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Head Developer Of Scalebound Hideki Kamiya Had To Take Time Off For Mental Health Reasons

ThisGenGaming says "Following up on the news that Scalebound from Platinum Games may be cancelled we have also now heard some things about the head developer Hideki Kamiya. Apparently development has been quite taxing on members of the team especially Kamiya to the point where he had to take time off for mental health concerns."

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Wrong story type
Should be Rumor
Shinobi602 "heard" he took time off for his mental health; there is no official confirmation to mark it as news.
CocoaBrother2704d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
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Josuey2704d ago ShowReplies(5)
RAM0N 2704d ago Show
-Foxtrot2704d ago

Why he went with Microsoft I'll never know.

I mean money is money but not worth your mental health over.

gangsta_red2704d ago (Edited 2704d ago )

So Microsoft drove him crazy?

I mean I am just as upset that this may be canceled but c'mon. It was crazy that Platinum was pumping out so many games for a small studio. But it's not like Hideki didn't have assistants and other helping hands that could step in as I am sure they did with other projects releasing.

hmmmm...maybe it was MS ... :\

Gamist2dot02704d ago

Well, there were some communication issues going on before E3 last year between the two. The guy expressed his anger through twitter - think it was removed.

naruga2704d ago (Edited 2704d ago )

i have a suggestion for Platinum ...keep the assets , keep the engine ... you can release it on pS4 surely andsafely ....Nier is already there :P ...also Xone owners prepare (imo) for Scorpio exclusive library NOT compatible on Xone ->probably this forced upgrade aka longer development , killed Scalebound

bouzebbal2704d ago

Sad to hear cause he's a good guy and he makes good games .. Hoping he gets well soon in the best shape possible.

Sciurus_vulgaris2704d ago (Edited 2703d ago )

To be fair Hideki does have a notorious temper, clearly evident by his twitter rants, when something doesn't go his way.

Omnislashver362704d ago

Sorry but I think it's more Hideki's fault than Microsoft's. I mean he was the one that chose the douchey main character and dubstep instead of Medieval-esque lore like Drakengard. What kind of response do you think he would get for that game?

darthv722704d ago

Sorry Naruga, this is more Nintendo's style of game, not Sony's.

sampson31212704d ago (Edited 2704d ago )

sony waits most times for devs to get new ip's right. MS, not so much.

In the end this just sucks for gaming in general.
devs put so much time into these games.

gangsta_red2704d ago


"...douchey main character and dubstep instead of Medieval-esque lore like Drakengard"

Seems like the standard Japanese protagonist you find in a lot of their games and animes, I didn't have one problem with the main character. But I did see some people get worked up because he wore headphones.


Omnislashver362704d ago (Edited 2704d ago )


Standard Anime or J character? Seriously? What anime have you been watching, stupid card-game shows? Most anime main characters are typical guys with Japanese hairstyles, no headphones, and many times in a Japanese school suit. Hardly any except for a few stupid shows have guys that look anything like Scalebound, sorry.

I know it's just a matter of opinion when I say this, but I'm 100% sure a Drakengard themed game with the same engine would obliterate sales of a finished Scalebound game. Even not a Drakengard themed game... Throw any Japanese hairstyled guy in a school 3-piece suit and play out dragons and it would still work better. Scalebound's character design was the absolute lowest common denominator in my opinion.

Most anime styled characters:

You had to dig deep to find that singular shit example. Same with dubstep. There may be one or two anime with dubstep, but 99.9999999999% of them have orchestrated soundtracks. This isn't even lowest common denominator level, this is shitty outlier level.

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Dan_scruggs2704d ago

Try a month of game development with any company. Ever wonder why the turnover rate is so high. No one would admit it but one of the worst is Naughty Dog. They make great games but a the cost of the personal lives and mental health of its employees.

sampson31212704d ago

wealthy employees. making art can be hard, but the rewards, both financial and artistic, is what they work so hard for.

Ravenor2704d ago

Or you could try reading the article, Platinum has been spread so thin I'm surprised Nier is as good as it is after Transformers, Korra and Ninja Turtles (they're all awful).

LOL_WUT2704d ago

You can add Bayonetta 2 to that list ;)

Ravenor2704d ago

It wasn't as good as Bayo1, but I'd take it in a second over Korra or Ninja Turtles.

2704d ago
Kyosuke_Sanada2703d ago (Edited 2703d ago )

Have to disagree about Transformers, it was actually well received. Its only flaw was it's length but the combat, sound and visuals easily delivers.

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PlayableGamez-2704d ago

So you are going to blame MS for this man having mental health problems? Remember this is a guy who will block you on Twitter for asking him if Bayonetta 3 is going to happen.

Gazondaily2704d ago

Ahahah MS made Kamiya go crazy?! 😂😂😂

Ah foxtrot...never change!

RedPill862704d ago

Going from AA trash to a AAA game with AAA standards and a AAA budget. Sounds like he bit off more than he could chew, his "mental health" being blamed on Microsoft is pure fanboy BS.

2704d ago
FunAndGun2703d ago

"AA trash"

trash? really, TRASH!?

god, I hate "gamers" like you.

DigitalRaptor2704d ago (Edited 2704d ago )

It might not be because of Microsoft, but let's be honest. Kamiya has been very vocal in his dislike of Microsoft and how they were handling the game. If it wasn't pressure from the ones funding the game, for things like rushing out a demo for a press conference or to get the game out in a specific year, then what else could be causing such huge issues for him? Changing the game from his original vision? We all know this is the game Kamiya has always dreamt of making, so it would be incredibly stressful to see any of that compromised to suit Microsoft's western marketing requirements. Who knows?

Gazondaily2704d ago

We don't know is precisely my point.Maybe it was stress caused by MS who knows but to automatically assume it was Xbox causing the breakdown is premature no?

_-EDMIX-_2704d ago

I'm not sure him working with Microsoft caused that.

Erik73572704d ago (Edited 2704d ago )

You really think THAT was the reason for the mental health problems?😂

But microsoft line up looks absolutly terrible with their line up. Swear they are getting out of console business. Only good one now coming out is Crackdown 3

Kenshin_BATT0USAI2703d ago

Crackdown 3 which is all but vapourware as we havn't seen the game in almost 2 years now.

BongSmack2704d ago

Before judging him for his choice of employer keep in mind the industry as a whole can be brutal, especially for developers. Being the head developer would be exponentially more stressful. So just because he's with Microsoft doesn't mean that's why he's on medical leave.

rocketpanda2703d ago

One of the most grossly overly exaggerated assumptions of 2017 and it's only January.

Welcome to the world of game development. And people wonder why some many games get rinsed and repeated rather than original ideas.

Hotabang2703d ago

@omnislasher so you wouldve loved a character that was both male and female at the same time?

your reasoning is very weird to say the least, you say that the main problem with the game was the main character, which makes 0 sense

i suppose these games shouldve been cancelled too then

spicelicka2703d ago

I can't imagine it would be much different with any other publisher. It's not like other publishers have some kind of mental health treatment programs.

Perhaps MS put a lot of restrictions on them, but there's no proof of that. They've had yearsss to make this game, and from what i saw, looked very "Platinum" as they would have liked. Seems like there may have been internal studio issues.

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FallenAngel19842704d ago

Sounds like Kamiya is bound to scale back his efforts

Erik73572704d ago

Lol, didn't like the pun?

sdcard4gb2703d ago

Come on, man, don't be a dickcheese XD

FallenAngel19842704d ago

Don't cry cuz I have devil may care attitude about the situation

Gazondaily2704d ago

No the joke was just really bad.

I know. I'm a master at bad jokes.

FallenAngel19842704d ago

You may be a long time resident at making them, but that doesn't mean you can be evil 2 others who do the same

never4get2704d ago

UNREAL ENGINE 4 IS TOXIC. It attracts developer with unattainable graphics quality on console then wreck their soul. UE4 is the devil that make developers cry. UE4 destroys developer minds. KH3, FFVII remake going to be Great? Prepare to be disappointed, UE4 is TOXIC.

Jotaku2703d ago

UE4 also created hipsters, AIDS, and was the shooter on the grassy knoll! Repent your sins for UE4 is the harbinger of the end of days!

zombiewombie2703d ago

I applaud you sir, you're surely Bound for great things. ;)

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Cussing2704d ago

Dang! Scalebound was one of the only games that really looked interesting to me. R.I.P :(

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Forget about Scalebound and Bayonetta 3, Platinum should be working on a Vanquish sequel

Why this criminally underrated shooter should share the spotlight with Platinum’s finest.

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ZeekQuattro845d ago

They should be working to getting games out on a timely matter not adding more games to the pile. I used to be a big fan of Platinum but their game turn out rate is atrocious these days. The games I want are no where to be seen and what is releasing is retro looking games no one asked for. I'm all for retro style games but not at the cost of bigger games sitting on the back burner for years at a time.

MIDGETonSTILTS17844d ago

Obvs…. Vanquish is da bomb 🤙


Scalebound Deserves A Second Chance

PlatinumGames wants to bring Scalebound back, and Microsoft should listen.

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Sciurus_vulgaris845d ago

“Excitement” and “interest” in Scalebound seemed to only occur after it was canceled… However, IO interactive is rumoured to be developing a game involving Dragons for Xbox Studios. So maybe IO Interactive’s title could be branded as Scalebound.

Bathyj844d ago

I agree. The game looked terrible. People only got upset because it's cancellation was a dig at Microsoft but I was with them on this one. Better to cancel a game then release a bad one. Then again someone might have liked it. I don't speak for everyone.

Kados844d ago (Edited 844d ago )

Personally was looking forward to it prior to cancellation. It looked a little rough/janky, but it was still very early in development, so i figured it would improve before launch.

Orpheo844d ago

I think the cancellation was a smart move. The main character looks cool, like Nero from "Devil May Cry 4," but the gameplay looked so boring I was yawning.

844d ago
phoenixwing844d ago

I like platinum as a dev but let's be honest they were doing their low tier work on the game which they're notorious for. They'll either do S tier perfection work or they'll do whatever to just get by for the contract they have. Maybe that's changed but they were doing low tier for microsoft and microsoft called them out on it and cancelled the project. I don't blame microsoft one bit for doing that. It was basically a whatever project for platinum while they worked on the other game at the time, i forget which one it was but it was just miles better.

MadLad844d ago

Microsoft already owns the IP, has the design docs, and has a playable build. Hand the project off to an internal team or another 3rd party.
Why give a second chance to a team that phoned in development and filtered their funds into other projects?

I like Platinum, but their management can be really shady.

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Bringing Scalebound to Xbox Series X Would Remedy One Big Xbox One Gen Mistake

PlatinumGames seems ready to finish Scalebound, and if Microsoft follows through with them, it would be a big boon for the Xbox Series X gen.

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darthv72847d ago

If MS wants to finish it, they dont need PG to do it. They have plenty of other talent now vs before.

847d ago
847d ago Replies(4)
moriarty1889847d ago

Makemit happen MS. You need a game like this as badly as you needed it last gen. Let’s see if they actually care enough to follow through.

847d ago
moriarty1889847d ago

Something other than Halo, Forza or Gears……..that’s what.

TravsVoid847d ago (Edited 847d ago )

You couldn't pay me to ever play another Halo, Forza or Gears. Those games were so uninteresting last gen for me I don't know if I will ever get another Xbox (sold my One X) even though I prefer their controller and console features over my PS5. I actually bought a Xbox One even though I already had a PS4 expecting Scalebound and Sea of Thieves to be amazing and we all know how that turned out.

anast847d ago

This will be the blockbuster they are looking for...

847d ago
Terry_B847d ago

Should have been a launch Title.

847d ago
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