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Some of the most informative posts on this forum have been made in pics.



Banjo Kazooie looks terrifc, and Rare is going to knock one out of the park. ...

5864d ago 8 agree3 disagreeView comment

Clearly you're not paying attention here.

LBP didnt invent "patchwork looking levels". Yoshi's Story (at least) featured just the same look years ago.

Also, are you saying that Level Editors and CoOp didnt exist before LBP?

I mean, can you please come back to Planet Reality?

5864d ago 7 agree1 disagreeView comment


Are you kidding? R&C wasnt exactly the first videogame to feature giant gears in the levels.

Please, give it a rest, look at the screeshots posted around in this forum, it will help inform your understanding of videogame history.

At *least* Yoshi Story featured "patchwork levels" that LBP has honoured by adopting. Are you going to rant that LBP ripped-off Yoshi's Story?

There is a heck of a better case to be m...

5864d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

Exactly! The two machines are roughly the same in hardware (the PS3 has a BR drive for movies...which would be cool if I didnt use Digital Distribution (bt anyone?) for all my movies... but thats about it).

These two machines have about the same amount of horsepower, so, what does that mean? Its all up to the *software*.

And, up to this point. The Xbox 360 exclusive games have been head-and-shoulders better. I've had only Uncharted and R&C that I thougth ...

5890d ago 6 agree10 disagreeView comment

Well, we know that MS gives everyone free repairs. We also know that MS fixed the hardware's heat issues. That was like in mid-2007.

You know, MS acted quick and took care of its customers. When my PS2 blew up, i couldnt even get my local Sony-rep or help-line to return my calls.

But this Konami/Sony game isnt even RELEASED yet, after all this time, Sony's done nothing to get PSN up to speed. Its still just broken compared to LIVE.

I really sug...

5890d ago 9 agree17 disagreeView comment

I agree. When my PS2 blew up, I couldnt even get someone at Sony to return my calls.

I wish Sony had given me an extended warranty and free repairs like Microsoft did for the Xbox 360 guys. And, I knew so many people who had failed PS2s, I wonder if Sony was as fast as Microsoft was to fix the hardware problems they had.

At this point, I'm only mildly happy with my PS3. Im certainly buying a Xbox 360 soon, the question is, should I sell my PS3 or hope Sony fix...

5890d ago 3 agree7 disagreeView comment

Thank-you for making that clear.

Half the time here, I wonder if my fellow PS3 owners have never had the pleasure of playing on an Xbox 360.

Before the PS3 was released, I had played Xbox 360 many times, but I was sure Sony could pull it off, so I bought a PS3 at launch. A $600 mistake.

To PS3 guys who are always flaming Xbox 360: The way LIVE works with the Guide really must be experienced to understand. The PSN is just broken to the core compa...

5890d ago 6 agree4 disagreeView comment

I bought my PS3 at launch, and I've been sitting *waiting* for Sony to get up to speed.

Why cant they pull it together? By the time they get their sh1t straight, we'll all be looking forward to PS4/Xbox 3

The PS3 is going to go down in history as the biggest failure in gaming history -- a flame-out like Sega Saturn -- from the PS2 with 120M and a great library of leading games, to the PS3 -- 3rd place with a thud while its competitors out-flanked them at every t...

5890d ago 4 agree4 disagreeView comment


" I'll wait for the reviews, and whichever version is better, I will buy. I really dont care about one console over the other, I just want the best version of a game on whatever system."

Everyone -- EVERYONE -- I know had a PS2 fail on them. either the drive, the motherboard something, jesus, there were storefront shops in my home-town that ONLY repaired PS2s.

Did Sony replace all those machines? NO! Ive got two broken PS2s in ...

5907d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

Final Fantasy and Final Fantasy Versus are not two games man. Get real.

Though, like GT5, they're going to try and charge us twice for what should be one game.

5907d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I normally come to the defence of Sony in situations like this. But this is pretty cheap sour grapes.

I'm a massive GTA fan, I have 6(?) GTA games, and GTA and both Expansions, Vice City and San Andreas.

Now, that Xbox 360 is getting the Expansions exclusively via DLC? Im not a little bit pissed.

I'm pretty sure I'll be selling my launch PS3 for an Elite. Now that they've worked out the heat issues (last year).

Sony really blew it...

5907d ago 4 agree3 disagreeView comment

"Every SKU should be able to play that console's entire library of game's from the very first to the very last, and without dropping any feature's, all of it!"

Yeah, and why dont all the PS3s have Backwards Compatibility, multi-memory card port or the 4 USB ports?

"It's fine to sell/push peripherals, but you cant remove an essential part of the machine to lower cost/RRP only to force these people to have to buy it at a later date at inflated price'...

5924d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

arent the same as giving something away.

Heck, I didnt get rumble or MGS4 when I bought my PS3 for $600+tx.

5924d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

The GTAIII expansions, GTA: Vice City and GTA: Liberty City sold *MORE* copies than the original GTAIII.

So, you're in a minority. More people went on to buy the two expansions.

5924d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

How do I feel?

Pissed. Pissed like hell. Sony damn well knew that the GTA series is what made the PS2 sell so many units.

This time around, they screwed the pooch.

Frankly, I'm pretty confident that I'll be selling my PS3 soon. I'm not about to drop another $120 for rumble controllers ontop of the $600 i spent.

We have a HD-DVD & BluRay player in the Entertainment room, I bought my PS3 for games, not a BR player.

5924d ago 2 agree4 disagreeView comment

I know ahaha! I mean, what does the Xbox 360 have? Sure, it has double the sales of the PS3, sure, it wins all the game awards and gets the best game reviews for its exclusives and multiplatforms.

Sure, the attach rates are higher. And the Xbox LIVE has a lot more featuers than PSN. But, like, so what eh? So what if the machine comes with rumble controllers.

Does the Xbox 360 have teh CELL like the PSTriple? NO!

Hahah PSTriple and CELL for the...

5930d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Yeah, people who are anti-sony sure are idiots eh? Its not like being kewl and being anti-MS.

All the kewlest dudes hates MS and think the PS3 is the best. Someone should tell these professional game writers and industry analysts just how much they are missing by not being anti-MS.


5930d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yeah, they must be smoking something because PS3 isnt the top console. Everyone knows it except those who dont!

5930d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Exactly! Just because there are more than 18M Xbox 360s, doesnt mean that the PS3 hasnt caught up!

And look at all the PS3 exclusives that are the best ever! HS, Uncharted, Oblivion and Warhawk are the best games of this generation.

PS3 should totally be #1.

5930d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

No way, this list is totally wrong. Everybody knows the PS3 is the greatest ever with teh CELL and BluRay!

5930d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment