Shining the Holy Ark and Shining Force III to be more specific)...Virtua Fighter series....Sega Rally...Daytona CCE...Virtual On... Burning Rangers...Dragon Force..all were amazing back in the day.. The Saturn is by far my favorite console from the past..... Shenmue and Skies of Arcadia from the Dreamcast would be worthy too... Final Fantasy 7...Shadow of Colossus... God of War Series.. Socom... the Last of Us.... Uncharted... EQ... The List could go on forever if I sat here and thought on it long enough...

Tapewurm3490d ago

Even played Resident Evil and Tomb Raider for the first time on the Sega Saturn... my mind was blown lol..... similar experience the first time I walked into local arcade and saw Dragon's Lair for the 1st time.... good times 8)

JsonHenry3490d ago

Command and Conquer. Total Annihilation. Doom 2.

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infinitewords3491d ago

Final Fantasy X, Kingdom Hearts, Bioshock, God of War, The Last of Us, and The Legend of Dragoon. Those are just the ones I can think of right now, there's probably more, though.

joab7773491d ago

Bioshock...definitely. FF7 and Chronological Trigger, The Legend of Zelda 2, Dark Souls, and Fallout 3.

Gardenia3491d ago (Edited 3491d ago )

Final Fantasy VII, VIII and IX
Suikoden II
Vagrant Story
Syphon Filter 2
Driver 1 and 2
Fear Effect
Metal Gear Solid 1 and 3
Crash Team Racing
Shadow of the Colossus
Silent Hill 2 and 3
Jak and Daxter The Precursor Legacy
Fallout 3
Killzone 2

3491d ago
Retroman3491d ago (Edited 3491d ago )

is Gradius,Contra,Metroid,Castlev ania, Metal Slug , Battle Arena Toshiden, Jax and Daxter to old for you guys??

PoSTedUP3491d ago

GTAIII. its one of the only games where from the moment i took control it was an explosion of unfathomably joy and happiness in my brain. GTAIII was my brain on drugs. id pay the premium $ + a leg to experience that all over again for the first time.

stavrami3491d ago

Hahaha although I don't agree games wise your expression of your enjoyment deserves a thumbs up. I think the game that best describes that sort of enjoyment for me would be double dragon (arcade version) and the hitman series accept the last one

PoSTedUP3491d ago

=D thanks. and i can relate to hitman, that was an epic first couple of games they had, made me really feel like a hitman and the wall of guns was the coolest thing to play with bc i loved guns That Much as a kid.

Sketchy_Galore3491d ago

Good choice, I remember the very first time I got my hands on GTA3. The concept of the game was exactly the kind of thing I'd dreamt of while playing the original GTA.'wow, imagine a game like this but a totally 3d world' and it always seemed like some crazy pipedream that would be cool but would never actually be technologically possible.

I remember the first time my brother handed me the controller and I got to play. My brain wasn't used to that kind of 3d game yet so I could barely even tell what was going on. I swerved the car all over the place, crashed in little Italy and was shot dead by a mobster, all in literally about twenty seconds. Still, I felt like I had just seen paradise, I think my heart is still beating fast from that moment.

PoSTedUP3491d ago

agree 100%!! always wanting something so great because i liked the 3D and free-roam of Driver 1 (1or 2 you could get out and run around). GTAIII exceeded all expectations and beliefs about the possibilities of video games for me.

like: "you mean to tell me i can do what ever i want, run around, shoot people, run people over, crash my car get out and steal another one, all in 3D?"..Bulll$#&%, youre ****ing lying to me, gtfo of my house.

*plays game* "jdbvxjsjbfbchdjjsjsjd :DD!!!"

bloop3491d ago

GTA III for me too. Just experiencing everything in that game the first time absolutely blew my mind. I remember finishing up work in the evening, popping it in to the PS2 and next thing I know I'm still sitting in the armchair absolutely glued to it at about 7 or 8 the next morning thinking "sh*t, I really need to go to bed now!!" Every 5 minutes I was asking myself "did that just actually happen??" Even to this day no other game has topped that experience of my first night in Liberty City.

mmcglasson3490d ago

I remember the day this game came out and I put it in my PS2 the first time. That was literally the best thing that's ever happened to the GTA series.

Tomb Raider
EQOA (EverQuest Online Adventures)
Champions of Norrath
World of Warcraft

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DarkOcelet3491d ago

Thats a tough question but i can definitely say every great game i have ever played with a beautiful story or a great gameplay.

Deadly Premonition
The Last Of Us
Rule Of Rose
Resident Evil Quarology
Dead Space 1 and 2
Silent Hill Series

bnoyes3491d ago

Yeah, horror games in particular would be great to replay with amnesia. I've gone back and replayed RE, SH, and DS games a ton, but it's never quite the same when you know what's around every corner.

DarkOcelet3491d ago

Ah well, Amnesia still scare the crap out of me. Also Clock Tower had its moments.

Heyxyz3491d ago

To play deadly premonition again for the first time would be amazing! That game has defiantly one of the best stories ever.

DarkOcelet3491d ago

True... The ending made me abit sad though. Hey, at least its a better ending than Twin Peaks hehe.

georgenancy3491d ago (Edited 3491d ago )

the last of us,god of war 3,mgs 4,mgs3,uncharted 2,gta sanandreas and halo 2

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