
CRank: 5Score: 147580

Some people like myself prefer the good ol' sticks to keyboard and mouse combination. And the community of PSN and occasionally xbox live (when you are not partnered up with 12 year olds or frat boys) is more enjoyable to some.

5394d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

"Why do you care about trophies so much? They are useless!!! If you buy or don't buy a game because of trophy support, you are a LOSER!!!"

You're right in calling him a loser. Loser in the sense that he just lost 15 bucks he could have spent on another game. Trophies matter, because if it turns out the game sucks, or he doesn't like it, then at least he gets something out of playing it and didn't just blow 15 bucks.

So stop complaining about people who ...

5394d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

This sucks! I've been waiting 2 whole weeks in anticipation for this game, and now there isn't even a release date :'(

5396d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well, to tell you the truth, I think Infinity Ward figured out that people would rather have good graphics with an amazing framerate than great graphics with a framerate that dips below 30fps quite frequently. I'll let you guess which game I'm talking about.

5396d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment

Ok, people, let's stop talking about unrelated games here. Yes, I am sure you think that we all love to hear your opinion on why you THINK killzone 2 is teh best FPS ever and nothing will ever top it, but we don't want to hear it. Killzone 2 was a great game, and so was Call of Duty 4. And this next installment of Call of Duty will be amazing as well.

Why do you come here and post comments about Killzone 2? You are like those fanboy trolls who try to post a negative comment o...

5397d ago 2 agree5 disagreeView comment

It's actually the other way around. We (console gamers)have beautiful games that ALSO have incredible gameplay ie Killzone 2/the Uncharted franchise. Crysis may look better than those games (arguably) but it is so damn boring, that I honestly would rather have my ps3 than the most powerful pc (when it comes to gaming of course).

5398d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

Ok fermcr11, let me tell you something. Sit down before you hear this, because it might just blow your mind, you could fall down at the very idea of it, and you might end up hurting yourself.


I'll give you a couple of minutes to recuperate from this shocking revelation before you read the rest of my comment.

Ok, that should be enough time. Yes, quantity does not equal quality. I am s...

5399d ago 7 agree4 disagreeView comment

I'm pretty sure Battlefield: Bad Company does it too.

5399d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment


5402d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

You f*cker, I haven't finished Heavenly Sword yet!


5402d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Don't tell me what to do!

*hits disagree button*

5411d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

"Maybe if they didn't add multiplayer it would've been done before 2010.

Seriously, does every bloody FPS nowadays need it? Really?"

Oh stop whining like a brat. Multiplayer will add to BioShock's perfection even more. BioShock has been my favorite game of all time, and I love the first one, and don't curse it for not having multiplayer. However, assuming that the devs can fufill the astonishing work that they've accomplished with the first game, while a...

5411d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Oh really? Well, since you think the snow is better in Uncharted 2, then I guess I will choose Uncharted 2 over Call of Duty 6 just because of the snow. Thank you for enlightening me with your brilliance and wisdom.

5413d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Sir, what seems to be the problem?

5413d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


Actually, it's a great deal for both 360 AND PSN owners. And I don't really care about PC games, I HATE the keyboard and mouse setup. I have tried it over and over again, trying to get used to it, but it's just horribly uncomfortable, and is not very good for gaming in my opinion.

Though if you are primarily a pc gamer, you will most likely be an elitist douchebag who thinks he is better than everyone else because he is playing on a platform that ma...

5414d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I hope they add a double jump feature. Sackboy/sackgirl felt too heavy and can't jump very high. I know I know, I suck or I just don't know "how to play", as you worshipers who think this game is perfect will say to me, but I still would very much have liked to not fall to my death so easily. Could also have used a little bit more balance when landing too, but that one wouldn't matter so much if the first thing could be added.

Amazing game though, and beyond my first...

5415d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

Well then you haven't played CoD2.

5415d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

F*ck you guys, Resistance 2 kicked ass.

5416d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Dragon Quest 8 kicked some major ass. It was probably my first major playthrough of a jrpg, and I loved it. Damn, it was such a good game.

5418d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Stop being so damn insecure. You got a disagree, so what? Are you gonna cry because people don't agree with your opinion? What is it with people and whining about people disagreeing with them on this site? It's not like someone stole something from you or called you a bad name.

This site is really insecure when it comes to disagrees. You see people saying something like "I personally think this is a good game, yada yada" then they see a disagree and come back with ...

5420d ago 2 agree5 disagreeView comment