CRank: 5Score: 5090

Sony will never be a big player in the Cloud gaming market. Their business model is focused on traditional consoles and selling games at $60. Cloud Gaming thrives on monthly subscriptions with access to unlimited content. Unless Sony can transition their games onto PSNow in a sustainable way, they will be irrelevant to the Cloud gaming discussion.

1338d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I expect Game Pass to grow rapidly, because of its integration with social media platforms and partnerships with device makers.

To compete in the Cloud Gaming market and be a dominate player, you need both of these things.

1373d ago 3 agree8 disagreeView comment

Project XCloud has a lot of potentials to bring exposure to the Xbox ecosystem and brand. The partnership with Facebook has pretty much meant that Sony is now left out of the cold to find a partner with a social media company.

I have to say Sony truly has squandered any hope for PSNow to be a big player in the Cloud gaming market.

1420d ago 1 agree5 disagreeView comment

How is this different from local gameplay? Local gameplay suffers from the same problem.

1440d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I don't think many people realise how much of a disadvantage Sony is at partnering with device makers and the consequences it will have on the future growth of PSNow.

In the streaming market, exposure is key and Microsoft potentially bundling Game Pass with Smart TVs, TV boxes, mobile devices are a BIG advantage.

1440d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Because PS is their core business, Sony cannot sustain the losses that PS Now will endure in a subscription gaming market, especially if it becomes the dominant way to compete, Companies will keep their core business profits and revenue high and use that money to subsidise to invade into other markets.

If Microsoft subsidises Game Pass and it gains major traction, Sony will need to sacrifice their core business profits and revenue to compete.

First Party ...

1594d ago 0 agree11 disagreeView comment

It's pretty much inevitable that Game Pass will have the most subscribers within the Console Industry and outside Consoles.

Subscriptions Services, especially in the entertainment industry, is VERY hard.

Sub gaming services need to accomplish 3 things to be successful in the long run:
1. Be profitable enough to be sustainable for the platform
2. Fair compensation for content creators
3. Sustain enough content at a low enough...

1594d ago 0 agree11 disagreeView comment

It's sustainable for MS because they can absorb the losses without making an impact to the overall company. Whereas Nintendo and Sony were they to follow suit, it would cause a massive impact to the company and could bankrupt them.

1603d ago 1 agree7 disagreeView comment

It's sustainable for Microsoft. Its highly doubtful its sustainable for companies like Sony. This is probably why MS is doing it.

1603d ago 6 agree11 disagreeView comment

There will be a place for Consoles but its future is only for hardcore gamers and not the mainstream casual gamer. They will most likely move to Streaming.

1603d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

PS Now is pretty much irrelevant at this point because Sony doesn't put their games and invest enough in the service, therefore it will be ignored.

1605d ago 3 agree6 disagreeView comment

Because consoles are toys whereas computers and Smartphones are essential tools in modern society.

1607d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Consoles exclusives will absolutely go away, it's inevitable. If Sony wants a space in the Cloud Gaming Platform space, they would need to kill of Console Exclusives and not tie their content to hardware.

From the way things are going, Sony is going to irrelevant in the Cloud Subscription space, because Sony fans want them to focus on Consoles.

1611d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Discs have been declining in sales for years now.

The reality is that different generations have different taste, younger people will likely prefer subscriptions over purchases.

1621d ago 0 agree8 disagreeView comment

Because along with Stadia indies and third parties continue to ignore PS Now and the X019 event shows it.

1641d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

The key in getting a foothold in the market is low prices good content and value and infrastructure, partnerships. Microsoft has the ability to have a lower barrier of entry with XCloud now supporting Game Pass. They also have their first-party content on Game Pass/XCloud and their content is improving, Game Pass has much more value than PS Now and Azure Data centres are in the country. Microsoft already has the ability to get strong partnerships with carriers as shown with them partnering wi...

1641d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

PS Now offers no incentive for users to keep subscribing to the service. 3 Months for first-party SP games isn't enough to keep them. That alone is why PS Now will likely struggle in this type of market.

Other problems include Sony's short term gain mentality for profit first vs growth first.

1643d ago 2 agree12 disagreeView comment

I think we can all agree that this business model is hard to money and you need Big Money to sustain. Something Sony doesn't have.

1648d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Sony's focus on profit first will reduce growth in the service. 700K user base of PS Now is a consequence of that. If you want aggressive growth you need to sacrifice profit to do that, if you want profit you need to sacrifice growth.

Game Pass is likely at around 10 Million Subs, exactly because Microsoft is willing to sacrifice profit for growth in the user base.

1663d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Economics differs from large companies to smaller companies and how much of the business matters to the overall company. Microsoft doesn't care about losing money on Game Pass, because Xbox is currently in aggressive invest mode and all they care is about getting Game Pass subs, MS is also large enough to absorb the losses made and Xbox contribution to the overall company is small.

Sony is the opposite, they are a smaller company, so they don't have much of an abili...

1674d ago 2 agree4 disagreeView comment