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PS3 kills 360 in worldwide sales. Now cry more.

4925d ago 12 agree7 disagreeView comment

Me ? I live somewhere else, like the majority of people on this website.

So I don't care a fuck about the US and NPD.

Worldwide, Sony wins easily.

Mic check...

PS3 destroys 360 in weekly sales every week everywhere except in the US.

Only reason 360 is still "in front" is it released one full year before.

Mic check...

So you're another redneck... no wonder a...

4925d ago 5 agree4 disagreeView comment

NPD = one country in the world

Every other country (300+) chose the PS3 so go on, make us laugh Greendouche and M$

4925d ago 10 agree8 disagreeView comment

Yeah but we love our master MS, so we'll play dumb games and pay more for Live just like that, because we love him like slaves and don't like using our brains instead.

That's how dumb MS fans are, happy to play kiddie games, having zero core exclusive and paying more and more for playing free peer 2 peer games.

Brainwashed I guess.

4935d ago 13 agree16 disagreeView comment

In 2 countries in the world yeah, and failing in the 300 others

4935d ago 11 agree23 disagreeView comment

2.5 million is not even enough to avoid losing money for MS...

PS Move sold 3 million and unlike MS, Sony didn't need a 500 million marketing budget.

Kinect is selling in ONE country in the world (maybe 2 with the UK), and it's a flop everywhere else, as it should.

4935d ago 16 agree16 disagreeView comment

PS Move sold 3 million and unlike MS, Sony didn't need a 500 million marketing budget.

2.5 million is not even enough to avoid losing money for MS...

Kinect is selling in ONE country in the world (maybe 2 with the UK), and it's a flop everywhere else, as it should.

PS Move has both more precision and a lot more core games.

4935d ago 22 agree25 disagreeView comment

Bought GT5 in France yesterday. It's true it's sold everywhere here.

GT5 rocks.

4943d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Everybody is "lucky" here. Every French shop is selling it (Cora, Auchan, Fnac, Micromania, Game...)

It's not very hard to find it. Don't know what happened. Guess they got bored with independent shops selling early.

4945d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yes, GT5 is in sale everywhere here in France.

4945d ago 8 agree0 disagreeView comment

It's called debating. Or do you want only "Kinect is so greaaaat" in every post ?

If people think Kinect sucks or the thread is a lie, they'll tell it. There's nothing you can do about it. It's not trolling, it's disagreeing.

People hate Kinect because they think no valuable / deep real game can be made with this thing, which is confirmed by the casual shovelware already published (Kineyetoy dance / animals / sports...)

4945d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

If PS Move does indeed sell the same as Kinect, it's a huge failure for MS since Kinect cost them billions in R & D and marketing (500 million marketing budget), and PS Move didn't cost a lot to Sony.

4945d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

Wishful thinking. 1.3 million is all it sold right now.

Plus, Gears or Modern Warfare are absolutely not playable with Kinect in any acceptable way, unless you want to take 10 minutes to kill someone because aiming lacks precision.

4945d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

This guy is on drugs, Kinect won't even sell 5 million.

Sales are already disapointing, MS sold 1.3 million Kinect worldwide until now vs 3 million PS Move, and sales are slowing down quickly.

The difference (outside the fact PS Move works a lot better obviously) is MS had a 500 million marketing budget and Sony nearly nothing, so until now it costs MS hundreds of billion $ in R & D and Marketing...

Kinect could end up being one of th...

4945d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Edge is a joke magazine run by 12 year old MS fanboys. I can't understand why anybody would read their reviews anymore.

Kinect Sports : 8, better than KZ2 or MGS4, yeah sure

4945d ago 13 agree10 disagreeView comment

Or Kinect just sucks.

4952d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

More hardcore Kinect announcements in 2011 from MS :

"We're giving up on Kinect"

4952d ago 5 agree2 disagreeView comment

It doesn't sell well at all considering the 500 million $ marketing budget.

It's another failure and more lost money for MS right now.

4954d ago 3 agree4 disagreeView comment

Eyepet > Kinectimals any day.

PS Move destroys Kineyetoy v1.2.

It's a lot more precise and it has core games.

Kinect will never have anything other than casual shovelware because of its technical limitations.

4954d ago 7 agree5 disagreeView comment

and it still doesn't sell well, at least worse than PS Move which didn't use a 500 million $ marketing budget, which means more lost money for MS. Go figure.

So no, apparently they don't know anything about marketing, otherwise Vista or Kin wouldn't have been huge failures costing billions of $.

4954d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment