
CRank: 13Score: 34920

So now me not wanting a dangerous individual spreading 9/11/Charlottesville conspiracy theories to have a platform makes me a Nazi. Amazing. (And by the way, I'd consider a video using him as a springboard for a lolworthy argument to be about him, but I guess that doesn't stop you from lying)

That you're dismissing links proving you wrong because they're apparently "radical socialist" only displays the typical right-wing defense mechanism of dismis...

2266d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

"For one thing, Trump being president has nothing to do with racists. The same people who voted for Obama voted for Trump, so it ridiculous to say only racists voted for Trump. In fact, if what you believe were true, Obama would've never been president, so much for you having a valid argument. ;) "

Stop being intentionally obtuse. I never claimed every Trump voter is racist (although it's not a stretch to say most of them are) and you and I both know "...

2266d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

actually I'm pretty sure I outlined why the relevant responses are being nazi apologists (which isn't necessarily the same thing as being a Nazi, btw), but okay

nice lack of an actual counter argument, btw

2266d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

your entire argument is rendered invalid in the face of Donald Trump being president. So much for no one listening to racists. :(

(in b4 "oh oh oh but the guy who began his campaign on a racist lie and was a major proponent behind the obama birther conspiracy isn't racist!!111")

Also, Nazis =/- Socialists. Do your research. And I'm certain you can figure out for yourself why someone as disgusting as Sargon of Akkad shouldn't be given...

2266d ago 0 agree6 disagreeView comment

"I’m a nazi apologist because I laughed at your ridiculous statement?"

No, because you're trivializing Nazism as a thing to "agree" with.

"I’m not the one who created a website to enact my “superiority” over others lol."

Joke's on you, buddy: site's been around for eight years before I signed on!

"Nazi Germany doesn’t exist anymore by the way, neither do Nazis."

2266d ago 1 agree9 disagreeView comment

yeah man it's not climate change or unstable superpowers that'll end the world but, uh, we refusing to give those poor nazis a platform to express their opinions of committing genocide, oh no.

ps you're being a nazi apologist

2266d ago 0 agree5 disagreeView comment

Wow, I'm an SJW?!? Awesome, I always wanted to be a superhero! Now to find out what my superpowers are...

(Seriously, that's the most self-defeating insult ever, lol)

2266d ago 1 agree6 disagreeView comment

welp that's an example of nazi apologism if I ever saw one

also your other post makes absolutely no sense and displays a complete lack of understanding regarding the story at hand ("outing people" =/= banning hate groups)

2266d ago 1 agree7 disagreeView comment

Hey, all! Just so you know, if you defend the hate groups on the grounds of "but freeze peach!!!11", then congrats: you are now a Nazi apologist. Also, you should probably read this handy XKCD comic:

If you'd like to further engage us on this matter, please come visit our site's comments sections at the expense of probably violating the comment moderation ...

2267d ago 4 agree17 disagreeView comment

To be fair, that one's still active: http://store.steampowered.c...

Not exactly sure why that one was singled out, but oh well.

2267d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment
2323d ago Show

Imagine being Jewish and seeing this. Then come back and say this is an overreaction.

2323d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment
2323d ago Show
2323d ago Show

Yet if you leave them alone, you normalize them and allow them to fester. In an age where social media and the like does absolutely nothing to curb them, it's all the more vital to speak out. Stop apologizing for them.

2323d ago 2 agree9 disagreeView comment

If only such people existed. Oh well.

2323d ago 5 agree5 disagreeView comment

No one said anything about that? Thanks for proving you're A-okay with Nazis, I guess.

2323d ago 6 agree10 disagreeView comment

Or, y'know, you can stop being a free speech apologist for Nazis.

2323d ago 13 agree36 disagreeView comment

Remind me again not only does which party Neo-Nazis align with but what party our sitting president, who referred to them as "very fine people," belongs to.

2323d ago 18 agree12 disagreeView comment

The use of not just "national socialists" but in reference to an actual wing of Nazis makes it insanely obvious what it's supposed to be. My guess is they used a Manji to dodge censors.

2323d ago 16 agree1 disagreeView comment