
Is the PS4 Powerful Enough for Virtual Reality?

Push Square: "Many people often ponder whether the PlayStation 4 is powerful enough to offer a competent virtual reality experience – especially with the recommended specs for the Oculus Rift and HTC Vive being so high. But having gone hands on with PlayStation VR a few times now, we're happy to report that it does genuinely offer a comparable experience."

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ApocalypseShadow2857d ago

Of course it is. The gamers who lie to themselves that it's not powerful enough are just fooling themselves. If Google cardboard and Samsung gear VR can create a sense of presence with cellphones, then surely PSVR can create a sense of presence in VR.And the guy in the video tells it like it is:

It's not the best VR experience
It's the most inexpensive of the three offerings of VR.


It will have issues early on. But I've seen PC VR games that look rough early on. It's the developers that have to step it up and find solutions just like they found solutions in making 2D,3D and motion games. It's a process just like any other game development.

But some early PSVR games look great and should play great. The fact that it works on the base PS4, it's already being demoed at Best buy and GameStop and journalists, developers and gamers who tried it, already say it works. And some aren't even PlayStation fans. They may balk at the initial price which is understandable. but they come away from it impressed. Just type in PSVR impressions on YouTube and you'll see regular people enjoying the demos at the store.

Can't wait to get mine.

darthv722856d ago (Edited 2856d ago )

I tried it at best buy and it was certainly fun. No doubt there will be some pretty creative games that showcase what this tech offers. It is a serious jump from the early days of arcade VR that I experienced.

Like you said apoc... it works and that is what should matter most. It can only get better the more it is experimented with and experienced by individuals.

@apoc, what you just described would be cool if they were to bring home back. Using the psvr in home and walking around and going to the bowling alley just seems natural. I always felt home had allot of missed opportunities and with psvr maybe... just maybe they can bring that back and really experiment.

Cindy-rella2856d ago

Yes it is. From what ive seen and played on psvr i cant wait to get it first day

Master of Unlocking2856d ago (Edited 2797d ago )

Home with VR, interesting...

I'll never understand why Sony shut down Home, they used to make tons of money with that. One would think they would've shut it down on the PS3 only because they were porting it to the PS4, to entice users to move to their next system, but Home is nowhere to be found even on the PS4, so what's up with that? There were dozens of millions of happy Home users like myself and, even though it never really lived up to what I hoped it would be (I was naive with the copyright content side of things), I still had a very good time with it during all these years, even though it always remained in the state of Beta, lol. It was like an internet forum, but in 3D with lots of playable games and a pretty fleshed out party gaming app.

I really don't get it, just bringing it back the way it was on the PS3 on the PS4 with exactly the same visuals would allow them to eliminate any loading time and it certainly would be better than nothing.

Oh well, just file that under "I" for "Incomprehensible Sony decisions", in the same sorter where you have the "shutting down the studio that developped Wipeout HD" case, or "shutting down the beloved devs of the beloved Motorstorm series" case, decisions motivated by reasons even an expert who knows his way around Area51 and what really happened in Roswell in 1947 could never wrap his head around.

..gah, I'm feeling HOMEless again... :(

BrandanT2856d ago

I think VR would be something that the PlayStation wouldn't run optimally unless it cut out all the background applications.

starchild2856d ago

It really just comes down to what exactly you are trying to do in VR. Any modern gaming device could run SOME kind of VR experience, it's just a question of at what level of visual quality we are talking about.

For example, on PC with the Rift you don't actually need a GTX 970 to run many less demanding VR games and apps, but if you want to play the more demanding VR games at full quality you definitely need something like a GTX 970.

Artemidorus2856d ago

Sounds like you know the answers, apply for a Sony job and see how far you get

Kiwi662856d ago (Edited 2856d ago )

In response to the edit at the bottom of your 2nd comment, it could just be that people simply don't share your view about psvr nothing more and how do you know that it isn't a mix from all sides , so if a dev says they aren't interested in psvr what camp would you put them into

Errorist762856d ago Show
IGiveHugs2NakedWomen2856d ago

Anyone who has tried PSVR already knows the PS4 works well with it.

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2pacalypsenow2857d ago

It has to be, I don't think Sony can afford for VR to be unplayable on PS4 after claiming that it does.

Timesplitter142856d ago (Edited 2856d ago )

of course PSVR will work on the regular PS4. VR could technically work on a PS2, and does work on mobile phones right now..

It's just that the non-Neo PS4 VR will be extremely limited in terms of graphics. It can't afford to be limited in performance instead, because it's VR

rainslacker2856d ago (Edited 2856d ago )

From what I"ve seen, the games seem to be about on par with early generation PS3 titles or late gen PS2 titles. Some are a bit better, some are a bit lower, some are rudimentary, some are complex. It really depends on the game, but for the most part, I can say that I haven't seen any that are god awful in appearance, and if they aren't graphically advanced, the graphics seem to at least fit the application and overall presentation.

Performance wasn't really a factor, as Sony has set a minimum standard for what can be on the system, which will affect the graphics depending on the complexity of the game.

But it's certainly playable, and it looks just fine, so long as you aren't going into it expecting something super high end, and aren't so tightly wound over it having to be the most immaculate thing ever.

And all this was on the stock OGPS4. Anyone that says otherwise is willfully ignoring all the evidence and first hand accounts to the contrary, or is placing exceedingly high standards on what is acceptable.

2857d ago Replies(2)
2856d ago Replies(1)
_LarZen_2856d ago

"Is the PS4 Powerful Enough for Virtual Reality?"


R6ex2856d ago ShowReplies(1)
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