Almoat Time For Our Gaming Panels At Wondercon


CRank: 74Score: 1390620
Joined 27 Mar 2008 ( 5914d ago )
Last seen 2h ago
Gender m
Location North America
Birthday 19 Oct (134d left)

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Gareth Von Kallenbach is a syndicated movie & game critic, writer, author and frequent radio guest. His work has appeared in over 60 publications worldwide and he is the creator of the rising entertainment site "Skewed and Reviewed". He has three books of film, game reviews and interviews published and is a well-received and in demand speaker on the convention circuit. Gareth has appeared in movies and is a regular guest on the top rated Seattle morning show and his new Web TV show. He has also worked in the game industry giving him insider access to the latest industry news. He is finishing the third of four Star Wars fan films he wrote and directed and recently had parts in the upcoming film versions of "Postal" and "Far Cry" and other recent films.