CRank: 5Score: 13630

it sold a ton copies in 24 hours, not bad at all

good job R*!

remember, of that 800 million, rockstar themselves only see 30% if they are lucky

3899d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

yeah, on console it does look like trash, the pc version of blacklist DESTROYS this game

3899d ago 3 agree7 disagreeView comment

im a personal trainer actually

I help people who have lost their grip on reality surrounding diet and exercise

I try to come here in my spare time and do the same for sony and xbox fans who think their "next gen" systems will somehow be even close to a gaming pc from 2010

3899d ago 0 agree6 disagreeView comment

cool, a 2007 feature


how about mandatory native 1920x1080p resolution

mandatory 4x msaa

mandatory v-sync

things that matter

I don't want to buy a ps4 or xbox1 and play games in 900p with jaggies everywhere

I could do that in 2003 on pc (except without the jaggies)

at least get up to par with 2008 gaming MINIMUM standards Microsoft and sony!

3900d ago 1 agree8 disagreeView comment

since both the ps4 and xbox1 are far below even a 3 year old , $150 gpu performance and capability wise, what difference will it make

the only people who will benefit from using weak amd hardware to play console/pc multiplats with be low end users

everyone with a mid-high end modern gpu of either amd or NVidia design will be gaming at MUCH higher values than anything on ps4/xbox1

WAY higher resolutions, much higher anti aliasing, much higher ...

3900d ago 7 agree1 disagreeView comment

finally some decent graphics to go with this awesome series

about on par with a pc splinter cell (not as good as the new one, blacklist on pc, but as good as the pc version of double agent, which is a huge step up for mgs!)

3900d ago 2 agree13 disagreeView comment

deep down has been deeply downgraded since the FAKE trailer with the FAKE ui back in march that was supposed to make you think it was gameplay

here are actual in-game, 1080p screenshots


I have played TONS of f2p mmos and never spent a cent!

but lots of people love spending money on micro transactions

3900d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

the controls suck and so does the framerate

so, no, its not just that the graphics are sub-hd and awful, the gameplay is crappy on console too

worst of both worlds

diablo 3 is fail on ps3/360 and AWESOME on pc

like always

3900d ago 2 agree4 disagreeView comment

diablo 3 looks TERRIBLE on console

its 1120x584p and runs like trash

there are jaggies everywhere, even on the character models themselves for petes sake

the controls suck and the U.I. is a mess

diablo 3 is great on pc, the auction house is half the fun after you've beaten the game a few times

its fun to hunt for items to perfect your build

its 50% of the game

the console...

3900d ago 2 agree4 disagreeView comment

lol@ everyone who thought that FAKE cgi trailer with the crappy photoshop tacked on hud was real

this game looks last gen

3900d ago 11 agree10 disagreeView comment

because your game looks like a flash game that should be free to play?

because DICE threw bf4 at the ps4 and it coughed up blood
and couldn't manage 1080p and has to run in medium/almost lowest settings to achieve playable framerates

3901d ago 8 agree12 disagreeView comment

ps4 runs bf4 in sub-1080p at medium settings


not high, not very high, not ultra

medium, a single step above the lowest possible setting

neither next gen console is anything to write home about, both outclassed by a pc from 3 years ago

and if the xbox1 is really weaker than ps4, then that really sucks, because the ps4 is weak as hell

3901d ago 0 agree8 disagreeView comment

you can buy a $150 gpu that SH!TS greasy baby diarrhea all over the ps4 and xbox1

everyone who doesn't live in a trailer park has a quad core pc with 8gb ram

you cannot even buy anything crappier than that at best buy

put a $150 gpu in it and it DUMPS all over xbox1/ps4

3901d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment


"except nobody said they were challenging high end PC's...that is something PC elitists made up in their heads to justify their purchases... "

ohhh really???

3901d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

of course the pc version exists already, don't be dense

the freaking game was MADE on pc and down ported to console like ALL GAMES

that's where all those "bullshots" come from that show the game not covered in jaggies, with nice textures and not looking like crap like the game does on ps3 and 360

the pc version was done before the ps3 and 360 versions

guess what, killzone shadowfall was made on pc too, and RYSE an...

3901d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

star wars the old republic cost WAY more than gta V and it was only for one platform!

gta V may be the most expensive CONSOLE and PC game

but star wars TOR cost more and is pc only!

3901d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment

wait for pc, this literally looks like a slightly upgraded ps2 game

the jaggies and sub-hd ruin the image quality, textures are abysmal

3901d ago 1 agree7 disagreeView comment

lol....."next gen"

first ps4 with bf4 with medium settings in sub-1080p, now a flagship exclusive at 1600x900

how the fu@k is that next gen anything??

I'm not touching these consoles till they hit $200 and have like 20 exclusives that make them worth it

all last gen they sat collecting dust except for every few months when a real EXCLUSIVE would come along that was worth my time, and graphically it was always a di...

3901d ago 2 agree11 disagreeView comment

once its $20 on pc I'll grab it

the games are fun for the satire, but honestly, the gameplay itself is simply decent, nothing earth shattering

but the dark humor and the uniquely rockstar look at the world is what makes it worth a play through for me

but after seeing actual console gameplay, I am going to wait, all those awful jaggies and pop-in make it too distracting to play

3902d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment